科室儿童中心儿童与青少年医学肾病和高血压专业团队儿科肾内科专科门诊地点Rochester, Minnesota语言English现有患者通过患者门户发送安全消息 Conditions treatedAcute kidney inuryBlood in urineChildhood nephrotic syndromeChronic kidney diseaseCongenital kidney disorderEnd-stage renal diseaseFocal segmental glomerulosclerosisGlomerular diseaseHigh blood pressure in childrenHorseshoe kidneyHydronephrosisHypercalciuriaHyperoxaluriaKidney cystKidney infectionKidney injuryKidney stoneMedullary sponge kidneyMembranoproliferative glomerulonephritisMinimal change diseaseMulticystic kidney dysplasiaNephrotic syndromePolycystic kidney diseasePostural proteinuriaPrimary hyperoxaluriaProtein in urineRenal artery stenosisRenal tubular acidosisRenovascular diseaseShrinking kidneySingle kidneyUrinary tract infection Procedures performedContinuous renal replacement therapyDialysisHemodialysisKidney transplantPeritoneal dialysis InterestsPediatric kidney stone diseasePediatric continuous renal replacement therapyAcute kidney injuryNephropathic cystinosisTubular disordersNephrotic syndrome and proteinuriaHematuria Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2008Fellow - Pediatric NephrologySouthwestern Medical Center, University of Texas2005Chief Resident - PediatricsINOVA Fairfax Hospital for Children2004Resident - PediatricsINOVA Fairfax Hospital for Children2001Doctor of Osteopathic MedicineArizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University1996MPHTulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine1995BA - Political EconomicsTulane UniversityShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications2010Pediatric NephrologyAmerican Board of Pediatrics2004PediatricsAmerican Board of PediatricsAwards and honors2024Minnesota Monthly Top Doctor - 2024Minnesota Monthly Magazine2023Minnesota Monthly Top Doctor - 2023Minnesota Monthly Magazine2022Minnesota Monthly Top Doctor - 2022Minnesota Monthly Magazine2021Minnesota Monthly Top Doctor - 2021Minnesota Monthly Magazine2020Minnesota Monthly Top Doctor - 2020Minnesota Monthly Magazine2018Favorite Faculty AwardDepartment of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine2017Member of the MonthAmerican Society of Pediatric Nephrology2016Lecturer of the QuarterDepartment of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science2016Teacher of the Year - Pediatrics and SubspecialtiesMayo Fellows Association2013Teacher of the YearMedical University of South Carolina2012Teacher of the MonthMedical University of South Carolina2012Teacher of the YearMedical University of South Carolina2011Teacher of the YearMedical University of South Carolina2011Teacher of the YearMedical University of South Carolina2010Teacher of the YearMedical University of South Carolina2009Rookie of the YearMedical University of South Carolina2005Teaching Award for ExcellenceUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical School2004Ziai Award for Excellence - Resident of the YearINOVA Fairfax Hospital for Children2001Academic Achievement and Community ServiceINOVA Fairfax Hospital for ChildrenShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2024 - presentChairOxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation2022 - 2024Vice ChairOxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation2022 - presentBoard of DirectorsOxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation2021 - presentVice ChairPediatric Program, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2021 - presentDirectorChildren's Center Patient and Family Advisory Council2021 - 2023Meeting ChairOxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation2021 - presentMemberNephrology Research Committee, Division of Nephrology & Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine2021 - presentDirectorDepartment of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2021 - presentWork Group LeaderOxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation2020 - presentMember & Invited FacultyInternational Collaborative Network Kidney Stones2019 - presentMemberChildren's Center Executive Operations Team2019 - presentDirectorRenal Studies Unit, Division of Clinical Core Laboratory Services, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2019 - presentChairMayo Clinic Children's Center Experience Oversight Team (formerly Service Oversight Group)2019 - presentScience Advisory CouncilOxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation2019 - presentCommiittee MemberAmerican Society of Pediatric Nephrology2018 - presentMemberResearch on Calculus Kinetics (ROCK) Society2017 - presentMemberEducation Leadership Committee, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine2017 - presentInterviewerResident Recruitment Committee, Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine2017 - presentScientific Advisory BoardDent Disease Foundation2017 - presentScientific Advisory BoardOxalosis & Hyperoxaluria Foundation2017 - 2022Co-DirectorMayo Clinic DPAM Grand Rounds Committee2017 - 2021MemberMayo Clinic Fetal Surgery Leadership Committee, Mayo Clinic Committees2017 - presentMedical Advisory Board - MemberOxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation2017 - presentScientific Advisory BoardDent Disease Foundation2017 - presentMedical Advisory Board - MemberDent Disease Foundation2016 - 2021ChairAmerican Academy of Pediatrics - Section on Nephrology2016 - presentSteering Board Committee MemberOxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation2015 - 2018Co-ChairClinical Affairs and Practice Management, American Society of Pediatric Nephrology2015 - presentMemberMayo Clinic Children's Center Visibility Committee2015 - 2018Co-ChairAmerican Society of Pediatric Nephrology2015 - presentMemberElections and Nominations Committee, Section on Nephrology, American Academy of Pediatrics2014 - presentMemberInternational Pediatric Nephrology Association2014 - presentMemberMayo Clinic Kidney Stone Interest Group2013 - presentCommittee MemberAmerican Society of Pediatric Nephrology2013 - presentMemberClinical Affairs and Practice Management, American Society of Pediatric Nephrology2013 - presentMemberSection on Nephrology, American Academy of Pediatrics2012 - presentMemberAmerican Association of Pediatric Program Directors2005 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Nephrology2005 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Pediatric Nephrology2001 - presentMemberAmerican Academy of PediatricsShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Conditions treatedProcedures performedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20217339 医生与医务人员 Sas, David J. D.O.