Departmentsجراحة الجهاز العصبيالجراحةالأشعةSpecialty GroupsNeurovascular (Cerebrovascular) SurgeryLocationRochester, MinnesotaLanguagesEnglishItalianExisting patientsSend a secure message via patient portal Biographical summaryLorenzo Rinaldo, M.D., Ph.D., was born in Padova, Italy and emigrated to the United States at a young age. He completed medical school training at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, during which time he also received a Ph.D. in neurobiology. He completed a neurosurgical residency at Mayo Clinic, during which he completed enfolded fellowships in endovascular neurosurgery and skull base neuro-oncology. Following graduation, he completed an open and endovascular cerebrovascular neurosurgery fellowship at the University of California San Francisco. Dr. Rinaldo specializes in the open surgical and endovascular treatment of cerebrovascular pathology. His research interests include using animal models to better understand the biological mechanisms of aneurysm healing after endovascular treatment. Conditions treatedArteriovenous fistulaArteriovenous malformationCarotid artery diseaseCerebral arterial aneurysmGlioblastomaMeningiomaMoyamoya diseaseStroke Procedures performedAneurysm surgeryArteriovenous fistula surgeryArteriovenous malformation surgeryCarotid angioplasty and stentingCarotid endarterectomyCraniotomyEmbolization therapyEndovascular aneurysm repairTumor resection Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2023Advanced Fellowship - Open and endovascular neurosurgeryUniversity of California San Francisco2022ResidentRST Neurosurgical Skull Base O, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine2021ResidentNeurologic Surgery, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of MedicineShow more education Activities and honorsAwards and honors2019Scholarly Achievement Award, Department of NeurosurgeryMayo Clinic2017Scholarly Achievement Award, Department of NeurosurgeryMayo Clinic2015Department of Surgery Student Research Award, University of Chicago Medicine and Biological SciencesUniversity of Chicago2015Peter Huttenlocher & Douglas Buchanan Prize in Neurology for Best Medical Student Clinician/Researcher in Neurology, Department of Neurology, University of Chicago Biological Sciences University of Chicago2014Outstanding Performance in Neurobiology Award, Biological Sciences DivisionUniversity of Chicago2014Naomi Ragins-Goldsmith Career Development AwardNaomi Ragins-GoldsmithShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2024 - presentFellowCongress of Neurological Surgeons2015 - presentMemberAmerican Association of Neurological Surgeons2015 - presentMemberAlpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical SocietyShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Biographical summaryConditions treatedProcedures performedMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20299518 الأطباء والفريق الطبي Rinaldo, Lorenzo M.D., Ph.D.