المنشورات طباعة Dashti NK, Swanson AA, Patel V, Xing D, Feely M, Keeney GL, Gupta S, Schoolmeester JK. Leiomyosarcomas of the Visceral Adnexal and Uterine Ligaments and Adnexal Connective Tissue: Immunohistochemical, Molecular Genetic, and MDM2 Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization Analysis. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2024 Jul 23 Epub 2024 July 23 View PubMed Swanson AA, Michal M, Xing D, Dashti NK, Zidlik V, Cheek-Norgan EH, Keeney ME, Keeney GL, Sukov WR, Gupta S, Nucci MR, Schoolmeester JK. Malignant female genital tract smooth muscle tumors with adipocytic differentiation: A morphologic, immunohistochemical, MDM2 fluorescence in situ hybridization and molecular genetic study of 6 lipoleiomyosarcomas. Hum Pathol. 2024 Jan; 143:24-32 Epub 2023 Nov 23 View PubMed Bruce KH, Kilts TP, Lohman ME, Vidal NY, Fought AJ, McGree ME, Keeney GL, Baum CL, Brewer JD, Bakkum-Gamez JN, Cliby WA. Mohs surgery for female genital Paget's disease: a prospective observational trial. 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