1. Jacqueline Arnold
    Operations Manager, Education Administration
  2. Stan

Jacqueline Arnold, operations manager, Education Administration: Stan, when did the chest pain come on?

Stan (mannequin): Yesterday evening when I was out for my walk.

Arnold narrating: At the Simulation Center they are learning how to work as a team to provide the safest patient care possible.

Arnold: I have a couple of medical students here that are going to be asking you some questions and listening to your heart and lung sounds.

Stan: OK.

Arnold: OK?

Arnold narrating: The technology in the mannequins today is very sophisticated, and we can simulate them to respond more like you would see a patient respond. The chest is rising and falling, and the mannequin's eyes blink. The mannequin will talk, and the mannequin has pulses.

A lot of people learn by doing. Observation is just one way to learn, and that doesn't work for everyone, so here students get to observe. They get to do. They're listening. They're getting immediate feedback, and that just did not happen traditionally.

Stan: You know, I don't — my chest is starting to hurt again.

Kathy, Stan's wife: What?

Stan: Oh, I don't feel well.

Kathy: Your chest is hurting?

Stan: My chest pain's getting bad.

Kathy: Oh, what's happening?

Stan: I don't feel good.

Arnold: OK, Stan. We're just going to give you a little bit of oxygen here.

Kathy: He's breathing, right?

Arnold: Everything's going to be OK.

OK, good. So that fluid is working. You're doing a good job with the airway. All right. Stan, can you open your eyes now? Oh, good.

Arnold narrating: My favorite part of working at the Simulation Center is seeing the learners actually apply what they're learning and getting excited about it because they learned it. They've mastered that task, and that builds their confidence.

Resident 1: Thank you very much for coming in. That was a good idea.

Stan: Thank you for taking care of me.

Arnold narrating: By helping health care providers learn that skill and practice that skill, it is safer for our patients.

Resident 2: You know what? We'll absolutely go and check right now and touch base with her and update her on what's happening.