البحث عن طبيب

Patricio C. Gargollo, M.D.

  1. Pediatric Urologist

Patricio C. Gargollo, M.D., is a pediatric urologist at the Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN Campus. His clinical areas of focus include:

  • Minimally invasive and robotic assisted surgery
  • Genitourinary oncology including rhabdomyosarcoma, testicular cancer, Wilm's tumor, and pediatric kidney tumors
  • Expertise in management of complex urologic reconstructive surgery including bladder exstrophy, cloacal exstrophy, cloaca and neurogenic bladder
  • Complex coordination of care and diagnosis of unresolved pediatric urologic illness
  • General pediatric urology conditions including hypospadias, vesicoureteral reflux, hydronephrosis, undescended testicle, hernia/hydrocele, circumcision

In addition to his clinical activities, Dr. Gargollo is active in research and education, providing mentorship to residents and fellows. He is the principal investigator for multiple pediatric urology research trials.

He authors expert content and publishes in high-impact scientific journals. He lectures on his areas of expertise both nationally and internationally.

  1. Bladder exstrophy
  2. Cloacal exstrophy
  3. Cloacal malformation
  4. Hypospadias
  5. Inguinal hernia
  6. Kidney tumor
  7. Multiple sclerosis
  8. Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
  9. Pediatric urologic disorders
  10. Rhabdomyosarcoma
  11. Soft tissue sarcoma
  12. Testicular cancer
  13. Transverse myelitis
  14. Undescended testicle
  15. Ureteral obstruction
  16. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
  17. Vesicoureteral reflux
  18. Wilms' tumor
  1. Bladder removal
  2. Bladder repair
  3. Cancer treatment
  4. Minimally invasive surgery
  5. Partial nephrectomy
  6. Pelvic exenteration
  7. Pelvic floor reconstruction
  8. Pelvic tumor surgery
  9. Prostate surgery
  10. Reconstructive surgery
  11. Robotic surgery
  • Pediatric genitourinary tumors
  • Rhabdomyosarcoma
  • Wilm's Tumor
  • Testicular cancer
  • Bladder exstrophy
  • Cloacal exstrophy
  • Minimally invasive and robotic reconstruction surgery
  • Cloacal anomalies
  • Neurogenic bladder
  • Hypospadias
  • Disorders of sexual differentiation
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Undescended testicle
  • Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction
  • Vesico-ureteral reflux (VUR)
  1. 2009
    Fellow - Pediatric UrologyHarvard University, Boston Childrens Hospital
  2. 2006
    Residency - UrologyHarvard Massachusetts General Hospital
  3. 2002
    Residency - General SurgeryHarvard Massachusetts General Hospital
  4. 2000
    MDHarvard Medical School
  5. 1996
    BA - BiologyBaylor University
  6. 1992
    BACornell University


  1. 2015
    Pediatric UrologyAmerican Board of Urology
  2. 2011
    UrologyAmerican Board of Urology

Awards and honors

  1. 2020
    2020 Top DoctorMinnesota Monthly
  2. 2018
    2018 Top DoctorMinnesota Monthly
  3. 2015
    $75,000Denton A. Cooley Surgical Innovation Grant
  4. 2015
    Texas Children's Hospital Research Mentor Award Finalist
  5. 2015
    Mark A. Wallace Catalyst in Leadership Award Nominee
  6. 2015
    Best Case Presentation: "Urologic Considerations in the Separation of Conjoined Twins" (Senior Author)Society for Fetal Urology
  7. 2014
    Best Pediatric Specialists in Dallas 2014D Magazine
  8. 2013
    Texas Rising StarsSuper Doctors 2013
  9. 2013
    Top 10 ReviewerJournal of Pediatric Urology
  10. 2012
    Best Pediatric Specialists in Dallas 2012D Moms Magazine
  11. 2012
    Best Pediatric Specialists in Dallas 2012D Magazine
  12. 2011
    Best Video: "Robotic Assisted Appendico-Vesicostomy, Bladder Neck Reconstruction and Bladder Neck Sling in Children: Initial Experience and Description of Technique."American Urological Assocation
  13. 2011
    Best Podium: The HIdES Procedure (Hidden Incision Endoscopic Surgery) in Reconstructive Robotic SurgeryAmerican Urological Assocation
  14. 2011
    American Board of Urology certified Diplomate
  15. 2011
    Best Pediatric Specialists in Dallas 2011D Magazine
  16. 2010
    Most Compassionate DoctorPatient's Choice
  17. 2010
    "Health Care Heroes"Dallas Business Journal
  18. 2008
    American Academy of Pediatrics 2nd Place Award for Best Basic Science PaperAAP National Conference
  19. 2008
    American Academy of Pediatrics 3rd Place Award for Best Basic Science PaperAAP National Conference
  20. 2008
    American Academy of Pediatrics 2nd Place Award for Best Clinical PaperAAP National Conference
  21. 2008
    Research NIH LRP Research Award
  22. 2008
    AAP Section on Urology Executive Committee
  23. 2008
    Von L. Meyer Research Award
  24. 2007
    Resident Teaching AwardHarvard Medical School
  25. 2007
    Von L. Meyer Research Award
  26. 2007
    Research GrantSociety of Pediatric Urology
  27. 2007
    AAP Section on Urology Executive Committee
  28. 2006
    Von L. Meyer Research Award
  29. 2004
    Pfizer Scholar in Urology Award
  30. 2003
    Resident Teaching AwardHarvard Medical School
  31. 1998
    NIH Grant #: P01 AI39755Meyer and Dana Etta Scholarship
  32. 1996
    Phi Beta Kappa
  33. 1996
    Outstanding Senior Premedical StudentBaylor University
  34. 1995
    Baylor University Honor Council
  35. 1995
    "Who's Who Among American College Students"
  36. 1995
    Golden Key National Honor Society
  37. 1992
    Dean's List every semesterDean's List
  38. 1992
    ValedictorianLa Jolla High School

Professional memberships

  1. 2023 - present
    Oral ExaminerAmerican Board of Urology
  2. 2021 - present
    MemberMERG Latino Committee
  3. 2020 - present
    Urology Care Foundation Spanish Translation Work GroupAmerican Urology Association
  4. 2017 - present
    Member at LargeSociety of Pediatric Urology Nominating Committee
  5. 2017 - present
    MemberAmerican Society for Reconstructive Transplantation
  6. 2016 - 2022
    OfficerDepartment of Urology
  7. 2016 - present
    MemberDepartment of Urology
  8. 2016 - present
    MemberMinnesota Urological Society
  9. 2015
    Associate Medical Director, Surgical SimulationTexas Children's Hospital
  10. 2015
    Security Task ForceTexas Children's Hospital
  11. 2013 - 2014
    DirectorChildren's Medical Center
  12. 2011 - present
    Associate MemberFaculty of 1000
  13. 2010 - 2014
    MemberDallas County Medical Society/Texas Medical Association
  14. 2010 - present
    MemberSouth Central Section of the American Urological Association
  15. 2010 - present
    MemberSociety for Pediatric Urology
  16. 2007 - 2014
    MemberAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
  17. 2003 - present
    MemberAmerican Urological Association
  18. 1996 - 2000
    MemberAmerican Medical Student Association


Research activities

See a description of research activities.