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أعد ضبط جميع المرشحات

عرض 1-8 خارج الأطباء 8 المتاحين

  1. Katie T. Anderson, M.D.

    Katie T. Anderson, M.D.

    1. Urologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Urodynamic testing, Urinary diversion, Artificial urinary sphincter implantation, Bladder augmentation, Bladder Botox i...njection, Urethral reconstruction, Urethroplasty, Penile reconstruction, Ureteral reconstruction, Urethral stricture, Ureteral obstruction

  2. Elizabeth N. Bearrick, M.D.

    Elizabeth N. Bearrick, M.D.

    1. Urologist
    1. Jacksonville, FL
    مناطق التركيز:

    Robotic surgery, Artificial urinary sphincter implantation, Bladder augmentation, Urethral reconstruction, Reconstructi...ve surgery, Urethroplasty, Penile reconstruction, Ureteral reconstruction, Urethral stricture, Ureteral obstruction, Ureteropelvic junction obstruction

  3. Gregory A. Broderick, M.D.

    Gregory A. Broderick, M.D.

    1. Urologist
    1. Jacksonville, FL
    مناطق التركيز:

    Penile implant insertion, Prostate laser surgery, Ureteroscopy, Prostate surgery, Urethroplasty, Erectile dysfunction, ...Stress incontinence, Urethral stricture, Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Peyronie's disease

  4. Steven P. Petrou, M.D.

    Steven P. Petrou, M.D.

    1. Urologist
    1. Jacksonville, FL
    مناطق التركيز:

    Botox injection, HoLEP, Artificial urinary sphincter implantation, Urinary incontinence surgery, Open prostatectomy, Ur...ethroplasty, Interstitial laser therapy, Urinary incontinence, Urethral stricture, Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Voiding dysfunction

  5. Karen L. Stern, M.D.

    Karen L. Stern, M.D.

    1. Urologist
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    مناطق التركيز:

    Transurethral resection of the prostate, Ureteroscopy, Laser ablation, Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, Transurethral inci...sion of the prostate, Ultrasound-guided percutaneous renal access, Mini-PCNL, ESWL, Urethral stricture, Kidney stone, Benign prostatic hyperplasia, Ureteropelvic junction obstruction, Prostate disorder, Upper tract urothelial carcinoma

  6. Boyd R. Viers, M.D.

    Boyd R. Viers, M.D.

    1. Urologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Robotic surgery, Urinary diversion, Reconstructive surgery, Urethral stricture, Ureteral obstruction, Ureteropelvic jun...ction obstruction, Penis injury

  7. Nick Warner, M.D.

    Nick Warner, M.D.

    1. Urologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Robotic surgery, Penile implant insertion, HoLEP, Transurethral resection of the prostate, Reconstructive surgery, Uret...hroplasty, Ureteral reconstruction, Erectile dysfunction, Urethral stricture, Ureteropelvic junction obstruction, Prostate disorder, Incontinence

  8. Christopher E. Wolter, M.D.

    Christopher E. Wolter, M.D.

    1. Urologist
    2. Urogynecologist
    1. Phoenix, AZ
    مناطق التركيز:

    Prostatectomy, Overactive bladder, Pelvic organ prolapse, Erectile dysfunction, Urethral stricture, Fistula, Urinary in...continence


يتعاون الأطباء والعلماء في مايو كلينك معًا لاكتشاف طرق جديدة لتشخيص مشكلات الجهاز البولي وعلاجها، بما ذلك التَّضيُّق الإحليلي.


راجع قائمة المنشورات التي أعدها أطباء مايو كلينك عن التَّضيُّق الإحليلي على موقع PubMed، وهي خدمة تقدمها المكتبة الوطنية الأمريكية للطب.


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