Departmentsمركز مايو كلينك الشامل لعلاج السرطانمركز الأطفالطب الأطفال والمراهقينالطب النفسي وعلم النفسSpecialty Groupsبرنامج أورام الدماغطب الدمويات والأورام لدى الأطفالLocationRochester, MinnesotaLanguagesEnglishExisting patientsSend a secure message via patient portal Conditions treatedAngelman syndromeAutism spectrum disorderCancerEpilepsyPremature birthTraumatic brain injury InterestsAutism assessmentBehavior modificationOptimizing neurobehavioral outcomes of childhood cancers, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and prematurity Mayo Clinic locations Rochester, Minnesota Driving directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education2006Post Doctoral Fellowship - Pediatric NeuropsychologyUniversity of Minnesota Medical School2004Doctor of Philosophy - Clinical PsychologyMarquette University2004Predoctoral Internship - Pediatric Neuropsychology and Pediatric PsychologyUniversity of Minnesota Medical School2001Master of ScienceMarquette University1996BA - PsychologyUniversity of South DakotaShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications2016Pediatric Clinical NeuropsychologyAmerican Board of Professional Psychology2013Clinical NeuropsychologyAmerican Board of Professional PsychologyAwards and honors20202020 Most Improved in Patient ExperienceMayo Clinic Children's Center2018Marcus Sherels Autism Community Service AwardRT Autism Awareness Foundation2017National Health Information Award1999Academic Scholarship Marquette University1994Golden Key International Honour SocietyUniversity of South Dakota1994Honor Society MemberNational Honor Society in Psychology, Psi Chi1993Academic Scholarship University of South Dakota1993Music ScholarshipUniversity of South Dakota1992Presidential ScholarLuther College1992Music Scholarship Luther CollegeShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2023 - presentChair, Americans with Disabilities Compliance Review CommitteeAmerican Board of Clinical Neuropsychology2022 - presentMemberCommittee for Ethical Consideration of Sterilization Requests2022Content Expert/WriterAsk Mayo Expert-Dyslexia2021 - presentMemberMayo Clinic, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Education Committee2021 - presentMemberMayo Clinic Medical Psychology Fellowship Training Committee, Department of Psychiatry & Psychology2021 - presentElected Board Member, Ethics CommitteeAmerican Board of Clinical Neuropsychology2021 - presentElected Board Member, Written Exam CommitteeAmerican Board of Clinical Neuropsychology2021 - 2022MemberAmerican Psychological Association, Society for Clinical Neuropsychology (Division 40)2020 - presentMemberInternational Society for Autism Research2019 - 2021MemberDepartment of Psychiatry & Psychology Research Committee2019 - presentMemberMayo Clinic, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Research Training Program Committee2017 - 2021Content Expert/WriterAsk Mayo Expert-Autism Spectrum Disorder2015MemberMayo Clinic Children's Center Visibility Committee2015 - presentCo-DirectorMayo Clinic Children's Center, Dana Program2013 - presentMemberAmerican Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology2011 - presentMemberNational Academy of Neuropsychology2002 - 2022MemberAmerican Psychological Association2002 - 2015MemberChildren's Oncology Group2002 - presentMemberInternational Neuropsychological Society1994 - 1996MemberNational Honor Society in Psychology, Psi ChiShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publications Conditions treatedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20216281 الأطباء والفريق الطبي Huebner, Andrea R. Ph.D., L.P.