Mayo Clinic Patient Portal provides secure online access to multiple billing features to help you manage your account throughout the billing process:
- Make a payment, sign up for automatic payments and manage payment methods.
- View and print billing details:
- Detailed information for visits, which includes charges and payments.
- Payments and receipts.
- Monthly statements, itemized statements and letters.
- Update guarantor and coverage information.
- Apply and manage financial assistance.
- View and request an estimate.
- Contact customer service.
Monthly statements
The guarantor ID on the statement is the billing account number. The addressee is the person designated to receive the monthly billing statement listing all patients and accounts for which that person is financially responsible. A one-time summary of itemization of any new self-pay balances appears on the monthly statement after insurance pays.
Your monthly statement shows all current activity on your account for the last 25 days. Previous activity, such as payments or adjustments made beyond 25 days, will be on prior monthly statements.
- Each monthly statement has multiple pages. Please review all pages for a breakdown of current account activity.
- Each date of service at Mayo Clinic with current activity or a balance will be displayed on the statement.
- Activity displayed includes payments from insurance, payments you have made in the last 25 days and any adjustments made in the last 25 days.
- Extensive, specific details of hospital services will not be listed. To view itemized hospital charges, use Mayo Clinic Patient Portal.
- If a balance exists for a visit or on an account, and the insurance company has sent payment to you, please forward payment in a timely manner.
- Payment checks from the insurance company can be forwarded to Mayo Clinic using one of the following options:
- Deposit the insurance payment check into a personal account and make a personal payment to Mayo Clinic online or include with the payment slip and envelope provided.
- Payment checks from the insurance company can be signed over to “Mayo Clinic” and included with the payment slip and envelope provided.
Itemized bill
Detailed information for your visits can be accessed in Mayo Clinic Patient Portal in real time throughout the billing process in most cases. Information includes charge and payment detail for each visit.
- An itemized bill can be generated if the detailed information or monthly statement does not provide the necessary information. This is not a bill. See a sample itemized bill (PDF).
- You can generate your own itemized bill on demand.
- If you do not use Patient Online Services, you will need to contact Patient Account Services to request an itemized bill. If you want to create a Patient Online Services account, click here.
Alternatively, to pay your bill or ask questions about your statement, you may contact us by phone.
Call Patient Account Services at 844-217-9591 (toll-free), Monday through Friday.
All Mayo locations
Monday through Thursday
7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Central time (during daylight saving time)
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central time (during standard time)
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (year-round)