Departmentsالطب النفسي وعلم النفسLocationRochester, MinnesotaLanguagesEnglishExisting patientsSend a secure message via patient portal Conditions treatedAdjustment disorderAgoraphobiaAnxiety disorderDepressionGeneralized anxiety disorderHoarding disorderIllness anxiety disorderImpulse control disordersInsomniaMood disorderObsessive compulsive disorderPanic attacksPhobiasPost traumatic stress disorderSeasonal affective disorderSocial anxiety disorderSomatic symptom disorderTic disordersTrichotillomania Procedures performedCognitive behavioral therapyPsychotherapy Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2001Post Doctoral Fellowship - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders and Medical FearsUniversity of Washington School of Medicine2000Clinical InternshipPsychology Internship Program, University of Washington School of Medicine2000Doctor of Philosophy - Clinical PsychologyUniversity Of Arkansas1997Masters - Clinical PsychologyUniversity Of Arkansas1993BA - PsychologyUniversity of British ColumbiaShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications2016Cognitive and Behavioral PsychologyAmerican Board of Professional PsychologyAwards and honors2023Top Performer Award, Mayo Clinic ExperienceMayo Clinic Rochester2022Teacher of the Year Hall of Fame, Mayo Fellows AssociationMayo Clinic Rochester2022Top Performer Award, Mayo Clinic ExperienceMayo Clinic Rochester2021Psychology Teacher of the Year, Mayo Fellows AssociationMayo Clinic Rochester2021Teacher of the Year Hall of Fame, Mayo Fellows AssociationMayo Clinic Rochester2019Psychology Teacher of the Year, Mayo Fellows AssociationMayo Clinic Rochester2018Honorary ProfessorUniversidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia2018Psychology Teacher of the Year, Mayo Fellows AssociationMayo Clinic Rochester2005New Investigator AwardMental Health Services Research Division, National Institutes of Health, Clinical Assay Development Program Special Emphasis Panel1999Joseph Becker Research AwardUniversity of Washington School of Medicine1998Lynn Waite Dunlap Creativity Prize for Outstanding Record of Graduate ResearchUniversity Of ArkansasShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2017 - presentMemberEditorial Board, Mayo Clinic Health Letter, Mayo Clinic Health Solutions2015 - presentMemberAskMayoExpert2015 - presentMemberDepartment of Psychiatry and Psychology, Executive Committee2014 - presentMemberEmployee and Community Health Baldwin Site Operations2014 - 2017MemberAssociation of Psychologists in Academic Health Centers (formerly known as Association of Medical School Psychologists)2014 - presentMemberBaldwin Leadership Team, Employee and Community Health2014 - presentMemberAnxiety and Depression Association of America2013 - presentMemberResearch committee, Division of Integrated Behavioral Health, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology2013 - presentMemberClinical Health Psychology Fellowship Training Program2013 - 2015MemberDepartment of Psychiatry and Psychology Research Committee2008 - presentSpecial Government EmployeeBritish Medical Journal & Epocrates Online, Specialist Review Panel2007 - 2010MemberAnxiety and Depression Association of America2007 - 2009MemberAnxiety Disorders Association of America, Scientific Advisory Committee2005 - 2007MemberAmbulatory Clinic Advisory Council, Harborview Medical Center2004 - 2007MemberAnxiety Disorders Association of America2003 - 2007MemberSteering Committee, Psychology Internship Program, University of Washington School of Medicine2002 - 2007Co-Chair of Simulation CommitteeClinical Documentation Template Task Force Committee, Department of Pscyhiatry and Behavioral Sciences2000 - 2007MemberProfessional Development Committee, Psychology Internship Program, University of Washington School of Medicine1995 - presentMemberAssociation for Behavioral and Cognitive TherapiesShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Conditions treatedProcedures performedMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20216795 الأطباء والفريق الطبي Sawchuk, Craig N. Ph.D., L.P.