نتائج البحث 621-630 من 13012 لعملية البحث عن hernias
... Hernia, Burns, Skin cancer, Facial deformity, Facial paralysis, Skin wrinkles, Facial skin cancer, Facial nerve disorder, Facial injury, Weight. إظهار المزيد ...
... hernia, Intestinal obstruction, Diaphragmatic hernia, Immune thrombocytopenia, Umbilical hernia, Sarcoma, Inguinal hernia, Hemangioma, Congenital ...
The overall goal of this project is to study a new 3D ultrasound imaging technology for evaluation of axillary lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. A ...
The goal of this clinical research study is to learn how often breast cancer recurs (returns after treatment) in the breast in patients who have been treated ...
Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of genetic mutations in cancer patients from various ...
... hernia, Diaphragmatic hernia, Sarcoma, Lung cancer, Mesothelioma, Solitary fibrous tumor, Chest wall deformity, Tracheal stenosis, Zenker's diverticulum ...
Monoclonal antibodies, such as nivolumab and ipilimumab, may interfere with the ability of tumor cells to grow and spread. Stereotactic radiosurgery is a ...
... hernia, Diaphragmatic hernia, Sarcoma, Hemangioma, Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Adnexal tumor, Congenital vascular malformation, Congenital lung ...
Patients' tumors will be sequenced during a pre-registration component or will have had successful sequencing pre-study. A personalized neoantigen peptide ...
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