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Julie A. Stierwalt, Ph.D.

  1. Neurologic Communicative Disorder Specialist
  2. Speech-Language Pathologist


  1. Costa F, Gatto RG, Pham NTT, Ali F, Clark HM, Stierwalt J, Machulda MM, Agosta F, Filippi M, Josephs KA, Whitwell JL. Longitudinal assessment of white matter alterations in progressive supranuclear palsy variants using diffusion tractography. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2025 Mar; 132:107272 Epub 2025 Jan 10
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  2. Sintini I, Ali F, Stephens Y, Clark HM, Stierwalt JA, Machulda MM, Satoh R, Josephs KA, Whitwell JL. Functional connectivity abnormalities in clinical variants of progressive supranuclear palsy. Neuroimage Clin. 2024 Dec 17; 45:103727 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Blazek AM, Meade G, Jackson LM, Gavrilova R, Stierwalt J, Martinez-Thompson JM, Duffy JR, Clark H, Machulda MM, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA, Utianski RL, Botha H. Progressive Apraxia of Speech as a Manifestation of Spinocerebellar Ataxia 2: Case Report. Neurol Genet. 2024 Dec; 10 (6):e200202 Epub 2024 Nov 01
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  4. Boots EA, Broeren MJ, Ali F, Clark HM, Stierwalt JAG, Botha H, Stephens YC, Josephs KA, Whitwell JL, Machulda MM, Stricker NH. Clinical Manifestations. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Dec; 20 Suppl 3:e085992
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  5. Boots EA, Broeren MJ, Ali F, Clark HM, Stierwalt JAG, Botha H, Stephens YC, Josephs KA, Whitwell JL, Machulda MM, Stricker NH. Technology and Dementia Preconference. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Dec; 20 Suppl 10:e094208
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  6. Sintini I, Ali F, Stephens YC, Clark HM, Stierwalt JAG, Josephs KA, Whitwell JL. Biomarkers. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 Dec; 20 Suppl 2:e085783
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  7. Badihian N, Tosakulwong N, Weigand SD, Ali F, Clark HM, Stierwalt J, Botha H, Savica R, Dickson DW, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. Relationships between regional burden of tau pathology and age at death and disease duration in PSP. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2024 Oct; 127:107109 Epub 2024 Aug 17
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  8. Stierwalt J, Stierwalt JAG, Clark H, Burda A, Benavidez Kiley H, Collins E, Kortemeyer M, Miller E, Peckenschneider G, Schieltz E, Shah Y, Simon K. Factors Affecting Performance on a Screening Tool in Persons with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Semin Speech Lang. 2024 Jun; 45 (3):228-241 Epub 2024 Apr 02
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  9. Petroi-Bock D, Clark HM, Stierwalt JAG, Botha H, Ali F, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. Influences of motor speech impairments on the presentation of dysphagia in progressive supranuclear palsy. Int J Speech Lang Pathol. 2024 Apr; 26 (2):278-288 Epub 2023 June 19
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  10. Badihian N, Ali F, Botha H, Savica R, Machulda MM, Clark HM, Stierwalt JAG, Pham NTT, Baker MC, Rademakers R, Lowe V, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. The MAPT p.E342K and p.R406W mutations are associated with progressive supranuclear palsy with atypical features. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2024 Feb; 119:105962 Epub 2023 Dec 17
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  11. Utianski RL, Martin PR, Duffy JR, Clark HM, Stierwalt JAG, Botha H, Ali F, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. Assessing Patients and Care Partner Ratings of Communication-Related Participation Restrictions: Insights From Degenerative Disease. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2023 Aug 17; 32 (4S):1793-1805 Epub 2023 Feb 09
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  12. Utianski RL, Duffy JR, Martin PR, Clark HM, Stierwalt JAG, Botha H, Ali F, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. Rate Modulation Abilities in Acquired Motor Speech Disorders. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2023 Aug 17; 66 (8S):3194-3205 Epub 2023 Feb 13
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  13. Kvam KA, Benatar M, Brownlee A, Caller T, Das RR, Green P, Kolodziejczak S, Russo J, Sanders D, Sethi N, Stavros K, Stierwalt J, Giles Walters N, Bennett A, Wessels SR, Brooks BR. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Quality Measurement Set 2022 Update: Quality Improvement in Neurology. Neurology. 2023 Aug 1; 101 (5):223-232
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  14. Utianski RL, Clark HM, Martin PR, Stierwalt JAG, Duffy JR, Botha H, Ali F, Josephs KA. Patient and Care Partner Ratings of Communication Participation in Frontotemporal Dementia. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 Dec; 18 Suppl 9:e060715
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  15. Alani SS, Stierwalt JAG, LaPointe LL, Morris RJ, Jeong AC, Filson Moses J, Upton TD. An Investigation of Pulse Oximetry Levels During Swallowing in Healthy Adults and in Individuals with Severe and Very Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Semin Speech Lang. 2022 Nov; 43 (5):361-377 Epub 2022 Mar 11
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  16. Simpson HD, Duffy JR, Stierwalt JAG, Ahlskog JE, Hassan A. Speech-induced action myoclonus. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2022 May; 98:41-46 Epub 2022 Apr 14
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  17. Bower SM, Weigand SD, Ali F, Clark HM, Botha H, Stierwalt JA, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. Depression and Apathy across Different Variants of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2022 Feb; 9 (2):212-217 Epub 2021 Dec 31
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  18. Hokelekli FO, Duffy JR, Clark HM, Utianski RL, Botha H, Stierwalt JA, Strand EA, Machulda MM, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Assessment of Behavior in Primary Progressive Apraxia of Speech and Agrammatic Aphasia. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2022; 51 (2):193-202 Epub 2022 May 06
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  19. Hokelekli FO, Duffy JR, Clark HM, Utianski RL, Botha H, Ali F, Stierwalt JA, Machulda MM, Reichard RR, Dickson DW, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. Autopsy Validation of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy-Predominant Speech/Language Disorder Criteria. Mov Disord. 2022 Jan; 37 (1):213-218 Epub 2021 Oct 10
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  20. Dang J, Graff-Radford J, Duffy JR, Utianski RL, Clark HM, Stierwalt JA, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA, Botha H. Progressive apraxia of speech: delays to diagnosis and rates of alternative diagnoses. J Neurol. 2021 Dec; 268 (12):4752-4758 Epub 2021 May 04
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  21. Josephs KA, Duffy JR, Clark HM, Utianski RL, Strand EA, Machulda MM, Botha H, Martin PR, Pham NTT, Stierwalt J, Ali F, Buciuc M, Baker M, Fernandez De Castro CH, Spychalla AJ, Schwarz CG, Reid RI, Senjem ML, Jack CR Jr, Lowe VJ, Bigio EH, Reichard RR, Polley EJ, Ertekin-Taner N, Rademakers R, DeTure MA, Ross OA, Dickson DW, Whitwell JL. A molecular pathology, neurobiology, biochemical, genetic and neuroimaging study of progressive apraxia of speech. Nat Commun. 2021 Jun 8; 12 (1):3452 Epub 2021 June 08
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  22. Chandregowda A, Stierwalt JA, Clark HM. Facilitating End-of-Life Interaction Between Patients With Severe Communication Impairment and Their Families Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. 2021; 6(3):649-653.
  23. Chih YC, Tsai MJ, Stierwalt JAG, LaPointe LL. Assessing Physiological Stress Responses to Word Retrieval in Individuals with Aphasia: A Preliminary Study. Folia Phoniatr Logop. 2021; 73 (2):134-145 Epub 2020 Mar 11
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  24. Clark HM, Stierwalt JAG, Tosakulwong N, Botha H, Ali F, Whitwell JL, Josephs KA. Dysphagia in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Dysphagia. 2020 Aug; 35 (4):667-676 Epub 2019 Nov 01
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  25. Oh C, Morris RJ, LaPointe LL, Stierwalt JAG. Spatial-Temporal Parameters of Gait Associated With Alzheimer Disease: A Longitudinal Analysis. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 2020 Mar 4; 891988720901779 Epub 2020 Mar 04
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  26. Pitts LL, Morales S, Stierwalt JAG. Lingual Pressure as a Clinical Indicator of Swallowing Function in Parkinson's Disease. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2018 Feb 15; 61 (2):257-265
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  27. Pitts LL, Stierwalt JAG, Hageman CF, LaPointe LL. The Influence of Oropalatal Dimensions on the Measurement of Tongue Strength. Dysphagia. 2017 Dec; 32 (6):759-766 Epub 2017 July 07
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  28. Chih , YC, Stierwalt JA, LaPointe , LL, Chih , YP. The influence of word frequency on word retrieval: Measuring covert behaviors Communication Disorders Quarterly. November 2017; 39(1):288-292.
  29. Johnson , RK, Lasker , JP, Stierwalt JA, MacPherson , M, LaPointe , LL. Motor Learning Guided Treatment for Acquired Apraxia of Speech: A Case Study Investigating Factors that Influence Treatment Outcomes Speech, Language and Hearing. September, 2017; 21(4):213-223.
  30. Lenius K, Stierwalt JAG , LaPointe LL, Bourgeois MS, Carnaby G, Crary M. Effects of lingual effort on swallow pressures following radiation treatment. Journal of Speech-Language and Hearing Research. 2015 Nov.
  31. Macrae T, Stierwalt JAG, Behel KA. A case description of speech disturbance and treatment following corrective surgery for stress velopharyngeal incompetence. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 2015 Aug;
  32. Kim MJ, Stierwalt JAG , LaPointe LL, Bourgeois MS. The use of gesture following traumatic brain injury: A preliminary analysis. Aphasiology. 2014 Mar.
  33. Gingrich LL, Stierwalt JAG , Hageman CF, LaPointe LL. Lingual propulsive pressures across consistencies generated by the anteromedian and posteromedian tongue by healthy young adults. Journal of Speech-Language and Hearing Research. 2012 Jun; 55:960-972.
  34. Kim IS, LaPointe LL, Stierwalt JAG. The effect of feedback and practice on the acquisition of novel speech behaviors. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 2012 May;21:89-100.
  35. Youmans SR, Stierwalt JAG . Normal swallowing acoustics across age, gender, bolus viscosity, and bolus volume. Dysphagia. 2011 Dec; 26:374-384.
  36. Lasker JP, Stierwalt JAG, Spence M, Cavin-Root C. Using webcam interactive technology to implement treatment for severe apraxia: A case example. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology. 2010 Dec;
  37. Kim M, Stierwalt JAG , LaPointe LL. Email intervention following traumatic brain injury: Two case reports. International Journal of Telerehabilitation. 2010 Oct.
  38. LaPointe LL, Stierwalt JAG, Maitland CG. Cognitive loading and injurious falls in Parkinson's disease. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 2010 Oct;
  39. Kemker BE, Stierwalt JAG, LaPointe LL, Heald GR. Effects of a cell phone conversation on cognitive processing performances. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. 2009 Oct;20:(9):582-287.
  40. Youmans SR, Youmans GL, Stierwalt JAG . Differences in tongue strength across age and gender: Is there a diminished strength reserve? Dysphagia. 2009 Mar; 24(1):57-65.
  41. Lasker JP, Stierwalt JAG, Hageman CF, LaPointe LL. Using MLG and AAC to improve speech production in profound apraxia: A case example. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology. 2008 Dec;16:(4):225-234.
  42. Stierwalt JAG, LaPointe LL, Maitland CG, Toole T. Effects of cognitive-linguistic load on parameters of gait in Parkison's disease. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology. 2008 Oct;16:(4):259-266.
  43. Stierwalt JAG, Youmans SR. Tongue measures in individuals with normal and impaired swallowing. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 2007 May;16:(2):148-156.
  44. LaPointe LL, Heald GR, Stierwalt JAG, Kemker BE, Maurice T. Effects of auditory distraction on cognitive processing in young adults. Journal of Attention Disorders. 2007 May;10:(4):398-409.
  45. Hancock AB, LaPointe LL, Stierwalt, Bourgeois MS, Zwaan RA. Computerized measures of working memory performance in healthy elderly participants. Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders. 2007 Jan;34:73-85.
  46. Youmans SR, Stierwalt JAG . Measures of tongue function related to normal swallowing. Dysphagia. 2006 Apr; 21:102-111.
  47. Youmans SR, Stierwalt JAG . An acoustic profile of normal swallowing. Dysphagia. 2005 Sep; 20:195-209.
  48. LaPointe LL, Maitland CG, Blanchard AA, Kemker BE, Stierwalt JAG, Heald GR. The effects of auditory distraction on visual cognitive performance in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuro-Ophthamology. 2005 Jun;25:(2):92-4.
  49. LaPointe LL, Stierwalt JAG, Kemker BE, Heald GR, Whittington R. Generative naming in aphasia during conditions of quiet and cafeteria noise distraction. Brain and Language. 2005 May;94:
  50. LaPointe LL, Stierwalt JAG, Heald GR. Intrasubject variability of cognitive and word retrieval performance across six sessions. Brain and Language. 2003 Aug;87:42-43.
  51. Clark HM, Henson PA, Barber WD, Stierwalt JA, Sherrill M. Relationships among subjective and objective measures of tongue strength and oral phase swallowing impairments. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2003 Feb; 12 (1):40-50
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  52. Stierwalt JAG, Murray LL. Attention impairment following traumatic brain injury. Seminars in Speech and Language. 2002 May;23:(2):129-138.
  53. Stierwalt JAG. Credible or incredible? Evaluating the quality of information on the internet. Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders Newsletter. 2002 Jan;12:(4):21.
  54. Stierwalt JAG. The world wide web: Friend or foe? Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders. 2001 Oct;11:(3):38.
  55. Robin DA, Max JE, Stierwalt JAG, Gvenszer LC, Lindgren SD. Sustained attention in children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury. Aphasiology. 1999 Aug;13:701-708.
  56. Masterson JJ, Wynne MK, Kuster JM, Stierwalt JAG. New and emerging technologies: Going where we've never gone before. ASHA . 1999 May;41:
  57. Max JE, Robin DA, Lindgren SD, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Mattheis PJ, Stierwalt JAG. Traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: Psychiatric disorders at one year. American Journal of Psychiatry. 1998 Sep;
  58. Max JE, Castillo C, Robin DA, Lindgren SD, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Mattheis PJ, Stierwalt JAG. Predictors of family functioning following traumatic brain injury in children and adolecents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1998 Jan;
  59. Max JE, Robin DA, Lindgren SD, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Mattheis PJ, Stierwalt JAG, Castillo C. Traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: Psychiatric disorders at two years. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1997 Sep;
  60. Max JE, Lindgren SD, Robin DA, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Mattheis PJ, Castillo C, Stierwalt JAG. Traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: Psychiatric disorders in the second three months. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders. 1997 Jun;
  61. Max JE, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Mattheis PJ, Castillo CS, Lindgren SD, Robin DA, Stierwalt JAG. Traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents: Psychiatric disorders in the first three months. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1997 Jun;36:94-102.
  62. Max JE, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Mattheis PJ, Robin DA, Stierwalt JAG, Lindgren SD, Castillo C. Mania and hypomania following traumatic brain injury in children and adolescents. Neurocase. 1997 Jan;3:119-126.
  63. Max JE, Lindgren SD, Smith WL Jr, Sato Y, Mattheis PJ, Castillo C, Robin DA, Stierwalt JAG, Muhonen M. Surprising neurobehavioral functioning and brief major depression following penetrating brain injury in an adolescent. Neurocase. 1997 Jan;3:127-136.
  64. Max JE, Smith WL Jr, Lindgren SD, Robin DA, Mattheis PJ, Stierwalt JAG, Morrisey M. Obsessive compulsive disorder after severe traumatic brain injury in an adolescent. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1995 Jan;34:45-49.