التجارب السريرية بالأسفل التجارب السريرية الحالية.77 دراسات في أمراض الدم (افتح الدراسات فقط). غربل قائمة الدراسات هذه بالموقع والحالة وغيرها. A Study Evaluating the Safety and Effectiveness of JCAR017 to Treat Relapsed/Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) or Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL) Rochester, Minn., Jacksonville, Fla. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness and safety of JCAR017 in adult subjects with relapsed or refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) or Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL). The study will include a Phase 1 part to determine the recommended dose of JCAR017 monotherapy in subjects with relapsed or refractory CLL or SLL, followed by a Phase 2 part to further assess the effectiveness and safety of JCAR017 monotherapy treatment at the recommended dose. A separate Phase 1 cohort will assess the combination of JCAR017 and concurrent ibrutinib. In all subjects, the safety, efficacy, and pharmacokinetics (PK) of JCAR017 will be evaluated. Registry for the EVolution Of LUng Cancer Therapy Implementation and Outcomes Now Rochester, Minn. REVOLUTION will be a US multicenter observational registry in scope and governed by a steering committee of approximately 8 experts in NSCLC and outcomes research. The primary goal of the registry is characterizing patterns of use for NSCLC therapy. REVOLUTION will be a multicenter registry enrolling approximately 2,500 patients. Additional patients limited to those with EGFR mutations may be enrolled following the initial study period as needed to ensure adequate sample sizes needed to examine primary questions of interest in the EGFR mutant population. Patients will be enrolled over a three year period across approximately 25 geographically diverse academic as well as community based sites within the US. The five year follow-up period will ensure robust survival data for correlations with clinical, tumor, and treatment variables. The target of 2,500 patients is meant to ensure adequate numbers of NSCLC patients with particular characteristics of interest including patients with adenocarcinoma, and EGFR mutations and effectively evaluate these patients with respect to key outcomes of interest including overall survival, time to progression, stage at progression, secondary metastases including brain metastases (at diagnosis and progression), comorbidity burden, and performance status at index date. The study design allows a cross-sectional perspective with collection of detailed patient and clinical characteristics at enrollment followed by longitudinal assessment of clinician and patient-reported endpoints every three months. Centralized follow-up will be conducted by having sites upload patient data following each visit via the web-based data system, with patients who do not show up for site visits being contacted via telephone by the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) call center. Site recruitment and patient enrollment will be weighted based upon provider specialty and ability to enroll patients with NSCLC with the specified inclusion criteria. Study to Evaluate 99mTc-MIP-1404 SPECT/CT Imaging in Men With Biopsy Proven Low-Grade Prostate Cancer Rochester, Minn. 99mTc-MIP-1404 is a radioactive diagnostic imaging agent indicated for imaging men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer whose biopsy indicates a histopathologic Gleason Score of ≤ 3+4 severity who are candidates for active surveillance and are undergoing voluntary radical prostatectomy (RP) [Cohort A] or routine prostate biopsy [Cohort B]. This Phase 3 study is designed to evaluate the specificity and sensitivity of 99mTc-MIP-1404 SPECT/CT imaging to correctly identify subjects with previously unknown clinically significant prostate cancer. Cell, Serum, and Buccal Bank for Patients with Chronic Myeloid Disorders and Acute Leukemia Rochester, Minn. This study is being done to store blood, buccal (cheek) cells, genetic material including DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid), and bone marrow so that they can be used for laboratory studies that may contribute to finding the causes of disease and factors that may determine disease progression and treatment response. A Study of Healthy Donor Volunteers to Provide Blood components Via Leukapheresis for In vitro Dendritic Cell Investigations Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to collect blood cells as a healthy donor for use in research studies, which will focus especially on using the immune system’s cells to fight infection and cancer. Blood cells collected as part of participation in this Research Donor Program will be used strictly for laboratory experiments and will not be used for transfusion back into human beings. A Study of the Safety, Tolerability, Drug/Body Interactions, Biological and Clinical Activity of MSB0011359C (M7824) in Metastatic or Locally Advanced Solid Tumors Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to assess the safety, tolerability, drug/body interactions, and the biological and clinical activities of MSB0011359C (M7824) at different dose levels given to patients who have metastatic or locally advanced solid tumors. Sapanisertib in Treating Patients With Metastatic or Refractory Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor That Cannot Be Removed by Surgery Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz., Rochester, Minn. This phase II trial studies how well sapanisertib works in treating patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor that has spread to other places in the body, does not respond to treatment, or cannot be surgically removed. Drugs such as sapanisertib may stop the growth or shrink tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth International Penile Advanced Cancer Trial (International Rare Cancers Initiative Study) Rochester, Minn. This is an international phase III trial, with a Bayesian design, incorporating two sequential randomisations. It efficiently examines a series of questions that routinely arise in the sequencing of treatment. The study design has evolved from lengthy international consultation that has enabled us to build consensus over which questions arise from current knowledge and practice. It will enable potential randomisation for the majority of patients with inguinal lymph node metastases and will provide data to inform future clinical decisions. InPACT-neoadjuvant patients are stratified by disease burden as assessed by radiological criteria. Treatment options are then defined according to the disease burden strata. Treatment is allocated by randomisation. Patients may be allocated to one of three initial treatments: A. standard surgery (ILND); B. neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by standard surgery (ILND); or C. neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by standard surgery (ILND). After ILND, patients are defined as being at low or high risk of recurrence based on histological interpretation of the ILND specimen. Patients at high risk of relapse are eligible for InPACT-pelvis, where they are randomised to either: P. prophylactic PLND Q. no prophylactic PLND A Study to Evaluate VSV-hIFNbeta-NIS to Treat Patients with Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myleoma, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, or T-cell Lymphoma Rochester, Minn., Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. This phase I trial studies the best dose and side effects of recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus carrying the human NIS and IFN beta genes (VSV-hIFNbeta-sodium iodide symporter [NIS]) in treating patients with multiple myeloma, acute myeloid leukemia, or T-cell lymphoma that has come back or does not respond to treatment. A virus, called VSV-hIFNbeta-NIS, which has been changed in a certain way, may be able to kill cancer cells without damaging normal cells. Hypo-fractionated Proton Radiation Therapy With or Without Androgen Suppression for Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer Scottsdale/Phoenix, Ariz. The purpose of this study is to compare the effects, good and/or bad of two treatment methods on subjects and their cancer. Proton beam radiation therapy is one of the treatments for men with prostate cancer who have localized disease. The benefit of the combination with androgen suppression is not completely understood. This study will compare the use of hypofraction proton therapy (28 treatments) alone to proton therapy with androgen suppression therapy. التصفّح دراسات سريرية السابقالصفحة السابقة توجّه للصفحة 22 توجّه للصفحة 33 توجّه للصفحة 44 توجّه للصفحة 55 توجّه للصفحة 66 التاليالصفحة التالية طلب تحديد موعد الخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالأبحاث 05/12/2024 تبادلها عبر ارسلها على الفيس بوكارسلها في تغريدة أمراض الدمالقسمالرئيسيالأقساممُلخّصالاختبارات والإجراءاتالحالات التي تمَّ علاجهاالأطباءمجموعة متميزةالخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالتجارب السريريةالأبحاثتجارب Mayo Clinic وقصص المرضىالتكاليف والتأمينأخبار Mayo Clinicإحالةالمرضى الأبحاث: المرضى محور اهتمامنا إظهار النسخة النصية للفيديو الأبحاث: المرضى محور اهتمامنا [عزف موسيقي] جوزيف سيرفين، دكتور في الطب، أستاذ طب الأعصاب في مايو كلينك: تتمثّل مهمة مايو في رعاية المريض. فمصلحة المريض أولًا. ولذلك فإن مهمّتنا وأبحاثنا تهدف إلى إحراز التقدّم في طريقة الاعتناء بالمريض، وتقديم مصلحته على كل الجوانب الأخرى من الرعاية. وهذا من عدة أوجه أقرب إلى دورة متعاقبة المراحل. فالأمر يبدأ بفكرة بسيطة ثبت نجاحها في المختبر، ثم طُبِّقت على المريض في سريره، وإذا سار كل شيء على ما يرام -بمعنى أنها كانت مفيدة له- فإننا نعتمدها على أنها نهج قياسي. وهذا في رأيي واحد من السمات الفريدة التي تميّز نهج مايو كلينك في البحث -أعني التركيز على المريض- وهو يساعد بحق في تمييزه عمّا سواه. الأقسامطلب موعدمُلخّصالاختبارات والإجراءاتالحالات التي تمَّ علاجهاالأطباءمجموعة متميزةالخبرة و مراتب التصنيفالتجارب السريريةالأبحاثتجارب Mayo Clinic وقصص المرضىالتكاليف والتأمينأخبار Mayo Clinicإحالة المرضى ORG-20180185 الأقسام والمراكز الطبية أمراض الدم