打印 科室与专家门诊 妙佑医疗国际是美国规模最大、经验最丰富的医疗机构之一,在亚利桑那州、佛罗里达州和明尼苏达州都设有院区。我们的工作人员涉及数十种专业,通过齐心协力确保高品质治疗与成功康复。 有相关专长的科室 Inpatient Psychiatric Units in Minnesota Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Clinic Psychiatry and Psychology 明尼苏达州院区的儿科睡眠医学 睡眠医学 肺科 研究此手术的领域 Psychiatry and Psychology Research 来自妙佑医疗国际员工 申请预约 关于 July 02, 2022 打印 显示参考文献 What is cognitive behavioral therapy? American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/ptsd-guideline/patients-and-families/cognitive-behavioral. Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. Psychotherapy. National Alliance on Mental Illness. https://www.nami.org/learn-more/treatment/psychotherapy. Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. Psychotherapies. National Institute of Mental Health. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/psychotherapies/index.shtml. Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. HIPPA privacy rule and sharing information related to mental health. HHS.gov. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/special-topics/mental-health/index.html. Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. What is psychotherapy? American Psychiatric Association. https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/psychotherapy, Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct: Including 2010 and 2016 amendments. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/. Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. PTSD: National Center for PTSD — Types of therapists. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. https://www.ptsd.va.gov/understand_tx/types_therapist.asp. Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. How to choose a psychologist. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/choose-therapist. Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. Understanding psychotherapy and how it works. American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/helpcenter/understanding-psychotherapy. Accessed Feb. 6, 2019. Morin CM, et al. Cognitive-behavior therapy singly and combined with medication for persistent insomnia: Impact on psychological and daytime functioning. Behavior Research and Therapy. 2016;87:109. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Royal College of Psychiatrists. https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health/treatments-and-wellbeing/cognitive-behavioural-therapy-(cbt). Accessed Feb. 7, 2019. Clayton AH, et al. The International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health process of care for management of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. 2018;93:467. Hall-Flavin DK (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Feb. 18, 2019. 相关 人格障碍 儿童头痛 分离性障碍 分离焦虑障碍 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD) 双相障碍 反社会型人格障碍 口吃 后部皮质萎缩 周期性呕吐综合征 囤积障碍 图雷特综合征 失眠 孤立性直肠溃疡综合征 安格尔曼综合征 广场恐惧症 广泛性焦虑障碍 强迫性性行为 强迫性赌博 强迫障碍(OCD) 心理健康提供者:如何寻找 惊恐发作和惊恐障碍 成人注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD) 持续性抑郁障碍 持续性脑震荡后症候群(脑震荡后综合征) 早泄 暴食症 有先兆偏头痛 消化不良 灼口综合征 特定恐惧症 环性心境(环性心境障碍) 癌症替代疗法:11 个可供考虑的选项 睡惊症(夜惊症) 社交焦虑障碍(社交恐惧症) 神经性皮炎 神经性贪食症 类精神分裂型人格障碍 精神分裂型人格障碍 自恋型人格障碍 自残/割伤 自闭症谱系障碍 药物成瘾(物质使用障碍) 药物过量性头痛 虐待儿童 躯体变形障碍 间歇性狂暴症 青少年抑郁症 颞下颌关节紊乱 显示更多相关内容 Mayo Clinic 新闻 Caring for your psychological needs as an adolescent or young adult cancer survivor July 21, 2024, 11:00 a.m. CDT Mayo Clinic Q and A: Countdown to control anxiety Sept. 05, 2023, 01:36 p.m. CDT What is a panic attack? June 01, 2023, 01:00 p.m. CDT What's the best nonhormonal therapy for hot flashes? Experts release new menopause therapy guidelines May 31, 2023, 05:15 p.m. CDT 显示更多来自妙佑医疗国际的新闻 产品与服务 书籍:《妙佑医疗国际家庭健康手册》 简报:妙佑医疗国际卫生来信 — 数字版 显示更多来自妙佑医疗国际的产品和服务 妙佑医疗国际明尼苏达州罗切斯特院区被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为 2024-2025 表现出色的精神科医院。 了解更多关于这一最高荣誉的信息 认知行为疗法关于医生与科室 PRC-20155297 患者护理和健康信息 医学检查与医疗程序 认知行为疗法