打印 概述睡眠障碍是导致您的睡眠方式发生变化的疾病。 睡眠障碍可能影响您的整体健康、安全和生活质量。睡眠剥夺会影响您安全驾驶的能力,并增加您出现其他健康问题的风险。 睡眠障碍的一些体征和症状包括日间嗜睡过度、呼吸不规则或者睡眠期间动作过多。其他体征和症状包括睡眠和觉醒周期不规则以及难以入睡。 睡眠障碍分为多种类型。它们通常分为几个类别,这些类别将说明这些障碍为何出现以及它们会为您带来哪些影响。也可以根据行为、自然睡眠觉醒周期问题、呼吸问题、入睡困难或者您在一天中的困倦程度对睡眠障碍进行分类。 一些常见的睡眠障碍类型包括: 失眠,即您整晚难以入睡或睡不安稳。 睡眠呼吸暂停,即您在睡眠时的呼吸模式出现异常。睡眠呼吸暂停分为几种类型。 不宁腿综合征(RLS),睡眠运动障碍的一种表现。不宁腿综合征也称为威利斯埃克波姆症,会导致您在尝试入睡时出现不适感并产生活动腿部的冲动。 发作性睡病,这种疾病表现为在白天极度嗜睡以及在白天突然入睡。 可以通过很多方法帮助诊断睡眠障碍。医生们通常能够有效地治疗正确确诊的大多数睡眠障碍。产品与服务A Book: Mayo Clinic Guide to Better Sleep 症状睡眠障碍的症状包括白天非常困倦,晚上难以入睡。有些人可能会在不适当的时间入睡,例如开车时。其他症状包括呼吸异常或试图入睡时感到不舒服想要移动。睡眠期间也有可能出现异常或令人烦恼的翻动或经历。睡眠障碍的另一个症状是睡眠觉醒周期不规律。 申请预约 病因There are many different types of sleep disorders, and the causes vary widely. Sleep disorders are often grouped according to why they happen or their effects. Sleep disorders also can be grouped based on behaviors, problems with your natural sleep-wake cycles, breathing problems, difficulty sleeping or how sleepy you feel during the day. Sometimes the exact cause is not known, but several factors can increase the risk of having a sleep disorder. 风险因素These issues can raise the risk of sleep disorders: Age. Sleep varies depending on age, and age may play a role in sleep disorders. Some sleep disorders, such as bed-wetting, may be more common in children. Other sleep disorders are more common with older age. Genetics. Having some sleep disorders, such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, sleepwalking, and sleep apnea, may be more likely if a family member also has them. Medical conditions. Brain and nerve conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and traumatic brain injury, may raise the risk of sleep disorders. Heart disease, lung disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic pain are linked with insomnia. Being overweight raises the risk of obstructive sleep apnea. Heart failure and atrial fibrillation raise the risk of central sleep apnea. Mental health conditions. Stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions may affect sleep. Schedule changes. Jet lag or shift work can change your sleep-wake cycle and disrupt sleep. Medicines and drugs. Certain medicines, caffeine, alcohol, and legal or illegal drugs that may be sold on the streets, also called recreational drugs, can affect sleep. 并发症Untreated sleep disorders are linked with serious complications. These can include a higher risk or worsening of medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Sleep disorders also can affect mental health. And ongoing insomnia can raise the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Sleep disorders can affect your quality of life. Excessive daytime sleepiness can make it hard to focus and pay attention. This can impact driving safety, workplace errors and how well you do in school. 来自妙佑医疗国际员工 在 Mayo Clinic 治疗 申请预约 医生与科室 Aug. 10, 2019 打印 显示参考文献 Judd BG, et al. Classification of sleep disorders. http://www.uptodate.com/home. Accessed July 25, 2016. Chervin RD. Approach to the patient with excessive daytime sleepiness. http://www.uptodate.com/home. Accessed July 25, 2016. Sleep disorders and problems. National Sleep Foundation. https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-disorders-problems. July 25, 2016. Olson EJ (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. July 8, 2019. Sleep disorders. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. http://yoursleep.aasmnet.org/Disorders.aspx. Accessed July 25, 2016. Riggin EA. Allscripts EPSi. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. June 24, 2019. American Academy of Sleep Medicine. International Classification of Sleep Disorders. 3rd ed. Darien, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicine; 2014. 相关 产品与服务 A Book: Mayo Clinic Guide to Better Sleep 睡眠障碍症状与病因医生与科室在 Mayo Clinic 治疗 Advertisement 妙佑医疗国际不为任何公司或产品背书。广告收入为我们的非营利使命提供支持。 广告与赞助政策 政策 机会 广告选择 妙佑医疗国际出版社 浏览妙佑医疗国际出版社提供的畅销书以及书籍和简报的特别优惠。 《妙佑医疗国际论失禁》(Mayo Clinic on Incontinence) - 妙佑医疗国际出版社《妙佑医疗国际论失禁》(Mayo Clinic on Incontinence)《糖尿病基本知识》 - 妙佑医疗国际出版社《糖尿病基本知识》妙佑医疗国际论平衡和听觉 - 妙佑医疗国际出版社妙佑医疗国际论平衡和听觉妙佑医疗国际免费饮食方案评估 - 妙佑医疗国际出版社妙佑医疗国际免费饮食方案评估妙佑医疗国际健康通讯 — 免费书籍 - 妙佑医疗国际出版社妙佑医疗国际健康通讯 — 免费书籍Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book - 妙佑医疗国际出版社Mayo Clinic Health Letter - FREE book CON-20197160 患者护理和健康信息 疾病与状况 睡眠障碍