Departmentsجراحة تقويم العظامالجراحةSpecialty Groupsالطب الرياضيالطب الرياضي – ولاية مينيسوتاLocationRochester, MinnesotaLanguagesDutchEnglishExisting patientsSend a secure message via patient portal Biographical summaryDaniel B.F. Saris, M.D., Ph.D., is an orthopedic surgeon with a specialty in knee surgery and additional focus on cell based surgical regenerative medicine. Areas of expertise include: Knee surgery, Cartilage, Meniscus and ACL, Osteotomy, Joint preservation Knee Joint replacement surgery, partial knee, total knee and knee revision Specific expertise in regenerative medicine and cartilage repair with cell technology Patello - femoral instability Clinical trials in joint preservation Conditions treatedACL injuryArthritisCartilage injuryOsteochondritis dissecansTorn meniscus Procedures performedArthroplastyArthroscopyCartilage repairKnee replacementKnee replacement revisionKnee surgeryRegenerative medicine therapyUnicompartmental knee replacement InterestsKnee repairArthroplastyBiological joint reconstructionOsteotomyCartilage cell therapyRegenerative medicine and cartilage repair with cell technologyClinical trials for regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2002PhD - OrthopaedicsUniversity of Utrecht2000Residency - Orthopaedics (Academical Hospital Utrecht Department of Orthopaedics)University of Utrecht1997Research Fellowship - Orthopaedics, Cartilage & Biomechanics LaboratoryMayo Clinic Rochester1992Medical SchoolUniversity of AmsterdamShow more education Activities and honorsAwards and honors2025Arnold I. Caplan Award for Distinguished Research in OrthobiologicsAmerican Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons2024Core Award - Grant title "Characterizing the Mechanical Properties of Revitalized Frozen Meniscus Allografts"Mayo Foundation2021Kelly Research AwardMayo Foundation2016IMPACT Trial "3 Hottest Topics @ AAOS"American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons2016ICRS Award for Best ResearchInternational Cartilage Repair Society2014Honorary LectureBASK Lordon Trickey2009Jack Houghston Award for AOSSM Best PaperAmerican Journal of Sports Medicine2007Honorary title "Fellow of the International Cartilage Repair Society"International Cartilage Repair Society2003Pauline van Wachem Award for the best PhD thesis 2002-2003Dutch Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering2002Best Basic Science AwardJournal of Bone and Joint Surgery1997Kelly Research Award for "Outstanding Basic Science Research"Mayo FoundationShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2025JudgeAmerican Academy of Orthopedic Surgery (AAOS)2025 - presentSafety OfficerNational Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health2025Invited ExaminerNational University of Singapore2024JudgeAmerican Academy of Orthopedic Surgery (AAOS)2024 - presentBoard MemberON Foundation2023 - 2025MemberBiotech and Devices Committee2022 - presentON Expert and Member of the ON Expert TeamON Foundation2021 - presentExpert ReviewerCalifornia institute of Regenerative Medicine 2021 - presentMedical DirectorMayo Clinic Bone and Tissue Bank2010 - 2012PresidentInternational Cartilage Repair Society2009 - 2010ChairmanACL Consensus Guideline Committee, Dutch Orthopaedic Society2008 - 2010Vice PresidentInternational Cartilage Repair Society2003 - 2008Executive SecretaryInternational Cartilage Repair Society2003 - 2008Past TreasurerDutch Arthroscopy Society2000 - presentMemberDutch Orthopaedic Society2000 - presentMemberISAKOS - International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine2000 - presentMemberAmerican Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons2000 - presentFellowInternational Cartilage Repair Society2000 - presentMemberDutch Society for Orthopaedic TraumatologyShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Biographical summaryConditions treatedProcedures performedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20421024 الأطباء والفريق الطبي Saris, Daniel B. F. M.D., Ph.D.