Departmentsالطب المختبري وعلم الأمراضLocationJacksonville, FloridaLanguagesEnglishExisting patientsSend a secure message via patient portal Mayo Clinic locations Jacksonville, Florida Driving Directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2008Clinical Research Fellowship - Clinical and Research Fellow of HematopathologyNational Institutes of Health2006Clinical Fellowship - Clinical Fellow of Surgical PathologyUniversity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center2005Resident - Resident physician of AP/CP programUniversity of Texas Health Science Center2005Elective Term - Elective Rotation Department of Hematopathology Hematopathology, Cytogenetic and Molecular LaboratoryUniversity of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center2004Elective Term - Elective rotation/observation Department of Hematopathology at New York PresbyterianWeill Cornell Medical College1996AA - Medical TechnologyGeorgia State University1993MD - Clinical MedicineShanghai First Medical UniversityShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications2008HematopathologyAmerican Board of Pathology2006Anatomic & Clinical PathologyAmerican Board of PathologyAwards and honors20222021 Anatomic Pathology Academic AchievementDepartment of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology2020Focused Research Team AwardClinical Research Management Team2020ExcellenceAbove and Beyond Teamwork Award20171 st Place Clinical Vignette Poster SessionSociety of Hospital Medicine - Southern Regional Conference2008Above and Beyond AwardMayo Clinic in Florida1996Highest Academic Achievement in School of MTGrady Memorial Hospital1995Freshman Chemistry Award with HonorsGeorgia State University1990High Academic Achievement in Single CourseShanghai Medical UniversityShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2022 - presentMemberCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services CDLT committee2020 - presentDiversity and Inclusion Task ForceInternational Clinical Cytometry Society2020 - 2022Active MemberFlorida Diversity and Inclusion Committee, Mayo Clinic Florida Committees2019 - 2022MemberMCF Hospital Practice Subcommittee2019 - presentCommittee MemberInternational Clinical Cytometry Society, Education Committee2018 - presentActive MemberResident Advisory Subcommittee, United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology2018 - presentCommittee MemberUnited States and Canadian Association of Pathologists, Resident Advisory Subcommittee2017 - presentModeratorMayo Clinic Pathology Update 20172014 - presentQuality Management Committee MemberCollege of American Pathologists2014 - presentActive MemberQuality Practices Committee, College of American Pathologists2008 - presentMemberClinical Cytometry Society2007 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Hematology2001 - presentMemberCollege of American Pathologists2001 - presentMemberUnited States and Canadian Academy of Pathology2001 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Clinical PathologistsShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publications Mayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20225293 الأطباء والفريق الطبي Jiang, Jennifer M.D.