科室理疗与康复科专业团队脊柱保健地点Rochester, Minnesota语言English现有患者通过患者门户发送安全消息 Conditions treatedBack painCervical herniated diskCervical spondylosisFacet joint syndromeLumbar herniated diskLumbar painMyofascial pain syndromeNeck painRadiculopathySacroiliac pain syndromesSciaticaStrainThoracic herniated diskThoracic outlet syndromeThoracic radiculopathy Procedures performedChiropractic adjustmentExercise therapyManual therapyMyofascial releaseSpine stabilization program InterestsSpinal manipulation and mobilizationPain SyndromeMyofascial release therapyExercise and body movement therapyPostural correctionSports rehabilitationBiomechanics assessment and optimization Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education1996Other - Doctor of ChiropracticNorthwestern Health Sciences University 1992BA - Bachelor of Arts Degree, Biology MajorGustavus Adolphus College Activities and honorsCertifications1997ChiropracticNational Board of Chiropractic ExaminersAwards and honors1993Cum LaudeNorthwestern Health Sciences UniversityProfessional memberships2022 - presentProvider Advisory CouncilFulcrum Health2015 - 2016Team LeaderAccess and Triage Project, Mayo Clinic Midwest Spine Care Network2015 - presentPatient Reported Outcomes Operations TeamMayo Clinic Midwest Spine Care Network2014 - 2015Workgroup MemberMinnesota Community Measurement Spine Workgroup2011 - 2020MemberMayo Clinic Health System SWMN Spine Committee2008 - 2011MemberMayo Clinic Health System SWMN Region, Practice Governance CommitteeShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publications Conditions treatedProcedures performedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20534833 医生与医务人员 Hardesty, Kevin G. D.C.