نتائج البحث 121-130 من 4953 لعملية البحث عن 검색엔진 🔍 www.sou.gg
Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as paclitaxel and carboplatin, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by ...
Jacksonville, Fla., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of genetic mutations in cancer patients from various ...
Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as lenalidomide and dexamethasone, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells, by ...
The purpose of this study is to examine the microbiome and immune function in patients with active lymphoma, and in patients with a history of lymphoma who are ...
Collection of tissue and blood from patients with residual disease after neoadjuvant systemic therapy for breast cancer. We hope to use these samples to ...
Cohort A: Colorectal cancer (CRC); · Cohort B: Gastric and gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) cancer; · Cohort C: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC); ...
Collection of tissue and blood from patients with residual disease after neoadjuvant systemic therapy for breast cancer. We hope to use these samples to find ...
Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to to bring molecular risk prediction for breast cancer into the clinical arena through: the ...
The objectives of this study are: To evaluate patient-reported quality of life and functional vision across the spectrum of pediatric eye conditions; ...
The goal of this clinical research study is to learn how often breast cancer recurs (returns after treatment) in the breast in patients who have been treated ...
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