MCAD Normal Result MCAD Deficiency Your Result You are not likely to be a carrier for MCAD deficiency No genetic variants found Carrier, no signs Likely has MCAD deficiency Here's What You Need to Know This test ruled out the most common genetic variants in the ACADM gene. It's unlikely your children will be born with MCAD deficiency. Even though this test didn't identify any variants, there is a small chance that you still could be a carrier. The risk level depends in part on your ethnic background, as noted below. See the full list of variants we test Here's what you can do For most people, there's nothing more you need to do based on this result. If you have a family history of MCAD deficiency, you may want to consider more comprehensive testing. What will more testing tell me? Chance of having a genetic variant based on this test (residual risk): Non-Hispanic White (European) Hispanic White African-American Japanese/Asian Native American Other/Mixed race Learn more About MCAD deficiency About the MCAD deficiency test الصفحة الرئيسية MCAD Normal Result