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Yes, people with psoriasis often report difficulty getting to sleep and staying asleep at night.
If you're experiencing a flare in symptoms, such as itchiness and pain, you might have difficulty sleeping. Psoriasis symptoms tend to be worse at night.
The disease itself may also play a role in causing sleep problems. Your body uses your skin to shed heat and lower your temperature at night to make you sleepy. Psoriasis might interfere with this process. And inflammation that happens with psoriasis and related conditions can make it hard to fully relax and settle into sleep.
People with psoriasis are more likely to have sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome.
If you're having trouble sleeping, try to:
If your sleep difficulties persist, talk to your doctor. Your doctor can help you determine what might be causing your sleep problems and recommend treatments.
Lawrence E. Gibson, M.D.
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