نتائج البحث 291-300 من 2948 لعملية البحث عن enzyme papain
... enzymes needed for cell growth. University of California Minority Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) Development and Trial Center (UCaMP) to Reduce Cancer ...
This study is being conducted to determine gene and protein expression profiles (i.e. which genes and proteins are turned off and on) of those with a ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of MSCs that adhere to predetermined areas of arterial wall following balloon angioplasty vs no ...
The purpose of this study is to evaouate how well standard systemic therapy with or without definitive treatment (prostate removal surgery or radiation ...
The overall goal of this project is to study a new 3D ultrasound imaging technology for evaluation of axillary lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. A ...
A total of 8,000 patients presenting to CPSs with acute-onset AIS, ICH or aSAH and no history of dementia will be enrolled within 6 weeks of stroke onset. All ...
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to determine whether a posterior fossa decompression or a posterior fossa decompression with duraplasty results in ...
مُستشفى Mayo Clinic لديها واحد من أكبر الممارسات وأكثرها خبرةً في الولايات المتحدة، مع وجود مجمَّعات في ولاية أريزونا وفلوريدا ومينيسوتا.
Pertuzumab and trastuzumab are monoclonal antibodies and forms of targeted therapy that attach to a receptor protein called human epidermal growth factor ...
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects on low-risk breast cancer receiving usual care that includes regional radiation therapy, with receiving ...
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