COVID-19 resources for providers Dec. 14, 2022 Mayo provides guidance to navigate COVID-19 careAskMayoExpert COVID-19 Navigator Leverage the clinical knowledge resource that Mayo Clinic providers are using to stay current on the latest guidance from expert colleagues. Written and vetted by physician-led knowledge approval boards, AskMayoExpert is a synthesis of best available evidence and practice consensus into actionable, point-of-care answers. Regularly reviewed and updated, AskMayoExpert COVID-19 topics cover: Guidance on COVID-19 testing and pre-procedure screening. Obstetric and neonatal guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Treatment recommendations for cardiac conditions in the presence of COVID-19. Respiratory treatment and management. Inpatient drug regimens, treatment algorithms and clinical trials. Research opportunities and updates Mayo Clinic Clinical Trials: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) Mayo Clinic Laboratories COVID-19 Testing Resource Center Mayo Clinic Proceedings Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center Education opportunities COVID-19: Essentials for the Health Care Worker — Online Mayo Clinic Talks Podcast: COVID-19 Miniseries COVID-19 Resources: Medical Professional Video Center In the news COVID-19 Vaccine: Guidance from Mayo Clinic for your patients Information on safety, why and who should get vaccinated, along with frequently asked questions. Read the latest from Mayo Clinic on COVID-19 COVID-19 Healthcare Coalition 链接内容仅作为教育资源共享,用于协助在当前2019 冠状病毒病疫情期间的缓解疫情,但不用于医学实践。妙佑医疗国际明确表示,通过实时更新信息,按“原样”和“容错”提供信息,妙佑医疗国际对使用这些信息造成的结果不承担任何责任。 转诊 亚利桑那州院区 866-629-6362 佛罗里达州院区 800-634-1417 明尼苏达州院区 800-533-1564 在线转诊 下载转诊表格 患者约诊时间为各院区当地时间周一至周五上午 8 点至下午 5 点,妙佑医疗国际的医师会诊也可以安排在此期间。 中西部入院和转院中心 医生会将入院/转院请求转到明尼苏达州的罗切斯特和 Mankato 以及威斯康星州的 La Crosse 和 Eau Claire 站点 <span class="large" "telephone">507-255-2910 主页 COVID-19 resources for providers