DepartamentosChildren’s Center (Centro Pediátrico)Medicina para niños y adolescentesMedicina cardiovascularGrupos especializadosCardiología pediátricaCuidado fetal y materno en MinnesotaImágenes del aparato cardiovascular (tomografía computarizada, resonancia magnética, cardiología nuclear)LocationRochester, MinnesotaIdiomasEnglishUrduPunjabiHindiPacientes existentesEnviar un mensaje seguro a través del portal del paciente Biographical summaryDr. Yasir Qureshi is a board-certified pediatric cardiologist with expertise in complex congenital heart disease in both children and adults. He also holds the position of Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Mayo Clinic School of Medicine. Dr. Qureshi attended medical school at the University of Punjab in Pakistan. He received training in general pediatrics at the Children's Hospital of Michigan and in pediatric cardiology at the University of Miami. Subsequently, he completed advanced training in cardiovascular imaging at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Dr. Qureshi's clinical practice centers on managing patients with complex congenital heart defects. He specializes in fetal cardiology and manages patients with congenital heart defects even before their birth. His research interests encompass imaging innovation in congenital heart disease and the care of patients with complex congenital heart defects, including conditions like Ebstein anomaly and those with single ventricles. Conditions treatedAtrial septal defectAtrioventricular canal defectChest painCoarctation of the aortaCongenital heart defects in childrenCongenital heart defects in neonates and infantsCongenital heart diseaseDizzinessDouble-outlet right ventricleEbstein anomalyFetal heart diseaseHypoplastic left heart syndromeHypoplastic right heart syndromeMyocarditisPOTSSyncopeTetralogy of FallotTransposition of the great arteriesTruncus arteriosusUniventricular heartVascular ringVentricular septal defect Procedures performedFetal echocardiogramTransesophageal echocardiogramTransthoracic echocardiogram InterestsFetal cardiologyEchocardiography: transthoracic, transesophageal and fetal Cardiac MRI and CT in pediatric and adult congenital heart disease Care of children with congenital and acquired heart diseaseNon-invasive evaluation of ventricular function in congenital heart diseaseStem cell therapy in congenital heart disease Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Activities and honorsCertifications2012Pediatric CardiologyAmerican Board of PediatricsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Biographical summaryConditions treatedProcedures performedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20217154 Médicos y personal médico Qureshi, M. Yasir M.B.B.S.