Psoriasis and your self-esteem

If you have the chronic skin condition psoriasis, you might have trouble with your self-confidence.

The rash of psoriasis can be difficult to mask and might make you feel self-conscious about how you look. You might worry that people are noticing your skin or avoiding physical contact with you out of a false fear that your condition is contagious. Research also shows that people with psoriasis have anxiety about how their skin looks and are at increased risk of depression.

To avoid these complications, consider these tips to improve your self-esteem and ease depression as you manage your psoriasis.

Empower yourself

Psoriasis can cause discomfort and embarrassment. To feel more comfortable and confident:

  • Educate yourself about psoriasis, your triggers and your treatment options. Share what you learn with family and friends.
  • Work with your health care provider to make a treatment plan and follow it.
  • Join a support group for people with psoriasis. You might find comfort in sharing your difficulties and meeting people with concerns like yours.

Support your mental health

There's no sure way to prevent depression. But certain actions might help as you manage your psoriasis. For example:

  • Take steps to control stress through activities such as meditation, exercise and deep breathing.
  • Reach out to family and friends when you are in need. It might help to share your feelings and concerns with trusted loved ones.
  • Seek treatment for depression at the earliest sign of a problem.

Taking care of yourself also can promote your mental health. Get regular exercise and plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet, and avoid tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs.

Try using makeup

If you're feeling self-conscious about your psoriasis, consider using makeup to conceal affected areas. To apply:

  • Prepare your skin. Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser. Try to remove any flakes. Apply moisturizer and then primer. Primer is a base layer to help makeup go on smoothly and stay put.
  • Choose your foundation. If your skin is inflamed, opt for a color-correcting foundation. For mild symptoms, use a cream or liquid foundation that matches your natural skin color. Apply the foundation evenly. Then blend it in to smooth out the edges around areas with psoriasis.
  • Finish with powder. Use a brush to apply pressed powder over foundation. Test the powder on a small area of skin first to make sure it doesn't cause irritation.
  • Avoid cosmetics that add shine and sparkle. Products with glitter and highlighters can worsen symptoms. They also draw attention to areas you want to conceal.

Talk with your health care provider about more tips to help you cope or for a referral to a mental health provider.

Feb. 15, 2023
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See also

  1. 5 signs a psoriasis support group is right for you
  2. 6 ways to manage itchy skin when you have psoriasis
  3. Arthritis
  4. Arthritis pain: Do's and don'ts
  5. Can psoriasis make it hard to sleep?
  6. Dry skin
  7. Ease stress to reduce your psoriasis flares
  8. Exercising with arthritis
  9. Ground flaxseed
  10. Gluten sensitivity and psoriasis: What's the connection?
  11. Hand exercises for people with arthritis
  12. How to heal cracked heels
  13. How to heal cracked skin at thumb tip
  14. How to trim thickened toenails
  15. Is the Mediterranean diet good for psoriasis?
  16. Joint protection
  17. Living better with psoriasis
  18. Psoriasis-related health risks
  19. Mayo Clinic Minute: Fingernails are clues to your health
  20. Mayo Clinic Minute: Moisturizer tips from a dermatologist
  21. Photodynamic therapy
  22. Prednisone risks, benefits
  23. Pregnancy and breastfeeding when you have psoriasis
  24. Psoriasis
  25. Psoriasis and clinical trials
  26. Psoriasis and intimacy
  27. Identifying what worsens your psoriasis
  28. Psoriasis: Get the most out of your treatment
  29. Psoriasis: How can I protect my skin during a workout?
  30. Psoriasis treatment options
  31. Psoriasis: What if I get psoriatic arthritis, too?
  32. Psoriasis: What to share with your doctor
  33. Relaxation techniques
  34. Scalp psoriasis vs. seborrheic dermatitis
  35. Skin biopsy
  36. Skin care tips
  37. Slide show: 5 ways to thrive with psoriasis through the holidays
  38. Slide show: Caring for your skin when you have psoriasis
  39. Types of psoriasis
  40. Alternative psoriasis treatments
  41. What are the risks of vaccinations for people living with psoriasis?
  42. What's the best way to manage scalp psoriasis?
  43. White patch on skin: A cause for concern?