
All about thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) diagnosis and treatment

Video 1: All about thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS): Diagnosis


What are the types of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)?

Sam Farres, M.D., Chair, Division of Vascular Surgery Mayo Clinic in Florida: Very broadly speaking, it can be divided into neurogenic thoracic outlet, if the nerves are compressed or irritated. The other type is vascular thoracic outlet, if the artery or the veins are compressed. And I would like to add a third type where both nerve and vessels are compressed, and that can be called non-specific TOS.


Can I get thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) on both sides?

Dr. Farres: Yes, that can happen. It's less common, but it can happen on right side, left side, dominant arm or the non-dominant one. Or some kind of combination. So that potentially can occur.


How is thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) diagnosed?

Dr. Farres: It's important to have a correct diagnosis for a thoracic outlet as this will determine what type of therapy and treatment is implemented. It's typically an exclusion of diagnosis, and this process starts with physical examination and good history, followed by imaging studies, vascular studies, provocative tests, and consultation with a multidisciplinary team in order to exclude what's usually more common.


Who treats thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)?

Dr. Farres: So thoracic outlet syndrome can be assessed and managed by multiple health professionals. At Mayo Clinic, Florida, we have a multidisciplinary team that typically assesses, diagnoses, and then manages thoracic outlet. So, in addition to vascular surgery as a team, we also have a peripheral neurologist who would assess the patient. Physical medicine and rehabilitation, peripheral neurologist, brachial plexus specialist, pain medicine, intervention radiology and regional anesthesia will help in the assessment and diagnosis of thoracic outlet and then the treatment.


Video 2: All about thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS): Treatment


Can I treat thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) with physical therapy and sports medicine?

Sam Farres, M.D., Chair, Division of Vascular Surgery Mayo Clinic in Florida: Absolutely. In fact, physical therapy and sports medicine can be used effectively in treating particularly neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome. Usually it focuses on improving posture and posture correction, in addition to strengthening and stretching exercises. Sports medicine can effectively offer guidance toward activity modification and pain management. And a tailored program and exercise for an individual patient can help in improving symptoms and avoiding invasive treatment.


What are the treatment options for thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)?

Dr. Farres: Treatment options for TOS varies based on the underlying cause and the type of the TOS – neurogenic, vascular or non-specific. It's crucial to customize the treatment based on the underlying cause and to have it tailored through a multidisciplinary approach. Having said that, the most common treatment options are medications such as muscle relaxant, lifestyle modification, ergonomic movement, posture corrections. And more invasive would be injections and surgery as the form of the most invasive type of treatment.


What are the pros and cons of getting an injection for thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)?

Dr. Farres: The treatment for TOS varies based on the type of TOS, the severity of symptoms, and the underlying cause. But, broadly speaking, the pros for injections would be the fact that they are less invasive, they associate with less risk compared with surgery. They provide temporary relief of symptoms and sometimes can be used as diagnostic tools to know if the condition we are dealing with is thoracic outlet syndrome. On the other hand, the injection treatment will not last for a long time, since it's temporary in relieving the symptoms, and will not remove the underlying cause and has limited durability.


What are the pros and cons of getting surgery for thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)?

Dr. Farres: Surgery can provide definitive treatment, long term result and can be tailored to the specific underlying cause in addressing the structural abnormalities. On the other hand, surgery is more invasive, has longer recovery time and associate potentially with surgical related complications.


What is the best surgical approach for thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)?

Dr. Farres: The best surgical approach depends on the type of the TOS we're dealing with in addition to the underlying cause in patient symptoms and presentation. In fact, it can be tailored according to that and based on the multidisciplinary team recommendations.



  • 体格检查。医疗护理专业人员会进行体格检查,以寻找胸廓出口综合征的迹象。这些可能包括肩部凹陷或锁骨上方的骨质区域。医疗护理专业人员也可能会查看手臂肿胀或颜色变化。可能需要检查脉搏和关节活动度。


  • 病史。请告知医疗护理专业人员您的病史和症状。您还可能会被问及您的工作职责和体力活动。



  • 超声检查。该检查利用超声波生成身体的图像。它通常是用于帮助诊断胸廓出口综合征的第一个影像学检查。该检查可用于确定您患有静脉或动脉胸廓出口综合征或其他血管病症。
  • X 线检查。X 线可能显现您有一根额外的肋骨,也就是颈肋。X 线检查还可有助于排除可能引起您症状的其他状况。
  • 计算机体层成像(CT)扫描。CT 扫描利用 X 线获得身体的横截面图像。可以将造影剂注射到静脉中以更详细地观察血管,即 CT 血管造影。CT 扫描可以确定血管压迫的位置和原因。
  • 磁共振成像(MRI)。MRI 使用无线电波和磁场生成身体的详细影像。MRI 可有助于确定血管压迫的位置和原因。某些情况下会注入造影剂,以便于更清楚地呈现血管影像。MRI 可能会揭示解剖结构的差异,例如连接脊柱和肋骨或脊柱和颈肋的纤维带。这些解剖结构上的差异可能是症状的原因。医疗护理专业人员可能会将您的头部、肩膀和颈部置于不同的位置。这可以更好地查看手臂的血管。
  • 动脉造影术和静脉造影术。这些检查中,医生会将一根细软管(导管)经一个小切口(通常在腹股沟处)插入体内。在动脉造影术期间,医生移动该导管进入您的主要动脉。在静脉造影术期间,医生移动该导管进入您的静脉。最后进入到目标血管中。然后注入造影剂,以呈现您的动脉或静脉的 X 线图像。


  • 肌电图(EMG)。EMG 期间,医生会将针形电极经皮肤插入多处肌肉中。这项检查呈现肌肉在收缩和静息时的电活动。可以确定您是否存在神经损伤。



  • 物理疗法。对于患有神经性胸廓出口综合征,物理疗法是首选。锻炼可以增强和拉伸肩部肌肉,从而打开胸廓出口,改善活动范围和姿势。长期坚持锻炼可以减轻胸廓出口处血管和神经的压力。
  • 药物。医生可能会开具消炎药、止痛药或肌肉松弛剂,以缓解炎症、疼痛和放松肌肉。如果存在血凝块,可能需要服用血液稀释药物。
  • 溶栓药物。如果患有静脉或动脉胸廓出口综合征并出现血凝块,医生可能会向您的静脉或动脉注射溶解血凝块的药物(溶栓剂),溶解血凝块。实施溶栓疗法后,医疗护理专业人员可能开具预防血凝块的药物(抗凝血剂)。
  • 注射。注射局部麻醉剂、ona A 型肉毒杆菌毒素(Botox)或类固醇药物可用于治疗神经性胸廓出口综合症。注射这些药物可以缓解疼痛。









探索 Mayo Clinic 的研究 测试新的治疗、干预与检查方法,旨在预防、检测、治疗或控制这种疾病。




  • 保持良好的体态。
  • 工作时经常略作休息和拉伸。
  • 保持健康体重。
  • 创造一个可以让您保持良好的体态,并且不会使症状恶化的工作环境。
  • 轻轻按摩肩部和胸廓出口。
  • 热敷患处。
  • 练习深呼吸、冥想和伸展等放松运动。







  • 了解就诊前是否有任何限制规定。约诊时,询问是否有需要提前准备的事项。
  • 列出目前的所有症状,包括与本次预约就诊原因看似无关的症状。在描述症状时要尽可能具体和详细,包括您身体的哪个部位受到影响,以及您的不适感。
  • 写下关键的个人信息,包括您经历过的所有身体创伤,例如车祸或工伤,即使受伤发生在几年前。此外,还要注意您现在或过去在工作、运动、爱好和其他休闲活动中进行的所有重复性身体活动。
  • 列出关键的医疗信息,包括您正在接受治疗的其他医疗状况以及所服用的所有处方药和非处方药或补充剂的名称。
  • 请家人或朋友陪同(如可能)。陪同者可能会记住您所遗漏或忘记的一些事项。
  • 写下要向医疗护理专业人员咨询的问题。


  • 最有可能引起这些症状的原因是什么?
  • 我需要做哪些检查?
  • 有哪些治疗方法,您建议我使用哪种?
  • 非手术治疗改善症状的可能性有多大?
  • 如果保守治疗无效,是否可以选择手术?
  • 我能做些什么来预防疾病复发吗?
  • 我需要换工作吗?
  • 我是否需要限制或放弃可能导致我的症状的其他活动?
  • 如果您建议减重,我需要减轻多少体重才能改善症状?
  • 我还有其他健康状况。怎样才能同时管理好这些病症?
  • 是否有我可以带回家的手册或其他印刷材料?您推荐访问哪些网站?




  • 您最开始留意到您的症状是什么时候?
  • 您会如何描述您的症状?
  • 您的症状有没有逐渐发生变化?
  • 疼痛从哪里开始,向哪里扩散?
  • 当您将手臂举过头顶时,疼痛或麻木感是否会加剧?
  • 是否有其他因素似乎会加重或改善您的症状?
  • 工作中涉及哪些活动?
  • 目前是否运动,或者是否曾经运动?
  • 有什么兴趣爱好,或者最常做的娱乐性活动是什么?
  • 是否曾确诊任何其他医学病症或者接受过相关治疗?什么时候?
  • 是否注意到一个或多个手指或整个手部颜色变浅或有颜色变化?是否注意到此部位有其他变化?


等候就诊期间,可尝试服用非甾体抗炎药 (NSAID),例如布洛芬(Advil、Motrin IB、其他)。如果您保持良好的体态并避免重复运动和举重物,您的不适也可能得到改善。

June 04, 2024
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