DepartamentosCentro Oncológico Integral de Mayo ClinicCirugíaGrupos especializadosClínica de las mamasOncología Quirúrgica de Mama y Melanoma de RochesterClínica de Mamas de Alto RiesgoCáncer de pielLocationRochester, MinnesotaIdiomasEnglishPacientes existentesEnviar un mensaje seguro a través del portal del paciente Biographical summaryMara A. Piltin, D.O., is a fellowship trained general surgeon specializing in the surgical management of benign and malignant diseases of the breast as well as melanoma and other high-risk cutaneous malignancies. She has a passion for treating all stages of disease in the breast and advancing the surgical fields of both breast cancer and cutaneous oncology. She focuses on a multi-disciplinary approach, collaborating with her colleagues to achieve a patient-centered care plan that emphasizes oncologic safety and outcomes, patient preferences, exceptional aesthetics and compassion. Special interests include: Nipple sparing mastectomy for both the management of breast cancer and for prophylaxis in high-risk patients Oncoplastic surgery Utilizing innovation and novel techniques to advance clinical practice and improve patient outcomes Ultrasound use in the operating room and clinic to guide care Lymph node surgery In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Piltin takes an interest in the education of future physicians, is involved in committees on a national level and has presented at numerous specialty society meetings. She takes great pride in taking excellent care of her patients. Conditions treatedAtypical ductal hyperplasiaAtypical hyperplasia of the breastAtypical lobular hyperplasiaBRCA gene mutationBreast cancerBreast cysts and lumpsDuctal carcinoma in situFibroadenomaHER2-positive breast cancerInflammatory breast cancerInvasive ductal carcinomaInvasive lobular carcinomaLobular carcinoma in situLuminal A breast cancerLuminal B breast cancerMale breast cancerMedullary breast cancerMelanomaMerkel cell carcinomaMucinous breast cancerPaget's disease of the breastPaget's disease of the nipplePapillary breast cancerPhyllodes tumorRecurrent breast cancerSquamous cell carcinoma of the breastSquamous cell carcinoma of the skinStage 4 breast cancerTriple-negative breast cancerTriple-positive breast cancerTubular breast cancer Procedures performedBreast abscess drainageBreast biopsyBreast cancer surgeryBreast duct excisionBreast surgeryDouble mastectomyExcisional biopsyFlat aesthetic closureLumpectomyLymph node samplingLymphadenectomyMastectomyMelanoma surgeryMinimally invasive surgeryNipple-sparing mastectomyProphylactic mastectomyRobotic surgerySentinel lymph node surgerySentinel node biopsyTVEC injection InterestsBreast cancer surgeryMelanoma surgeryLymph node surgeryNeoadjuvant chemotherapyProphylactic mastectomyNipple sparing mastectomyMinimally invasive surgeryOutpatient breast surgeryClinical trialsNovel therapies and technologiesRobotic Surgery Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2020FellowRST Breast Oncology, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine2020Fellowship - Breast Oncology SurgeryMayo Clinic College of Medicine2019Residency - General SurgeryRowan University2014Doctor of Osteopathic MedicineRowan University2010BA - Biology major, studio art minor, pre-medical concentrationCollege of the Holy Cross Consultant - Intraoperative Ultrasound Twinkling, Breast Imaging In-ServiceMayo Clinic in Rochester Fellowship - da Vinci Si System Training Intuitive Surgery Robotic Advanced Training Course Resident - da Vinci Si System Training for Residents and FellowsIntuitive Surgery Robotic Advanced Training Course Resident - Bleeding Control Course InstructorAmerican College of Surgeons Accredited Education InstitutesShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications2021General SurgeryAmerican Osteopathic Board of SurgeryAwards and honors2024Outstanding AuthorTranslational Breast Cancer Research (TBCR)20222022 Mayo Clinic Experience Top Performer AwardMayo Clinic Rochester20212021 Mayo Clinic Experience Top Performer AwardMayo Clinic Rochester2019Winner of Best Paper Competition: Surgical Potpourri IMinnesota Surgical Society2019Chief Resident Award Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine2019Golden Scalpel Award for Best Surgical Resident Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine2018Golden Scalpel Award for Best Surgical ResidentRowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine2014David Silverman, D.O. Award for excellence in surgeryRowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine2014Inter-Professional Grand Rounds Series ParticipationUniversity of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey2012Best of ShowThe National Arts Program2010The Dan Allen Sportsmanship AwardThe College of the Holy Cross2009Dean's List Academic AchievementThe College of the Holy Cross2006Patriot League Sports Academic Honor Roll The College of the Holy CrossShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2024 - presentSurgical Oncology LeadMayo Clinic Breast eTumor Board2024 - presentMemberSociety of Surgical Oncology Melanoma Disease Site Workgroup2023 - presentFellowAmerican College of Surgeons2022 - presentSurgical Oncology LeadMayo Clinic Cutaneous Onc eTumor Board2022 - presentMember, Data Safety and Monitoring BoardData Safety Monitoring Board2021 - presentMemberCentral Surgical Association2021 - presentConference CoordinatorMorbidity & Mortality Conferences, Department of Surgery2021 - presentCourse DirectorMultidisciplinary Breast Conference2021 - presentCommittee MemberDepartment of Surgery Education Committee2020 - presentFellows working group memberAmerican Society of Breast Surgeons2020 - presentFellows Committee memberAmerican Society of Breast Surgeons2020 - presentMemberMinnesota Surgical Society2018 - presentMemberAmerican College of Surgeons2018 - presentMemberSociety of Surgical Oncology2018 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Breast Surgeons2018 - 2020MemberAmerican Association of Endocrine Surgeons2016 - presentMemberAmerican College of Osteopathic Surgeons2014 - presentMemberAmerican Osteopathic AssociationShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publications Biographical summaryConditions treatedProcedures performedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20487407 Médicos y personal médico Piltin, Mara A. D.O.