科室神经科妙佑医疗国际综合癌症中心儿童中心儿童与青少年医学血管中心专业团队脊柱保健脑肿瘤项目儿童和青少年神经科地点Rochester, Minnesota语言English现有患者通过患者门户发送安全消息 约诊 507-229-7696 在线申请约诊 Conditions treatedBrain tumorCancerChiari malformationPediatric brain tumorSpinal cord tumor InterestsBrain tumorsSpinal cord tumorsNeurological complications of pediatric cancerNeurological late effects of brain tumors and other pediatric cancerChiari malformations Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education1997Fellow - Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Program Director, Jeffrey C. Allen, MDHyman-Newman Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Beth Israel Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine1996ResidentChild & Adolescent Neurology, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine1996Resident - Child NeurologyMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine1993Resident - PediatricsVanderbilt University Medical Center1991MDMayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine1987BS - BiochemistryUniversity of Arizona, TucsonShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications1998Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child NeurologyAmerican Board of Psychiatry and NeurologyAwards and honors2023Karis AwardMayo Clinic Values Council2015Best DoctorsMinnesota Monthly Magazine2011America's Top DoctorsCastle Connolly Medical Ltd.2011America's Top Doctors for CancerCastle Connolly Medical Ltd.2011Top Doctor; Pediatric NeurologyU.S. News and World Report2003Sontag Foundation: Quality of Life AwardSociety for Neuro-Oncology2001Alumni Academic Hall of FameHorizon High School1990Rose Phillips ScholarMayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration1989Leo T. Kissam ScholarMayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration1987Biochemistry, with Highest HonorsUniversity of Arizona, Tucson1987Phi Beta KappaUniversity of Arizona1986Golden Key National Honor SocietyUniversity of Arizona1983John P. Schaefer Honor ScholarshipUniversity of ArizonaShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2010 - presentMemberSociety for Neuro-Oncology1997 - 2003MemberSociety for Neuro-Oncology1995 - presentMemberAmerican Academy of Neurology1994 - 1995DelegateResident Physician Section, American Medical Association1993 - 1995MemberFaculty Development Committee, Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science1993 - presentMemberChild Neurology Society1991 - 1997MemberAmerican Academy of Pediatrics1991 - presentMayo Clinic Alumni Association, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration1991 - presentMemberAlumni Association, Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science1990 - 1991MemberMedical School Admissions Committee, Mayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science1990Alternate DelegateMedical Student Section, American Medical Association1990MemberCredentials Committee, Annual meeting, 1990, Chicago, Medical Student Section, American Medical Association1990DelegateMinnesota Medical Society Annual Meeting, 1990, 1994, and 1995, Zumbro Valley Medical Society, Minnesota Medical Association1990MemberMembership Committee, Zumbro Valley Medical Society, Minnesota Medical Association1989 - 1990PresidentMedical Student Section, American Medical Association1989DelegateMedical Student Section, American Medical Association1989Alternate DelegateMedical Student Section, American Medical Association1989Ex-Committee MemberZumbro Valley Medical Society, Minnesota Medical Association1987 - 1996MemberAmerican Medical AssociationShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publications Conditions treatedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20225497 医生与医务人员 Keating, Gesina F. M.D.