Amplify expertise – Middlesex Health

Working together to transform genetic research

The genetic research team at Middlesex Health.

Member: Middlesex Health, Middlesex, Connecticut

What began as an inquiry sparked during a research brainstorming session evolved into meaningful collaboration for a community cancer center in Connecticut. Through the Mayo Clinic Care Network relationship, Middlesex Health and Mayo Clinic are working together to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through impactful research.

Approximately 1 in 5 people with cancer has a genetic (inherited) cancer. Knowing whether a cancer is inherited is important because it can lead to the personalization of ongoing care. Genetics research is essential for developing methods of prevention and tailored treatments and discussing surgical options for reducing risk.

Understanding the impact of research in this area, Middlesex Health was interested in developing its own genetics research program. As a member of the care network, Middlesex Health connected with Mayo Clinic's Center for Individualized Medicine for consultation on how best to move forward.

"Mayo Clinic shared resources, protocols and lessons learned, which was really beneficial for our team as we built our research study," says Justin Drew, M.S.N., R.N., Middlesex Health Cancer Center Director. "We're working toward setting new standards of care for cancer and genetics as a community cancer center, which we wouldn't have the resources to do without Mayo Clinic."

Working together, both organizations have been able to further their collective mission of putting the patient first. Mayo's vision is to transform medicine by connecting and curing. Therefore, collaborations with organizations like Middlesex Health advance that work.

The impact this research can have on improvements in prevention and screening for patients makes this collaboration especially meaningful. "It's really about bringing a 'state-of-the-art' research study to our patients and to our community," says Betty Molle, Ph.D., M.S.N., R.N., a nurse-scientist at Middlesex Health. "Mayo gave us the guidance, support and confidence to tailor our study to what is most important for our patients."

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