COVID-19 resources for providers Share Doximity Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Print details Dec. 14, 2022 Mayo provides guidance to navigate COVID-19 careAskMayoExpert COVID-19 Navigator Leverage the clinical knowledge resource that Mayo Clinic providers are using to stay current on the latest guidance from expert colleagues. Written and vetted by physician-led knowledge approval boards, AskMayoExpert is a synthesis of best available evidence and practice consensus into actionable, point-of-care answers. Regularly reviewed and updated, AskMayoExpert COVID-19 topics cover: Guidance on COVID-19 testing and pre-procedure screening. Obstetric and neonatal guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Treatment recommendations for cardiac conditions in the presence of COVID-19. Respiratory treatment and management. Inpatient drug regimens, treatment algorithms and clinical trials. Research opportunities and updates Mayo Clinic Clinical Trials: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) Mayo Clinic Laboratories COVID-19 Testing Resource Center Mayo Clinic Proceedings Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center Education opportunities COVID-19: Essentials for the Health Care Worker — Online Mayo Clinic Talks Podcast: COVID-19 Miniseries COVID-19 Resources: Medical Professional Video Center In the news COVID-19 Vaccine: Guidance from Mayo Clinic for your patients Information on safety, why and who should get vaccinated, along with frequently asked questions. Read the latest from Mayo Clinic on COVID-19 COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition Linked content is shared as educational material only to assist with mitigation efforts during the current COVID-19 pandemic and does not constitute the practice of medicine. With information changing real-time, Mayo Clinic expressly states that information is provided “as is” and “with all faults” and will have no liability for outcomes from use of such information. Referrals Arizona 866-629-6362 Florida 800-634-1417 Minnesota 800-533-1564 CareLink online referrals Download a fax referral form تُحدَّد المواعيد الطبية للمرضى من الإثنين إلى الجمعة من الساعة 8 صباحًا، وحتى الساعة 5 مساءً في كل حرم، وتتوفر أيضًا خدمات الاستشارات مع أطباء Mayo خلال هذه الساعات. مركز القبول والإحالة في ميدويست طلبات القبول والإحالة المباشرة من الأطباء إلى مدينة روتشستر ومدينة مانكاتو، ولاية مينيسوتا ومدينة لاكروس ومدينة أو كلير، ولاية ويسكونسن <span class="large" "telephone">507-255-2910 الصفحة الرئيسية COVID-19 resources for providers