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Psoriasis increases your risk of a number of other chronic health conditions. But you can take steps to reduce your risk.
When you have psoriasis, your health risks may run deeper than the dry, itchy patches or scales the condition can leave on your skin. It's unclear exactly why, but psoriasis is related to a higher risk of other serious conditions that can affect your bones, joints, eyes, heart and more. Some research suggests that this may be because the inflammation related to psoriasis also might cause inflammation in other parts of the body.
The good news is that by managing your psoriasis, you might reduce your risk of some of those other conditions. Making healthy lifestyle choices also might help. These include eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, moderating how much alcohol you drink and having routine health screenings. Work closely with your health care provider to monitor for symptoms of related conditions so that they can be diagnosed and treated early.
Psoriasis is related to a higher risk of these conditions:
Talk with your health care provider about what conditions you might be at greater risk of and how to best screen for them. And be sure to let your health care provider know about any symptoms you're experiencing, even if you think they might not be related to your psoriasis.
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