نتائج البحث 231-240 من 11597 لعملية البحث عن 北京搜索引擎优化咨询邮箱:lgooxc@hotmail.com
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to follow Mayo Clinic patients with severe brachial plexus injuries who underwent upper limb amputation. Genomic ...
This is a multi-site study with several other leading centers studying sinonasal cancers. The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the ...
وتقدم مايو كلينك الدعم المالي والإداري والموارد لضمان أن كل مجموعة توفر بيئة آمنة وداعمة للموظفين الذين يتقاسمون هوية مشتركة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كل مجموعة من ...
Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to examine the capability of contrast enhanced breast PCD-CT in staging breast cancer within the breasts and ...
Unfortunately, the majority of patients with brain metastases experience cognitive (such as learning and memory) deterioration after WBRT. Memantine ...
This study aims to identify candidate High Grade Serous Cancer (HGSC) early detection and chemotherapy treatment response biomarkers. For the purpose of this ...
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects on low-risk breast cancer receiving usual care that includes regional radiation therapy, with receiving ...
Rochester, Minn. This study is being done to store blood, buccal (cheek) cells, genetic material including DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) ...
Collection of blood to track serial circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in subjects with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Study will also collect data from ...
This trial studies how well two surgical procedures (bilateral salpingectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) work in reducing the risk of ovarian cancer ...
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تحقق من هذه الكتب الأكثر مبيعًا والعروض الخاصة على الكتب والنشرات الإخبارية من Mayo Clinic Press.
تساهم التبرّعات، وهي قابلة للخصم الضريبي، في دعم آخر التطورات في الأبحاث وطرق الرعاية لإحداث نقلة نوعية في الطب.