
All about thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS): Overview


All about Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS): Overview

What is thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)?

Sam Farres, M.D., Chair, Division of Vascular Surgery Mayo Clinic in Florida: Thoracic outlet syndrome is a condition where irritation or compression of nerves and vessel can happen within the thoracic outlet. And the thoracic outlet is the space between the collar bone and the first rib. So when this irritation or compression happens, it causes different kinds of symptoms that can be nerve in nature or vessel-related in nature and that's what caused the thoracic outlet syndrome phenomenon.


What does thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) feel like?

Dr. Farres: It varies from one person to the other person. It's a compression or irritation of nerves or vessels, and depends on which component is more compressed, can manifest in different presentation. If the nerve is compressed, it can manifest as pain or tingling, numbness. There is also other variation of that presentation. If a vessel is compressed – can be swelling, discoloration, coldness of the arms or the hand. Sometimes both component nerves and vessels can be compressed and when that happens, a variety of other symptoms can occur as well.


Why does my collarbone hurt? Does thoracic outlet syndrome cause collarbone pain?

Dr. Farres: In theory, yes, it can cause collarbone pain, but I would like to emphasize that more common conditions can cause that in more frequency. So we have to be careful not to attribute collarbone pain just to the thoracic outlet. When it comes to the thoracic outlet, if the nerve component within the space gets compressed or irritated – if that is very adjacent to the collar bone – that can also contribute to the pain.



胸廓出口综合征的常见原因包括交通事故引起的外伤、工作或体育运动引起的反复性损伤和妊娠。解剖结构的差异,例如肋骨多余或不规则,也可能导致 TOS。有时医生无法明确胸廓出口综合征的病因。




  • 神经性胸廓出口综合征。这是最常见的胸廓出口综合征类型,以臂丛神经受压为特征,臂丛神经是来自脊髓的神经网络,控制肩部、手臂和手部的肌肉运动和感觉。
  • 静脉胸廓出口综合征。这种类型的胸廓出口综合征发生在锁骨下的一条或多条静脉受压和受损的情况下,并伴有血凝块。
  • 动脉胸廓出口综合征。这类 TOS 最为少见,在锁骨下的一条动脉受压时会发生。压迫可能导致动脉受损,出现隆起(称为动脉瘤),或者形成血凝块。


  • 手臂或手指麻木或刺痛。
  • 颈部、肩部、手臂或手部疼痛或酸痛。
  • 活动时手臂疲劳。
  • 握力减弱。


  • 手或一根或多根手指变色。
  • 手或手臂疼痛和肿胀。


  • 锁骨附近出现搏动性肿块。
  • 手指、手或手臂冰冷。
  • 手和手臂疼痛。
  • 一根或多根手指或整个手部变色。
  • 受累手臂脉搏微弱或无脉搏。





  • 解剖结构差异。一些人出生时颈部第一根肋骨上方多出一条肋骨。多出的肋骨(颈肋骨)可以压迫神经或血管。或者有一条连接脊柱和肋骨的纤维带异常紧密,造成压迫。
  • 姿势不当。肩部下垂或头部保持前伸会导致胸廓出口区域受到压迫。
  • 外伤。车祸等外伤性事件可能导致身体内部发生变化,进而导致胸廓出口的神经受到压迫。与外伤性事故有关的症状往往会延迟出现。



  • 性别。女性被确诊患有胸廓出口综合征的可能性是男性的三倍多。
  • 年龄。胸廓出口综合征可以发生在任何年龄,但最常见于 20 岁至 50 岁的成人。



对于神经源性 TOS,重复性神经压迫可导致长期损伤,造成慢性疼痛或失能。神经源性 TOS 可能会与其他关节或肌肉损伤混淆。如果症状没有改善,请务必寻求医疗护理进行评估和测试。





June 04, 2024
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