نتائج البحث 441-450 من 12872 لعملية البحث عن hernias
Does the Critical Shoulder Angle Influence the Rotator Cuff Failure After Anatomic Shoulder Arthroplasty? Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to:.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of palliative care consultations on quality of life and advance care planning in end-stage renal disease ...
... hernia repair, Lung surgery, Vascular access surgery, Neonatal surgery ... hernia, Diaphragmatic hernia, Sarcoma, Hemangioma, Congenital diaphragmatic ...
The purpose of this study is to collect and store cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)from patients with normal CSF. This stored CSF will be used in the future as a ...
يحدث الفتق الحجابي عندما ينتفخ جزء من المعدة داخل الصدر. يمكن أن يتسبب في حدوث حرقة المعدة ولكن يمكن علاجه.
Aims, purpose, or objectives: We will conduct a pilot trial to test whether caregivers of heart and lung transplant candidates who receive wellness coaching ...
Pre-operative vs. Post-operative Radiosurgery for Metastatic Brain Tumors. Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this ...
Laparoscopic surgery, VATS, Cholecystectomy, Thoracotomy, Hernia repair, Feeding tube placement, Appendectomy, Rib frac...ture stabilization, Tracheostomy ...
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تساهم التبرّعات، وهي قابلة للخصم الضريبي، في دعم آخر التطورات في الأبحاث وطرق الرعاية لإحداث نقلة نوعية في الطب.