





显示$起始范围 - $结束范围/源自可用$可用医生

  1. Safia K. Ahmed, M.D.

    Safia K. Ahmed, M.D.

    1. Phoenix, AZ

    Stereotactic radiosurgery, Brachytherapy, Intraoperative radiation therapy, Proton therapy, Radiation therapy, Intensit...y-modulated radiation therapy, Soft tissue sarcoma, Breast cancer, Pediatric central nervous system tumor

  2. Aman Anand, Ph.D.

    Aman Anand, Ph.D.

    1. Radiation Oncology Medical Physicist
    1. Phoenix, AZ

    Proton therapy, Radiation therapy

  3. William G. Breen, M.D.

    William G. Breen, M.D.

    1. Radiation Oncologist
    1. Rochester, MN

    Gamma knife surgery, Proton therapy, Radiation therapy, Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, Brain metastasis, Mening...ioma, Glioblastoma, Glioma, Melanoma, Lymphoma, Cutaneous t-cell lymphoma, Lung cancer, Mesothelioma, Brain cancer

  4. Paul D. Brown, M.D.

    Paul D. Brown, M.D.

    1. Radiation Oncologist
    1. Rochester, MN

    Brain stereotactic radiosurgery, Stereotactic radiosurgery, Proton therapy, Radiation therapy, Intensity-modulated radi...ation therapy, Brain tumor, Brain metastasis, Spine tumor

  5. Cameron M. Callaghan, M.D.

    Cameron M. Callaghan, M.D.

    1. Radiation Oncologist
    1. Rochester, MN

    Stereotactic radiosurgery, Intraoperative radiation therapy, Proton therapy, Radiation therapy, Stereotactic body radio...therapy, Colon cancer, Rectal cancer, Anal cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Esophageal cancer, Cholangiocarcinoma, Stomach cancer, Hepatocellular carcinoma

  6. Kaisorn L. Chaichana, M.D.

    Kaisorn L. Chaichana, M.D.

    1. Neurosurgeon
    1. Jacksonville, FL

    Brain tumor surgery, Awake brain surgery, Craniotomy, Brain stereotactic radiosurgery, Pituitary tumor surgery, Minimal...ly invasive surgery, Stereotactic radiosurgery, Endoscopic procedure, Minimally invasive neurosurgery, Endoscopic transnasal transsphenoidal surgery, Gamma knife surgery, Radiation therapy, Keyhole craniotomy, Endoscopic skull base surgery, Laser ablation, Skull base surgery, Laser interstitial thermotherapy, Brain tumor, Spinal cord tumor, Brain metastasis, Meningioma, Glioblastoma, Pituitary tumor, Acoustic neuroma, Glioma, Esthesioneuroblastoma, Chondrosarcoma, Ependymoma, Craniopharyngioma, CSF leak, Astrocytoma, Chordoma, Oligodendroglioma, Brain cancer, Oligoastrocytoma, Skull base tumor, Schwannoma, Glioma-associated epilepsy, Brain tumor-associated epilepsy

  7. C. Richard Choo, M.D.

    C. Richard Choo, M.D.

    1. Radiation Oncologist
    1. Rochester, MN

    Brachytherapy, Proton therapy, Radiation therapy, Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, Prostate cancer, Bladder cance...r, Testicular cancer

  8. Victoria E. Clark, M.D., Ph.D.

    Victoria E. Clark, M.D., Ph.D.

    1. Neurosurgeon
    1. Jacksonville, FL

    Brain tumor surgery, Awake brain surgery, Craniotomy, Brain stereotactic radiosurgery, Stereotactic radiosurgery, Minim...ally invasive neurosurgery, Gamma knife surgery, Radiation therapy, Skull base surgery, Laser interstitial thermotherapy, Brain tumor, Spinal cord tumor, Brain metastasis, Meningioma, Glioblastoma, Acoustic neuroma, Glioma, Ependymoma, Astrocytoma, Oligodendroglioma, Brain cancer, Oligoastrocytoma, Skull base tumor, Schwannoma, Glioma-associated epilepsy, Brain tumor-associated epilepsy

  9. Lauren A. Dalvin, M.D.

    Lauren A. Dalvin, M.D.

    1. Ophthalmologist

    Heat therapy, Chemotherapy, Brachytherapy, Photodynamic therapy, Proton therapy, Radiation therapy, Cryotherapy, Childh...ood cancer, Eye melanoma, Retinoblastoma, Conjunctival melanoma, Ocular surface tumor, Uveal melanoma, Vitreoretinal lymphoma

  10. Brian J. Davis, M.D., Ph.D.

    Brian J. Davis, M.D., Ph.D.

    1. Radiation Oncologist
    1. Rochester, MN

    Brachytherapy, Proton therapy, Radiation therapy, Intensity-modulated radiation therapy, Prostate cancer





请参阅美国国家医学图书馆检索服务系统 PubMed 所收录的妙佑医疗国际医生在放射疗法领域的文献著述列表

July 02, 2024
  1. Radiation therapy and you: Support for people with cancer. National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/publications/patient-education/radiation-therapy-and-you. Accessed Jan. 17, 2023.
  2. Radiation therapy. RadiologyInfo.org. https://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info/intro_onco. Accessed Jan. 20, 2023.
  3. External beam therapy (EBT). RadiologyInfo.org. https://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info/ebt. Accessed Jan. 17, 2023.
  4. Mitin T. Radiation therapy techniques in cancer treatment. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Jan. 20, 2023.
  5. What to expect during treatment. American Society for Radiation Oncology. https://www.rtanswers.org/What-is-Radiation-Therapy/What-to-Expect/During-Treatment. Accessed Jan. 20, 2023.
  6. Tepper JE, et al., eds. Intensity-modulated and image-guided radiotherapy. In: Gunderson & Tepper's Clinical Radiation Oncology. 5th ed. Elsevier; 2021. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Sept. 26, 2022.
  7. Hall WA, et al. Magnetic resonance linear accelerator technology and adaptive radiation therapy: An overview for clinicians. CA A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. 2021; doi:10.3322/caac.21707.
  8. Nguyen HT. Allscripts EPSi. Mayo Clinic. May 5, 2022.
