التجارب السريرية بالأسفل التجارب السريرية الحالية.42 دراسات في أمراض الكُلى وارتفاع ضغط الدم (افتح الدراسات فقط). غربل قائمة الدراسات هذه بالموقع والحالة وغيرها. A Study to Form a Database of Children with Kidney Stone Disease Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to establish a database to collect and analyze information on metabolic and environmental risk factors for kidney stone formation in children. A Cross-sectional Study Examining Adipose Tissue in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Rochester, Minn. Studies show that sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and is associated with obesity. However, it is unclear how sleep apnea affects fat tissue. Studies have shown that fat tissue is likely involved in developing cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study is to see how sleep apnea changes fat tissue. A Study to Evaluate Noninvasive Ultrasound Elastography of Kidney and Lung in Assessment of Volume Status in ICU Patients Rochester, Minn. The primary purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of performing lung and kidney and lung ultrasound elastography among patients with critical illness from different etiologies that could be associated with volume overload. REstrictive versus LIberal Rate of Extracorporeal Volume Removal Evaluation in Acute Kidney Injury (RELIEVE-AKI) Rochester, Minn. The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of alternative Net Ultrafiltration (UFNET) rate strategies among critically ill adults with acute kidney injury (AKI) and treated with Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy (CKRT). In-home Versus In-Clinic Subcutaneous Nivolumab Administration through Connected and Remote Cancer CARE Beyond Walls Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of the location of SQ Nivo administration, at the infusion center or in the home, on patient preference and acceptability, safety, patient reported outcomes (PROs), and clinical outcomes. Evaluating Kidney Stones To Determine If They Lead to Kidney Disease Rochester, Minn. We hypothesize that clinical studies to investigate the role of individual proteins in kidney stone pathogenesis have likely been confounded by an unknown variety of underlying renal pathologies. Therefore, we propose to examine urinary protein crystallization inhibitors in patient populations that have been carefully phenotyped relative to renal stone precursor lesions by direct endoscopic visualization. In collaboration with Project #1, our second major goal is to use these accurately phenotyped patients in order to adapt modern dual-energy CT technology to develop a reliable noninvasive technique to accurately and noninvasively determine stone composition and visualize the earliest kidney stone precursor lesions. Our long-term goal is to improve CT technology so that it can be used to allow large-scale clinical protocols of accurately phenotyped, hence, homogeneous, patient populations. In a subset we will sample sterile stone, dental plaque, blood and urine samples for detailed microbiome analysis in order to determine the contribution of micro organisms to stone pathogensis. Evaluation of the Total Kidney Volume AI Algorithm Rochester, Minn. The natural course of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is highly variable and typically characterized by progressive enlargement of cysts within the kidneys. ADPKD is a leading cause of end-stage renal disease. Recently, a new medication called Tolvaptan has been approved by the FDA to slow progression of ADPKD. Accurate, MR based kidney volume measurements are the best parameter for following the progression of ADPKD, and are suggested be acquired to measure progression and effects of Tolvaptan. However, making these slice-by-slice volume measurements can be extremely time consuming when done manually. The purpose of this work is to evaluate an AI algorithm to make the measurements. The results of the algorithm will be reviewed by a qualified radiologist familiar with the algorithm’s results. If the radiologist agrees with the results, kidney volumes (left, right and combined) will be recorded for clinical use. The usage of the algorithm in this setting (with review by radiologist, and manual correction) is a minimal risk to the patients: a failure of the algorithm will have no impact on treatment and errors will be caught and corrected by the QC process. Because the algorithm will not be used solely for diagnosis or inform treatment without the confirmation of the diagnosis by another, medically established diagnostic product or procedure this study constitutes minimal risk to patients. Study to Evaluate Clinical Complications, Pattern of Kidney Function Decline and Identification of Clinical Variables Related to Progression of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate clinical complications, pattern of kidney function decline and identification of clinical variables related to progression of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). Acute Kidney Injury in Care Transitions (ACT) Trial Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the AKI in Care Transitions pilot and iteratively refine the intervention. Generate preliminary estimates of the ACT intervention on clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Monogenic Kidney Stone - Genetic Testing Rochester, Minn. 90 genes related to Monogenic Stone Disease will be determined via DNA analysis by the Mayo Rare Kidney Stone Consortium (RKSC) research staff. التصفّح دراسات سريرية السابقالصفحة السابقة توجّه للصفحة 22 توجّه للصفحة 33 توجّه للصفحة 44 توجّه للصفحة 55 التاليالصفحة التالية بالأسفل التجارب السريرية الحالية.42 دراسات في أمراض الكُلى وارتفاع ضغط الدم (افتح الدراسات فقط). غربل قائمة الدراسات هذه بالموقع والحالة وغيرها. A Study to Form a Database of Children with Kidney Stone Disease Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to establish a database to collect and analyze information on metabolic and environmental risk factors for kidney stone formation in children. A Cross-sectional Study Examining Adipose Tissue in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Rochester, Minn. Studies show that sleep apnea increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and is associated with obesity. However, it is unclear how sleep apnea affects fat tissue. Studies have shown that fat tissue is likely involved in developing cardiovascular disease. The purpose of this study is to see how sleep apnea changes fat tissue. A Study to Evaluate Noninvasive Ultrasound Elastography of Kidney and Lung in Assessment of Volume Status in ICU Patients Rochester, Minn. The primary purpose of this study is to assess the feasibility of performing lung and kidney and lung ultrasound elastography among patients with critical illness from different etiologies that could be associated with volume overload. REstrictive versus LIberal Rate of Extracorporeal Volume Removal Evaluation in Acute Kidney Injury (RELIEVE-AKI) Rochester, Minn. The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of alternative Net Ultrafiltration (UFNET) rate strategies among critically ill adults with acute kidney injury (AKI) and treated with Continuous Kidney Replacement Therapy (CKRT). In-home Versus In-Clinic Subcutaneous Nivolumab Administration through Connected and Remote Cancer CARE Beyond Walls Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of the location of SQ Nivo administration, at the infusion center or in the home, on patient preference and acceptability, safety, patient reported outcomes (PROs), and clinical outcomes. Evaluating Kidney Stones To Determine If They Lead to Kidney Disease Rochester, Minn. We hypothesize that clinical studies to investigate the role of individual proteins in kidney stone pathogenesis have likely been confounded by an unknown variety of underlying renal pathologies. Therefore, we propose to examine urinary protein crystallization inhibitors in patient populations that have been carefully phenotyped relative to renal stone precursor lesions by direct endoscopic visualization. In collaboration with Project #1, our second major goal is to use these accurately phenotyped patients in order to adapt modern dual-energy CT technology to develop a reliable noninvasive technique to accurately and noninvasively determine stone composition and visualize the earliest kidney stone precursor lesions. Our long-term goal is to improve CT technology so that it can be used to allow large-scale clinical protocols of accurately phenotyped, hence, homogeneous, patient populations. In a subset we will sample sterile stone, dental plaque, blood and urine samples for detailed microbiome analysis in order to determine the contribution of micro organisms to stone pathogensis. Evaluation of the Total Kidney Volume AI Algorithm Rochester, Minn. The natural course of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is highly variable and typically characterized by progressive enlargement of cysts within the kidneys. ADPKD is a leading cause of end-stage renal disease. Recently, a new medication called Tolvaptan has been approved by the FDA to slow progression of ADPKD. Accurate, MR based kidney volume measurements are the best parameter for following the progression of ADPKD, and are suggested be acquired to measure progression and effects of Tolvaptan. However, making these slice-by-slice volume measurements can be extremely time consuming when done manually. The purpose of this work is to evaluate an AI algorithm to make the measurements. The results of the algorithm will be reviewed by a qualified radiologist familiar with the algorithm’s results. If the radiologist agrees with the results, kidney volumes (left, right and combined) will be recorded for clinical use. The usage of the algorithm in this setting (with review by radiologist, and manual correction) is a minimal risk to the patients: a failure of the algorithm will have no impact on treatment and errors will be caught and corrected by the QC process. Because the algorithm will not be used solely for diagnosis or inform treatment without the confirmation of the diagnosis by another, medically established diagnostic product or procedure this study constitutes minimal risk to patients. Study to Evaluate Clinical Complications, Pattern of Kidney Function Decline and Identification of Clinical Variables Related to Progression of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate clinical complications, pattern of kidney function decline and identification of clinical variables related to progression of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD). Acute Kidney Injury in Care Transitions (ACT) Trial Rochester, Minn. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the AKI in Care Transitions pilot and iteratively refine the intervention. Generate preliminary estimates of the ACT intervention on clinical and patient-reported outcomes. Monogenic Kidney Stone - Genetic Testing Rochester, Minn. 90 genes related to Monogenic Stone Disease will be determined via DNA analysis by the Mayo Rare Kidney Stone Consortium (RKSC) research staff. التصفّح دراسات سريرية السابقالصفحة السابقة توجّه للصفحة 22 توجّه للصفحة 33 توجّه للصفحة 44 توجّه للصفحة 55 التاليالصفحة التالية طلب تحديد موعد الخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالأبحاث 31/01/2025 تبادلها عبر ارسلها على الفيس بوكارسلها في تغريدة أمراض الكُلى وارتفاع ضغط الدمالأجزاءاطلب تحديد موعدنظرة عامةالاختبارات والتشخيصالحلات التي يتم علاجهاالأطباءمجموعات التخصصالخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالتجارب السريريةالأبحاثالتكاليف والتأمين الصحيالأخبار من Mayo Clinicإحالةالمرضى الأبحاث: المرضى محور اهتمامنا إظهار النسخة النصية للفيديو الأبحاث: المرضى محور اهتمامنا [عزف موسيقي] جوزيف سيرفين، دكتور في الطب، أستاذ طب الأعصاب في مايو كلينك: تتمثّل مهمة مايو في رعاية المريض. فمصلحة المريض أولًا. ولذلك فإن مهمّتنا وأبحاثنا تهدف إلى إحراز التقدّم في طريقة الاعتناء بالمريض، وتقديم مصلحته على كل الجوانب الأخرى من الرعاية. وهذا من عدة أوجه أقرب إلى دورة متعاقبة المراحل. فالأمر يبدأ بفكرة بسيطة ثبت نجاحها في المختبر، ثم طُبِّقت على المريض في سريره، وإذا سار كل شيء على ما يرام -بمعنى أنها كانت مفيدة له- فإننا نعتمدها على أنها نهج قياسي. وهذا في رأيي واحد من السمات الفريدة التي تميّز نهج مايو كلينك في البحث -أعني التركيز على المريض- وهو يساعد بحق في تمييزه عمّا سواه. الأجزاءاطلب تحديد موعدنظرة عامةالاختبارات والتشخيصالحلات التي يتم علاجهاالأطباءمجموعات التخصصالخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالتجارب السريريةالأبحاثالتكاليف والتأمين الصحيالأخبار من Mayo Clinicإحالة المرضى ORG-20464466 الأقسام والمراكز الطبية أمراض الكُلى وارتفاع ضغط الدم