Bringing Mayo Clinic knowledge and expertise to Carteret Health Care

William "Harvey" case, chief executive officer, Carteret Health Care, shares the value of the clinical collaboration with Mayo Clinic is keeping more patients close to home for their care.

Why collaborate with Mayo Clinic?


I think the value for our community with Mayo is we have expertise here so we can keep people close to home. What's really important in health care is access, access to information, access to knowledge, access to expertise. And that's what the Mayo Clinic brings to our organization. If it's a complex medical issue, we can have a physician reach out to another physician, we can have a nurse reach out to another nurse. We can do research, go on their website and find out information that allows us to provide the very best care close to home. It helps us make good medical decisions.

The thing that sticks out to me the most is really the pandemic. None of us have been through this before. But to have the resources of the Mayo Clinic where we could pick up the phone and say, What are you guys doing? What are you guys doing for elective care? What are you guys doing for universal masking? What are you doing globally? I think it gave us a great resource to bounce things off of to make sure that we were doing the right things here as well. So that was power.