Descripción general

La resiliencia es la capacidad de adaptarse de manera eficiente y recuperarse rápidamente después de una situación de estrés, una adversidad, un traumatismo o una tragedia. Si tienes una predisposición a ser resiliente, tendrás una mayor capacidad para mantener la estabilidad y un nivel saludable de bienestar físico y psicológico a fin de enfrentar los desafíos de la vida.

Si eres menos resiliente, es más probable que prestes atención excesiva a los problemas, que te sientas agobiado, que utilices estrategias de afrontamiento para controlar el estrés poco saludables y que tengas ansiedad y depresión.

Puedes fomentar la resiliencia; para ello, debes aprender a entrenar tu atención para que se centre en los aspectos más positivos de tu vida. Utilizas una atención entrenada y decidida para reducir los pensamientos negativos de la mente y centrarte principalmente en los aspectos más significativos de una experiencia.

El entrenamiento de la resiliencia se centra en cuatro áreas, incluidas la resiliencia emocional, cognitiva y mental, física y espiritual. El entrenamiento en estas áreas puede mejorar tu resiliencia, aumentar tu calidad de vida y reducir el estrés y la ansiedad, ya que te enseña a ver los desafíos inevitables de la vida como oportunidades.

Por qué se hace

Life is filled with highs and lows. Lows such as illness, loss and other stresses affect everyone. How you respond to these events has a huge impact on the quality of your life.

But anyone can learn how to think, act and behave with more resilience. You can't control all that happens in your life. But you can learn to adapt to life-changing events. Resilience can teach you to focus on what you can manage and give you the tools you need.


No risks have been found for resilience training.

Cómo prepararte

You can become more resilient in many ways. Most often, resilience training includes creating healthy habits, such as these:

  • Build strong relationships with loved ones and friends.
  • Do something that gives you a sense of purpose, such as helping others.
  • Be hopeful about the future. Accept that change is part of life.
  • Look at what you've used to cope with troubles in the past and build on those strengths.
  • Take care of yourself. Tend to your needs and do things you enjoy.
  • When you have a problem, don't ignore it. Make a plan and take action.
  • Be grateful. Look for the good in your life.

Qué esperar

Building resilience takes time and practice. You can try different things, such as meditating or writing in a journal to help you stay on track.

And part of being resilient is knowing when to ask for help. Talking with a licensed mental health professional might help you move forward.


Becoming more resilient can help you adapt to change and handle life's stresses. It can help you cope better with illness, which can lead to healing. Resilience can help you grow as a person, feel better about yourself and improve the quality of your life.

Estudios clínicos

Explora los estudios de Mayo Clinic de pruebas y procedimientos para ayudar a prevenir, detectar, tratar o controlar las afecciones.

May 18, 2022
  1. AskMayoExpert. Resilience training. Mayo Clinic; 2019.
  2. Leppin AL, et al. The efficacy of resiliency training programs: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. PLOS One. 2014; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111420.