- 账号
- 该编号用于识别每个护理阶段。该编号用于跟踪服务和付款。
- 收件人
- 收件人是指定接收月度对账单的人。此人负责协调账户的账单、付款和保险承保范围。
- 受益人预先通知(ABN)
- 这是医生、医疗服务提供者或供应方在提供可能不在联邦医疗保险承保范围内的任何服务之前向您发出的书面通知。ABN(受益人预先通知)也称为免除责任,由医疗服务提供者在提供其认为不在联邦医疗保险承保范围内的服务或项目时发出。ABN 仅用于持有传统联邦医疗保险的情况,不适用于参加联邦医疗保险优惠私有保险计划的情况。
- 保费限额
- 这是指保险公司所用的预定保费限额,用以根据他们与您的合同来限制他们将为服务支付的最大金额。请注意,对于妙佑医疗国际未参与的保险计划而言,妙佑医疗国际不接受预定的常规、惯常与合理(UCR)健康保险支付金额。有时也将“保费限额”费用称为合理与惯常(R&C)费用。
- 保费金额
- 为纳入保险范围的医疗服务支付的最大金额。这可能称为“合格费用”、“付款补贴”或“协商费用”。如果您的医疗服务提供者收取的费用超过保费金额,则您可能需要支付差额。请参阅“余额账单”。
- 非卧床护理
- 非卧床护理是指在医生诊室或外科中心进行的无需住院过夜的医疗。
- 申诉
- 向您的医疗保险公司或计划提出复审决定申请或申诉。
- 授权
- 授权是指保险公司或保险计划所做的护理(例如住院治疗)批准。您的保险公司或保险计划可能要求您在接受治疗之前提供预授权。
- 余额
- 账单上注明的拖欠妙佑医疗国际的金额。
- 余额账单
- 余额账单是指医疗服务提供者向您收取保险计划未涵盖的费用的做法,即使这些收费超出了该计划的常规、惯常与合理(UCR)费用,或被认为在医疗上不必要。管理式医疗护理计划和服务计划通常禁止医疗服务提供者开出余额账单,除非相关费用为允许的共付额、共同保险和自付额。这种禁止开出余额账单的做法甚至可能扩展到该计划根本无法付款的情况(例如,由于破产)。
- 账单账号
- 这是指定接收账单的账单收件人(担保人)的账号。联系妙佑医疗国际咨询问题时,请说明此号码。
- 账单收件人(担保人)
- 收件人是指定接收月度对账单的人。此人负责协调账户的账单、付款和保险范围。
- 认证
- 认证是使用服务的官方授权。
- 理赔审核
- 理赔审核是指保险公司或保险计划在向医生付款或给您报销之前进行的审查。保险公司通过这项审查验证所提供服务的医疗适用性,并审查与您的护理有关的费用。
- 共保
- 共保是一项将保险公司的承保范围限制在一定百分比(通常为 80%)的规定。此规定在弥偿保险计划和首选医疗服务提供者计划中很常见。如果您的保险包括共保,则您将承担超出保险范围的收费。
- 商业健康保险
- 这是一种非政府保险,用于支付全部或部分医疗费用。这种保险可以由个人或雇主购买,通常是作为一种就业福利获得。
- 给付协调(COB)
- 给付协调是您的保险公司之间的一项协议,旨在防止当您的护理在多个计划承保范围内时,不同的保险公司重复支付您的护理费用。该协议确定哪个保险公司对付款负主要责任,哪个负第二责任。
- 共付额
- 共付额是您必须自付的部分理赔或医疗费用。共付额通常是固定金额。
- 费用分担
- 您自费支付的纳入保险范围的费用份额。费用分担通常包括自付额、共同保险、共付额或类似费用。不包括保费、非网络内医疗服务提供者的余额账单金额或非承保范围的服务费用。
- 承保费用
- 指与保险公司签订的合同条款通常承保的服务收费。请务必谨记,即使服务可能在承保范围内,但这些服务费用报销通常仍需扣除自付额和共保自费部分。
- 贷方余额
- 此余额可能会显示在对账单的“当前应付金额”下,相关金额后会显示负号(例如,$100-)。这是妙佑医疗国际在审查账户后应向患者或保险计划退还的款项。
- 现行医疗程序术语(CPT)代码
- 医护人员使用这组五位数代码对服务进行收费和授权。
- 自付额
- 自付额是在您的保险适用之前您必须支付的部分医疗保健费用。
- 拒赔
- 您的医疗保健计划已确定您的福利计划规定不提供福利的服务,或者该对服务何时可以使用福利存在某些限制。如果您的保险拒绝报销一项服务的费用,则您将有责任支付全部金额。
- 疾病诊断相关分组(DRG)
- DSG 是对住院费用进行分类的系统。联邦医疗保险和联邦医疗补助服务中心使用 DSG 得出医疗程序的标准报销率,并为联邦医疗补助计划接受者支付医疗费用。一些州将 DSG 用于所有付款人,而某些私人保险计划将 DSG 用于签约。
- 服务日期。
- 选择性服务
- 任何非急救护理服务。除少数例外情况,整容手术均为选择性服务,必须由患者预付费用。
- 给付说明(EOB)
- 给付说明是邮寄给被保险人的声明,说明如何支付理赔或为何服务不在承保范围内。联邦医疗保险受益人会收到联邦医疗保险摘要通知(MSN)。
- 费用表
- 费用表是保险计划基于 CPT 计费代码为每项服务支付的最高费用列表。某些计划将其称为最高费用或费用补贴表。
- 担保人 ID
- 对账单上的担保人 ID 是账单账号
- HCFA 1500 表格
- HCFA 1500 表格是联邦医疗保险和联邦医疗补助计划要求填写的表格,一些私人保险公司和管理式医疗计划会将其用于计费。HCFA 1500 是医生和其他医疗服务提供者用于向联邦医疗保险、联邦医疗补助计划和私人保险公司提交账单和理赔、要求报销的官方标准表格,其中包含患者的人口统计信息、诊断代码、CPT/HCPCS 代码、诊断代码和单位。
- 健康维护组织(HMO)
- HMO 的定义有如下几种:1.一种在向会员收取预定金额后为会员提供医疗保健的组织。2.一项至少会使某些医疗服务提供者承担医疗费用风险的保险计划。3.一项通过初级保健医生确定会员是否需要从专科医生处接受护理的保险计划(但有些 HMO 并非如此)。
- 临终护理
- 临终护理是为身患绝症的人提供医护的设施或项目。临终护理涉及以团队为导向的方法,可满足患者的医疗、身体、社会、情感和精神需求。临终护理包含在联邦医疗保险 A 部分(医院保险)。
- 网络内医疗服务提供者
- 与医疗保险公司或计划签约为您提供服务的医疗服务提供者。也称为首选医疗服务提供者。
- 国际疾病分类(ICD)编码
- ICD 编码是用于诊断和治疗的国际疾病分类系统。
- 明细对账单
- 向患者提供的所有服务的明细列表。费用明细对账单包括向保险计划提交理赔时使用的诊断代码和 CPT。明细对账单不是账单。
- 管理式医疗保健
- 管理式医疗保健是指一种管理医疗保健的成本和质量以及就医途径的医疗保健提供系统。其通常涉及使用签约提供者网络,限制非签约提供者提供的医疗福利(除非获得授权)以及使用医疗授权系统。管理式护理包括管理式赔偿计划、首选医疗服务提供者组织、服务点计划、开放式 HMO 和封闭式 HMO。
- 妙佑医疗国际签约服务
- 妙佑医疗国际与特定保险公司签约,并按合同规定金额向患者提供这些医疗服务。
- 妙佑医疗国际编号
- 这是您在妙佑医疗国际的个人识别号码。它是一个唯一编号,可供您终生在妙佑医疗国际就诊时使用。
- 联邦医疗补助
- 联邦医疗补助是一项由联邦政府和各州共同资助的项目,旨在为低收入人群提供医疗保健保险和护理院护理。州与州之间的福利差异很大。
- 联邦医疗补助(第 XIX 篇)
- 这是联邦政府与州政府的联合项目,旨在帮助一些收入较低且资源有限的人支付医疗费用。在资格、保险福利、项目资格、医疗服务提供者的付款费率以及管理项目的方法方面,各州都有自己的标准。
- 联邦医疗保险
- 联邦医疗保险是一项旨在为 65 岁及以上的老年人以及各个年龄段的残障人士提供保险的联邦项目。联邦医疗保险 A 部分涵盖住院治疗,是一项强制性福利。联邦医疗保险 B 部分涵盖门诊服务,是一项自愿性福利。
- 联邦医疗保险(第 XVIII 篇)
- 这项联邦项目的适用人群为:年龄在 65 岁及以上、有资格获得两年或更长时间社会保险残障抚恤金,以及某些需要进行肾脏移植或透析的工人及其家属(不论其经济状况如何)。该项目由两个独立但协调的项目组成:医院保险(A 部分)和补充医疗保险(B 部分),以及由私营企业管理的单独的药物保险项目(D 部分)。
- 联邦医疗保险优势计划
- 联邦医疗保险优势计划是由一些私有公司提供的计划,这些公司与联邦医疗保险签约,提供联邦医疗保险 A 部分和 B 部分的福利。联邦医疗保险优势计划可以是 HMO、PPO 或私人收费服务计划。加入联邦医疗保险优势计划后,该计划将涵盖投保人的联邦医疗保险服务。传统联邦医疗保险范围不包括这些服务。
- 联邦医疗保险优势计划(联邦医疗保险 C 部分)
- 联邦医疗保险 C 部分是由私人公司提供的一种医疗保险计划,这些公司与医疗保险签约以为您提供 A 部分和 B 部分的所有福利。
- 联邦医疗保险分配限额
- 分配限额是指您的医生、医疗服务提供者或供应商同意接受联邦医疗保险批准的金额作为承保服务的全额付款。大多数医生和医疗服务提供者均接受分配限额,但您始终应该查证。妙佑医疗国际的亚利桑那州、佛罗里达州和明尼苏达州院区接受联邦医疗保险分配限额。
- 联邦医疗保险非分配限额
妙佑医疗国际将向联邦医疗保险提出理赔,收取比联邦医疗保险批准金额最高多 15% 的金额。如果您有联邦医疗保险补充保单,则承保范围可能包括或不包括 15% 的“超出联邦医疗保险”的费用。
周一至周五可拨打患者账户服务免费电话 844-217-9591,进行账单支付或询问对账单相关问题。
- 亚利桑那州,山地时间上午 8:00 至下午 5:00
- 佛罗里达州,东部时间上午 8:00 至下午 5:00
- 明尼苏达州,中部时间上午 8:00 至下午 5:00
- 联邦医疗保险自动减赤
- 自 2013 年 4 月 1 日起,对于服务日期或出院日期为 2013 年 4 月 1 日或之后的联邦医疗保险理赔,联邦医疗保险将减少 2% 的付款。这项理赔支付调整应在确定共同保险额、任何适用的自付额和任何适用的联邦医疗保险二级支付调整后,用于所有理赔。虽然自付额和共同保险额的受益人付款不受 2% 的付款扣减影响,但对于未经受理的理赔,联邦医疗保险给受益人的付款将被扣留 2%。如果您对报销有疑问,请直接联系您的联邦医疗保险理赔管理签约商。
- 联邦医疗保险摘要通知
- 这是联邦医疗保险向联邦医疗保险参加者提供的说明,解释其如何处理和支付理赔。
- 联邦医疗保险差额保险
- 联邦医疗保险差额保险属于私人保险,为联邦医疗保险对医疗服务的报销提供补充。联邦医疗保险报销的医疗费用通常低于医生收费。联邦医疗保险差额保险旨在弥补联邦医疗保险报销费用与医疗服务提供者收取费用之间的差额,从而使联邦医疗保险受助人不必支付该差额。
- 月度对账单
- 这是您的妙佑医疗国际账单。
- 非承保费用
- 具体取决于您的保单。非承保费用是指您的保险计划条款未涵盖的服务收费。如果您的保险范围不包括某项服务,则您将承担相应服务的全部金额。
- 非承保服务
- 患者健康保险合同未承保的服务。这些服务的金额将由患者支付。对于承保范围的问题,患者应直接咨询其保险计划。
- 未参与
- 选择不接受联邦医疗保险批准金额作为全额付款的医疗服务提供者。
- 网络外
- 未与您的医疗保险公司或计划签约的医疗服务提供者。如果您从网络外或非首选医疗服务提供者处接受服务,则需要支付更多的费用。检查您的保单,以查看是否可以从所有与您的健康保险或计划签约的医疗服务提供者处接受服务,或者您的健康保险或计划具有“分层”网络,如果您从某些提供者处接受服务,则必须支付额外费用。
- 每日报销
- 在每日报销中,医院等机构每天会收到固定费用,而不是针对所提供的每项服务的费用进行报销。每日报销可能因服务(例如,医疗或外科、产科、心理健康和重症监护)而异,也可以是固定费用。
- 定点服务(POS)计划
- 定点服务计划是指会员在需要医疗服务时才选择服务承保范围的计划。通常情况下,该计划会让所有会员加入 HMO(或 HMO 类似)系统和赔偿计划。这些计划会根据会员是否在计划内而提供不同的福利。双重选择是指类似 HMO 的计划和赔偿计划,而三重选择是指在该双重选择之外增加 PPO。
- 入院前许可
- 入院前许可也称为入院前审查或预授权。入院前许可是在您实际住院之前审查入院申请的一种做法。
- 治疗前押金
- 在适用的情况下,妙佑医疗国际会在您就诊之前预先确定要支付的金额。
- 预授权
- 预授权也称为入院前授权或入院前审查,是指从保险计划获得常规入院(住院或门诊)授权的过程。未获得预授权常常会导致报销减少或理赔被拒。
- 首选医疗服务提供者组织(PPO)
- 首选医疗服务提供者组织就服务与独立医疗服务提供者签约。PPO 中的医生按照服务费用表收取费用,并且其收费在打折后低于标准费用。此类医疗服务提供者的名单有限,PPO 通常会审查医疗保健的使用情况。PPO 会员有时可以使用 PPO 网络之外的医生,但通常必须支付更多的费用。
- 初级保健医生(PCP)
- 初级保健医生有时被称为“把关人”,通常是您生病后看的第一位医生。他们会直接为您提供治疗、将您转诊至专科医生(二级医疗)或安排您住院。您的初级保健医生可能是家庭医生、内科医生、儿科医生,或者有时是妇产科医生。
- 主要保险公司
- 这是对理赔支付负有第一责任的保险公司。
- 事先授权或事先书面批准
- 在获得服务或照方配药之前,可能需要获得保险计划的批准,才能为该服务或药物提供承保。
- 医疗服务提供者
- 医疗服务提供者是指任何医疗保健服务的提供者,例如医生、药剂师、理疗师等。
- 健康保险证明
- 有效的保险卡,其中包括提交理赔的地址。
- 合理与惯常(R&C)
- 合理与惯常是指保险公司根据与您签订的合同,为限制将为服务支付的最高金额而采用的预定限额。请注意,妙佑医疗国际不接受未参与的保险计划的预定健康保险支付金额。R&C 也称为保费限额或 UCR。
- 转诊
- 您的初级保健医生开出书面指示,要求您去看专科医生或获得某些医疗服务。在许多健康维护组织(HMO)中,您可能需要获得转诊,然后才能从初级保健医生之外的任何提供者处获得医疗服务。如果您没有事先获得保险批准的转诊,则该计划可能无法支付服务费用。
- 登记
- 登记部门设于妙佑医疗国际院区大厅中,负责向所有报到患者分配妙佑医疗国际病历和账单账号。患者还可在此处接收有关付款、账单和备案保险的信息。登记是指当面或在线进行的登记过程。当地址、电话和保险发生变化时,应进行更新。
- 第二保险公司
- 这是在主要保险公司确定其支付款项后负责继续处理理赔的保险公司。
- 自保计划
- 在自保(自费)计划中,雇主(而非保险公司或管理式医疗计划)承担医疗费用的风险。自费计划不受国家法律法规的约束,例如保险费税和强制性福利。自费计划通常与保险公司或第三方管理机构签约以管理福利。
- 自费患者
- 患者未投保或不希望将接受的服务提交给他们的保险公司。此类患者必须支付诊前押金。
- 专业护理机构(SNF)
- 专业护理机构通常是指康复机构或护理院。专业护理机构可为长期或急性疾病提供高水平的专业护理。
- 对账单
- 每月发送给患者的账户状态记录(蓝色和白色表),用于告知患者上一账单期间该账户上发生的交易和活动。
- 补充保险
- 这是由联邦医疗保险或商业保险受益人持有的任何私人健康保险计划,包括联邦医疗补充保险保单或退休后福利。补充保险通常支付自付额或共付额,有时会在主要保险福利达到上限时支付全部费用。
- 补充或第二理赔表
- 如果您有补充或第二保险,妙佑医疗国际将代表您向这些承保方提出理赔。
- 第三方管理机构(TPA)
- 第三方管理机构负责管理职责,有时还会对自费计划的使用情况进行审查。
- 层级网络
- 分级产品会员的费用分摊福利水平由提供服务的独立签约医疗服务提供者网络确定。请谨记,雇主可以为每个层级自定义福利水平。以下是分级产品的基本福利结构示例:1 级福利是成员可享受的最高福利级别和最具成本效益的级别,可选的指定医疗服务提供者较少。2 级福利的会员可从更广泛的签约提供者网络中选择医疗服务提供者,但自付费用更高。3 级福利(如提供)的会员通常可就保险范围内的服务选择使用网络外医疗服务提供者,但自付费用最高且须符合常规、惯常与合理费用规则。
- UB92/UB04
- UB92/UB04 表格是联邦医疗保险和联邦医疗补助计划要求填写的表格,一些私人保险公司和管理式医疗计划会根据它支付住院和门诊患者或设施费用。这是医生和其他医疗服务提供者在向联邦医疗保险、联邦医疗补助和私人保险公司提交账单和报销理赔时使用的官方标准表格。UB04 理赔表包含患者人口统计信息、诊断代码、CPT/HCPCS 代码、诊断代码和单位。
- 未投保患者
- 指未投保公共或私人健康保险的患者。妙佑医疗国际要求未投保的患者在接受护理之前先交押金。
- 常规、惯常与合理(UCR)费用
- 常规、惯常与合理费用反映了某一地区服务的主流费用。许多保险公司和管理式医疗计划均根据 UCR 费用报销医疗服务提供者费用。该术语可能与费用补贴表同义。
- 使用限制
- 联邦医疗保险对一年中可以提供某些服务的次数设置了限制。如果服务超出此使用限制,则您的理赔可能会被拒绝。这些限制未披露给妙佑医疗国际。
- 使用审核
- 这是跟踪、审核和提供有关医护意见的过程。预授权、重新授权、回顾性审核和住院期间审核实践均描述了使用情况审核方法。
- 就诊编号
- 该编号用于识别每个护理阶段。该编号用于跟踪服务和付款。
- 工伤补偿承保范围
- 这是雇主必须为因工受伤或生病的雇员提供的医疗保险。
Call Patient Account Services at 844-217-9591 (toll-free), Monday through Friday.
- Medicare sequestration
- Effective April 1, 2013, Medicare claims with dates of service or dates of discharge on or after April 1, 2013, will incur a 2 percent reduction in Medicare payment. The claims payment adjustment shall be applied to all claims after determining coinsurance, any applicable deductible and any applicable Medicare secondary payment adjustments. Though beneficiary payments for deductible and coinsurance are not subject to the 2 percent payment reduction, Medicare's payment to beneficiaries for nonassigned claims is subject to the 2 percent reduction. Questions about reimbursement should be directed to your Medicare claims administration contractor.
- Medicare Summary Notice
- This is a statement Medicare provides to Medicare enrollees by explaining how it processed and paid a claim.
- Medigap
- Medigap is private insurance that supplements Medicare reimbursement for medical services. Medicare often reimburses care at lower rates than those charged by doctors. Medigap is meant to cover the gap between Medicare reimbursement and provider charges so that the Medicare recipient doesn't have to pay the difference.
- Monthly statement of account
- This is your Mayo Clinic bill.
- Noncovered charges
- This is specific to your insurance policy. Noncovered charges are services that are not a covered benefit under the provisions of your insurance plan. If your insurance does not cover a service, you are liable for the entire amount.
- Noncovered services
- A service not covered under the limits of the patient's health insurance contract. These amounts are the patient's responsibility to pay. Patients should direct questions about coverage to their health plans.
- Nonparticipation
- A health care provider that chooses not to accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full.
- Out of network
- A provider who does not have a contract with your health insurer or plan to provide services to you. You'll pay more to see an out-of-network or nonpreferred provider. Check your policy to see if you can go to all providers who have contracted with your health insurance or plan, or if your health insurance or plan has a "tiered" network and you must pay extra to see some providers.
- Per diem reimbursement
- In per diem reimbursement, an institution such as a hospital receives a set rate per day rather than reimbursement for charges for each service provided. Per diem reimbursement can vary by service (for example, medical or surgical, obstetrics, mental health, and intensive care) or can be a set rate.
- Point-of-service (POS) plan
- A point-of-service plan is one in which members don't have to choose the coverage for services until they need them. Most often, the plan enrolls each member in both an HMO (or HMO-like) system and an indemnity plan. These plans provide different benefits depending on whether the member stays within the plan. Dual choice refers to an HMO-like plan with an indemnity plan, and triple choice refers to the addition of a PPO to the dual choice.
- Pre-admission certification
- Pre-admission certification is also known as pre-admission review, pre-certification and pre-cert. Pre-admission certification is the practice of reviewing requests for hospital admission before you actually enter the hospital.
- Pre-care deposit
- When applicable, a dollar amount predetermined by Mayo Clinic to be paid before your visit.
- Pre-certification
- Pre-certification is also known as pre-admission certification, pre-admission review and pre-cert. It refers to the process of obtaining authorization from the health plan for routine hospital admissions (inpatient or outpatient). Failure to obtain pre-certification often results in reduced reimbursement or denial of claims.
- Preferred provider organization (PPO)
- Preferred provider organizations contract with independent providers for services. The doctors in a PPO are paid on a fee-for-service schedule that is discounted below standard fees. The panel of providers is limited, and the PPO usually reviews health care utilization. PPO members sometimes can use a doctor outside the PPO network, but usually must pay a bigger portion of the fee.
- Primary care physician (PCP)
- Sometimes referred to as a "gatekeeper," the primary care physician usually is the first doctor you see for an illness. Your doctor treats you directly, refers you to a specialist (secondary care) or admits you to a hospital. Your primary care physician may be a family doctor, internist, pediatrician or, occasionally, an obstetrician or gynecologist.
- Primary insurance company
- This is the insurance company with first responsibility for the payment of the claim.
- Prior authorization or prior written approval
- Approval from a health plan that may be required before you get a service or fill a prescription in order for the service or prescription to be covered by your plan.
- Provider
- A provider is any supplier of health care services, such as doctors, pharmacists, physical therapists and others.
- Proof of health insurance
- A valid insurance card including the address where claims are to be filed.
- Reasonable and customary (R&C)
- Reasonable and customary refers to the predetermined allowable limits used by insurers to limit the maximum amount they'll pay for a service based on their contract with you. Please note that Mayo Clinic doesn't accept predetermined health insurance payment amounts for health plans with which it doesn't participate. R&C may also be known as allowable or UCR.
- Referral
- A written order from your primary care doctor for you to see a specialist or get certain medical services. In many health maintenance organizations (HMOs), you need to get a referral before you can get medical care from anyone except your primary care doctor. If you don't get a referral approved by your insurance first, the plan may not pay for the services.
- Registration
- Areas in the lobbies of Mayo Clinic facilities where all patients report to be assigned a Mayo Clinic medical record and billing account number. Here they can also receive information about payment, billing and filing insurance. Registration also refers to the process of registering, which can be performed in person or online. All address, phone and insurance changes should be updated whenever changes to them occur.
- Secondary insurance company
- This is the insurance company responsible for processing the claim after the primary insurance determines what it will pay.
- Self-insured plan
- In self-insured (self-funded) plans, the employer (rather than an insurance company or managed care plan) assumes the risk of medical costs. Self-funded plans are exempt from state laws and regulations such as insurance premium taxes and mandatory benefits. Self-funded plans often contract with insurance companies or third-party administrators to administer the benefits.
- Self-pay patient
- A patient who has no insurance or does not want the services rendered to be filed with his or her insurance company. This patient must make a pre-care deposit.
- Skilled nursing facility (SNF)
- A skilled nursing facility generally is an institution for convalescence or a nursing home. Skilled nursing facilities provide a high level of specialized care for long-term or acute illness.
- Statement
- A record of account status (blue and white form) sent to patients monthly to advise them of the previous period's transactions and activity on the account.
- Supplemental insurance
- This is any private health insurance plan held by a Medicare or commercial beneficiary, including Medigap policies or post-retirement benefits. Supplemental insurance usually pays the deductible or copay and sometimes will pay the entire bill when primary insurance benefits have reached their limit.
- Supplemental or secondary claim form
- If you have supplemental or secondary insurance, Mayo Clinic will submit claims to those carriers on your behalf.
- Third-party administrator (TPA)
- Third-party administrators handle the administrative duties and sometimes utilization review for self-funded plans.
- Tier network
- With a tiered product, the member's benefit level of cost sharing is determined by the network of the independently contracted provider that renders the service. Keep in mind that an employer can customize the benefit levels for each tier. Here is an example of a basic benefit structure of a tiered product: Tier 1 is the highest benefit level and most cost-effective level for the member, as it is tied to a narrow network of designated providers. Tier 2 benefits offer members the option to select a provider from the broader network of contracted providers, but at a higher out-of-pocket expense. Tier 3 benefits, if offered, typically address the use of out-of-network providers as the highest cost option for covered services, which are subject to usual, customary and reasonable charges.
- UB92/UB04
- The UB92/UB04 form is required by Medicare and Medicaid and used by some private insurance companies and managed care plans for billing inpatient and outpatient hospital or facility charges. The official standard form used by physicians and other providers when submitting bills or claims for reimbursement to Medicare, Medicaid and private insurers. UB04 claim forms contains patient demographics, diagnostic codes, CPT/HCPCS codes, diagnosis codes and units.
- Uninsured patient
- This is a patient without public or private health insurance. Mayo Clinic requires uninsured patients to make a deposit before receiving care.
- Usual, customary and reasonable (UCR) charge
- Usual, customary and reasonable charges reflect the prevailing fees for service in an area. Many insurers and managed care plans reimburse providers based on UCR charges. This term may be synonymous with a fee allowance schedule.
- Utilization limits
- Medicare sets limits on how many times some services can be provided in a year. If services exceed this utilization limit, your claim could be denied. These limits are not disclosed to Mayo Clinic.
- Utilization review
- This is a process of tracking, reviewing and rendering opinions about care. The practices of pre-certification, recertification, retrospective review and concurrent review all describe utilization review methods.
- Visit number
- This is a number assigned to identify each episode of care. This number is used to track services and payments.
- Workers' compensation coverage
- This is insurance that employers are required to have to cover medical care of employees who get sick or are injured on the job.
- Sept. 26, 2024