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أعد ضبط جميع المرشحات

عرض 1-8 خارج الأطباء 8 المتاحين

  1. Mohamad Alkhouli, M.D., M.B.A.

    Mohamad Alkhouli, M.D., M.B.A.

    1. Interventional Cardiologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Ventricular assist device implantation, Tricuspid valve repair and replacement, Mitral valve repair and replacement, Tr...anscatheter aortic valve replacement, Coronary angioplasty and stenting, Coronary angiogram, Balloon pulmonary angioplasty, Pulmonary artery catheter insertion, Left atrial appendage closure, Right heart catheterization with exercise, Pulmonary vein stenting, Coronary physiology assessment, Patent foramen ovale closure, Pulmonary vein angioplasty, Alcohol septal ablation, Atrial septostomy, Stroke, Atrial septal defect, Coronary artery disease, Heart valve disease, Mitral valve regurgitation, Tricuspid valve regurgitation, Atrial fibrillation, Aortic valve stenosis, Tricuspid valve disease, Ventricular septal defect, Patent foramen ovale

  2. Bryan Barrus, M.D.

    Bryan Barrus, M.D.

    1. Cardiothoracic Surgeon
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    مناطق التركيز:

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, Heart transplant, Aortic valve repair and replacement, Heart valve surgery, Pulmon...ary valve repair and replacement, Minimally invasive heart surgery, Mitral valve repair and replacement, Coronary bypass surgery, Aortic root surgery, Transcatheter aortic valve replacement, Maze procedure, Heart surgery, Valve-sparing aortic root replacement, Mechanical circulatory support device implantation, Aortic aneurysm repair, Aortic arch replacement, Left ventricular assist device implantation, Right ventricular assist device implantation, Heart failure, Mitral valve disease, Mitral valve stenosis, Mitral valve regurgitation, Aortic valve disease, Heart arrhythmia, Aortic valve regurgitation, Aortic valve stenosis, Pulmonary valve disease, Mitral valve prolapse, Aortic dissection, Pulmonary embolism, Aortic aneurysm, Heart transplant complication, Shock, Endocarditis, Heart tumor, Aortic ulcer, Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, Mitral valve annular calcification

  3. Michael W. Cullen, M.D.

    Michael W. Cullen, M.D.

    1. Echocardiographer
    2. Cardiologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Cardiovascular disease prevention, Cardioversion, Transesophageal echocardiogram, Transthoracic echocardiogram, Stress ...echocardiogram, Hyperlipidemia, Heart failure, Heart disease, Coronary artery disease, Mitral valve disease, Mitral valve regurgitation, Aortic valve disease, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Atrial fibrillation, Aortic valve regurgitation, Aortic valve stenosis, Supraventricular tachycardia, Atrial flutter, High blood pressure, Heart attack, Mitral valve prolapse, Aortic aneurysm, Syncope, Familial hypercholesterolemia, Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

  4. Mayra Guerrero, M.D.

    Mayra Guerrero, M.D.

    1. Interventional Cardiologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Percutaneous valve procedure, Coronary angioplasty and stenting, Coronary angiogram, Left atrial appendage closure, Mec...hanical circulatory support device implantation, Myocardial biopsy, Intravascular imaging, Percutaneous coronary interventions, Patent foramen ovale closure, Transcatheter mitral valve repair, Alcohol septal ablation, Paravalvular leak closure, Transcatheter mitral valve replacement, Atrial septal defect, Heart disease, Coronary artery disease, Heart valve disease, Mitral valve stenosis, Mitral valve regurgitation, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Aortic valve stenosis, Angina, Heart attack, Ventricular septal defect, Pulmonary valve stenosis

  5. Kwan S. Lee, M.B., B.Ch., M.D.

    Kwan S. Lee, M.B., B.Ch., M.D.

    1. Interventional Cardiologist
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    مناطق التركيز:

    Cardiac catheterization, Ventricular assist device implantation, Transcatheter aortic valve replacement, Coronary angio...plasty and stenting, Coronary angiogram, Coronary artery stenting, Coronary physiology assessment, Patent foramen ovale closure, Coronary artery disease, Heart valve disease, Mitral valve disease, Mitral valve regurgitation, Aortic valve stenosis, Pericarditis, Coronary calcification, Myocardial ischemia, Acute coronary syndrome, Patent foramen ovale, Acute pericarditis, STEMI

  6. S. Allen Luis, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.

    S. Allen Luis, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.

    1. Cardiologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Heart valve disease, Mitral valve stenosis, Mitral valve regurgitation, Tricuspid valve regurgitation, Aortic valve reg...urgitation, Aortic valve stenosis, Tricuspid valve disease, Constrictive pericarditis, Carcinoid heart disease, Acute pericarditis

  7. Peter M. Pollak, M.D.

    Peter M. Pollak, M.D.

    1. Cardiologist
    2. Internist
    3. Interventional Cardiologist
    1. Jacksonville, FL
    مناطق التركيز:

    Mitral valve repair and replacement, Transcatheter aortic valve replacement, Percutaneous valve procedure, Hemodynamic ...monitoring, Left atrial appendage closure, Heart valve repair, Patent foramen ovale closure, Fistula, Heart valve disease, Mitral valve stenosis, Mitral valve regurgitation, Tricuspid valve regurgitation, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Aortic valve regurgitation, Aortic valve stenosis, Tricuspid valve disease, Ventricular septal defect, Patent foramen ovale, Ischemic heart disease

  8. Guy S. Reeder, M.D.

    Guy S. Reeder, M.D.

    1. Interventional Cardiologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Transcatheter aortic valve replacement, Transesophageal echocardiogram, Transthoracic echocardiogram, Coronary artery s...tenting, Pulmonary vein stenting, Patent foramen ovale closure, Atrial septal defect closure, Atrial septostomy, Atrial septal defect, Coronary artery disease, Heart valve disease, Mitral valve regurgitation, Aortic valve stenosis, Acute coronary syndrome, Patent foramen ovale, Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome, Pulmonary vein stenosis


يدرس باحثو مايو كلينك اختبارات تشخيصية جديدة وعلاجات محتملة للمصابين بارتجاع الصمام التاجي. وتتضمن موضوعات البحث ما يلي:

  • أنسب توقيت لإجراء جراحة الصمام التاجي للمصابين بارتجاع الصمام التاجي.
  • مدى انتشار ارتجاع الصمام التاجي.
  • أسباب إعادة التسريب المحتملة لأحد الصمامات.
  • الاختبارات التصويرية لارتجاع الصمام التاجي.
  • نتائج العلاج.
  • التقنيات الجراحية المتطورة لارتجاع الصمام التاجي، مثل الجراحة بمساعدة الروبوت.

اقرأ المزيد عن الأبحاث التي يجريها مركز أبحاث القلب والأوعية الدموية.


راجع قائمة المنشورات التي أعدّها أطباء مايو كلينك عن ارتجاع الصمام التاجي على موقع PubMed، وهو خدمة تقدمها "المكتبة الوطنية للطب".

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شاهد جميع الأطباء • جميع المواقع


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Coronary Artery Ectasia (CAE): Want to hear from others

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Stopping Carvedilol (Coreg): When will the effects wear off?

388 Replies Thu, Feb 27, 2025

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