البحث عن طبيب

Muriel M. Schornack, O.D.

  1. Optometrist


  1. Rochester, Minnesota



Dr. Muriel Schornack is a board certified optometrist. She holds a fellowship from the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) and the Scleral Lens Education Society (SLS). She is a member of Mayo’s Facial Reanimation Clinic.

Some of the conditions that Dr. Schornack treats are; corneal ectasis, keratoconus, corneal irregularity due to scarring of surgery, ocular surface disease, and tear film dysfunction.

Dr. Schornack has a special interest in the fitting of scleral lenses. This involves the study of therapeutic applications for scleral lenses, clinical outcomes of scleral lens prescription for various indications, consensus-based guidelines for scleral lens fitting, patient-reported experience using scleral lenses for the treatment of eye disease, and clinical findings associated with scleral lens wear.

Additional research interests include investigating delivery of primary eye care, including assessment of refractive error, screening for ocular disease, and management of chronic ocular disease.

  • Associate member of the International Society of Contact Lens Specialists, 2023-present
  • Planning committee member
    • International Forum for Scleral Lens Research, 2017-presesnt
    • International Congress of Scleral Contacts, 2017-present
  • Founder and member of the Scleral Lenses in Current Ophthalmic Practice Evaluation (SCOPE) research team, 2014-present
  • Founding member of the Scleral Lens Education Society, 2009
  1. Contact lens fitting
  2. Eye exam
  3. Scleral lens fitting
  • Comprehensive optometry
  • Contact lenses
  • Scleral lens fitting
  • Dry eyes
  • Tear film deficiency
  1. 1999
    Resident - Primary Care OptometryIllinois Eye Institute
  2. 1998
    ODIllinois College of Optometry
  3. 1987
    MM - Music-Piano PedagogyUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  4. 1984
    BA - MusicJamestown College


  1. 2012
    Medical OptometryAmerican Board of Certification in Medical Optometry

Awards and honors

  1. 2025
    Naomi "Jo" Svochak GP Practitioner of the YearGas Permeable Lens Institute
  2. 2022
    Scleral Lens Education Society Practitioner of the Year Scleral Lens Education Society
  3. 2021
    Alumni Achievement AwardIllinois College of Optometry
  4. 2012
    Legend AwardContact Lens and Cornea Section, American Optometric Association
  5. 2010
    Rodger Kame Special Recognition AwardContact Lens and Cornea Section, American Optometric Association
  6. 1998
    Alumnus of the Year AwardAwarding Organization
  7. 1998
    Kenneth P. Martin Memorial AwardAwarding Organization
  8. 1998
    Ann Pollak Memorial ScholarshipAwarding Organization
  9. 1998
    Valedictory AwardAwarding Organization
  10. 1998
    MedalBeta Sigma Kappa
  11. 1997
    Student Leadership AwardAmerican Optometric Association
  12. 1997
    PresidentGold Key International Optometric Honor Society
  13. 1997
    PresidentTomb and Key Honor Fraternity, Illinois College of Optometry
  14. 1997
    Alumni Achievement Award ScholarshipAwarding Organization
  15. 1996
    John J. Brady Memorial ScholarshipIllinois College of Optometry
  16. 1996
    MemberBeta Sigma Kappa International Optometric Honor Society
  17. 1994
    Presidential ScholarshipIllinois College of Optometry
  18. 1987
    Outstanding Young Women of AmericaAwarding Organization
  19. 1984
    University FellowshipUniversity of Illinois
  20. 1984
    President's Key Award (Valedictorian)Jamestown College
  21. 1983
    College Fellow in MusicJamestown College
  22. 1983
    Who's Who in American Colleges and UniversitiesAwarding Organization
  23. 1980
    ValedictorianGrafton Central High School
  24. 1980
    National Merit Scholarship FinalistAwarding Organization

Professional memberships

  1. 2023 - present
    Associate MemberInternational Society of Contact Lens Specialists
  2. 2021 - present
    MemberDepartment of Ophthalmology, Research Committee
  3. 2017 - present
    LeadEDI Practice Development Team
  4. 2017 - present
    Advisory Board MemberScleral Lens Education Society
  5. 2017 - present
    Planning Committee and FacultyInternational Forum of Scleral Lens Research
  6. 2016 - 2021
    MemberDepartment of Ophthalmology, Executive Committee
  7. 2016 - 2017
    Immediate Past PresidentBoard of Directors, Scleral Lens Education Society
  8. 2015 - 2016
    PresidentBoard of Directors, Scleral Lens Education Society
  9. 2015 - present
    Planning Committee and FacultyInternational Congress on Scleral Contacts
  10. 2014 - 2015
    Vice PresidentBoard of Directors, Scleral Lens Education Society
  11. 2013 - 2014
    SecretaryBoard of Directors, Scleral Lens Education Society
  12. 2013 - present
    MemberAdvisory Council, Gas Permeable Lens Institute
  13. 2012 - present
    ChairLeadership Course Development Committee, American Academy of Optometry
  14. 2012 - 2015
    MemberInnovation Committee, Department of Ophthalmology
  15. 2012 - 2013
    TreasurerBoard of Directors, Scleral Lens Education Society
  16. 2010 - 2012
    Public Education ChairBoard of Directors, Scleral Lens Education Society
  17. 2010 - present
    Founding Board MemberScleral Lens Education Society
  18. 2005 - 2016
    MemberClinical Practice Committee, Department of Ophthalmology
  19. 2003 - 2004
    LeadNortheast Clinic Practice Development Team
  20. 2003 - present
    LeadPrimary Eye Care Team in Mayo's 2003 Access Collaborative, Department of Ophthalmology
  21. 1999 - present
    Assistant DirectorContact Lens Service, Department of Ophthalmology
  22. 1999 - present
    MemberMinnesota Optometric Association, American Optometric Association
  23. 1999 - present
    MemberContact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists
  24. 1997 - 1998
    PresidentGold Key International Optometric Honor Society
  25. 1997 - 1998
    PresidentStudent Association, Illinois College of Optometry
  26. 1997 - 1998
    PresidentCollegiate Society, Illinois Optometric Association, American Optometric Association
  27. 1996 - present
    MemberAmerican Academy of Optometry
  28. 1996 - 1998
    PresidentTomb and Key Honor Fraternity, Illinois College of Optometry
  29. 1996 - present
    MemberBeta Sigma Kappa International Optometric Honor Society
  30. 1996 - 1997
    Vice PresidentCollegiate Society, Illinois Optometric Association, American Optometric Association
  31. 1995 - 1998
    MemberStudent Association, Illinois College of Optometry
  32. 1995 - 1997
    PresidentCouncil on Ethics and Advancement of Professionalism, Illinois College of Optometry
  33. 1995 - 1997
    MemberBoard of Trustees, American Optometric Student Association
  34. 1994 - present
    MemberAmerican Optometric Association


Research activities

See a description of research activities.