البحث عن طبيب

Jonathan B. Hoyne, Ph.D.


  1. Hata DJ, Hoyne JB. Commentary on Milky Urine in a Patient with Poorly Controlled Type II Diabetes. Clin Chem 2024 Sep 3; 70 (9):1103
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  2. Erben Y, Prudencio M, Marquez CP, Jansen-West KR, Heckman MG, White LJ, Dunmore JA, Cook CN, Lilley MT, Qosja N, Song Y, Hanna Al Shaikh R, Daughrity LM, Bartfield JL, Day GS, Oskarsson B, Nicholson KA, Wszolek ZK, Hoyne JB, Gendron TF, Meschia JF, Petrucelli L. Neurofilament light chain and vaccination status associate with clinical outcomes in severe COVID-19. iScience. 2022 Nov 18; 25 (11):105272 Epub 2022 Oct 04
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  3. Erben Y, Franco-Mesa C, Gloviczki P, Stone W, Quinones-Hinojoas A, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Meltzer AJ, Lin M, Greenway MRF, Hamid O, Devcic Z, Toskich B, Ritchie C, Lamb CJ, De Martino RR, Siegel J, Farres H, Hakaim AG, Sanghavi DK, Li Y, Rivera C, Moreno-Franco P, O'Keefe NL, Gopal N, Marquez CP, Huang JF, Kalra M, Shields R, Prudencio M, Gendron T, McBane R, Park M, Hoyne JB, Petrucelli L, O'Horo JC, Meschia JF. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism among hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019-positive patients predicted for higher mortality and prolonged intensive care unit and hospital stays in a multisite healthcare system. J Vasc Surg Venous Lymphat Disord. 2021 Nov; 9 (6):1361-1370.e1 Epub 2021 Apr 06
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  4. Prudencio M, Erben Y, Marquez CP, Jansen-West KR, Franco-Mesa C, Heckman MG, White LJ, Dunmore JA, Cook CN, Lilley MT, Song Y, Harlow CF, Oskarsson B, Nicholson KA, Wszolek ZK, Hickson LJ, O'Horo JC, Hoyne JB, Gendron TF, Meschia JF, Petrucelli L. Serum neurofilament light protein correlates with unfavorable clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Sci Transl Med. 2021 Jul 14; 13 (602) Epub 2021 June 15
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  5. Turner KA, Eckelkamp LL, Kalass SJ, Martinez MA, Brewer HR, Hoyne JB, Snyder MR, Murray DL, Willrich MAV. Correlation Between Kappa Prozone Effect and IgA Kappa M Proteins in Serum Free Light-Chain Assay. Clin Chem 2019 Oct; 65 (10):1327-1329 Epub 2019 Aug 06
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  6. Rodriguez FH Jr, Petersen J, Selvaratnam R, Mann P, Hoyne JB. Hurricanes: Are You Prepared? Lab Med. 2018 Mar 21; 49 (2):e18-e22
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  7. Dhakal LP, Sen A, Stanko CM, Rawal B, Heckman MG, Hoyne JB, Dimberg EL, Freeman ML, Ng LK, Rabinstein AA, Freeman WD. Early Absent Pupillary Light Reflexes After Cardiac Arrest in Patients Treated with Therapeutic Hypothermia. Ther Hypothermia Temp Manag. 2016 Aug; 6 (3):116-21 Epub 2016 May 02
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  8. Eldjerou LK, Cogle CR, Rosenau EH, Lu X, Bennett CA, Sugrue MW, Hoyne J, Lambert A, Ashley L, Sazama K, Fields G, Wingard JR, Zubair AC. Vitamin D effect on umbilical cord blood characteristics: a comparison between African Americans and Caucasians. Transfusion. 2015 Jul; 55 (7):1766-71 Epub 2015 Apr 22
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  9. Hackbarth JS, Hoyne JB, Grebe SK, Singh RJ. Accuracy of calculated free testosterone differs between equations and depends on gender and SHBG concentration. Steroids. 2011 Jan; 76 (1-2):48-55
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  10. Korpi-Steiner NL, Hoyne JB, Hoyer JD, Saenger AK. Hemolytic anemia following attempted suicide. Clin Chem. 2008 Dec; 54 (12):2071-4; discussion 2074-5
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  11. Fallin D, Reading S, Schinka J, Hoyne J, Scibelli P, Gold M, Crawford F, Mullan M. No interaction between the APOE and the alpha-1-antichymotrypsin genes on risk for Alzheimer's disease. Am J Med Genet. 1997 Apr 18; 74(2):192-4.
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  12. Cai X, Stanton J, Fallin D, Hoyne J, Duara R, Gold M, Sevush S, Scibelli P, Crawford F, Mullan M. No association between the intronic presenilin-1 polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease in clinic and population-based samples. Am J Med Genet. 1997 Apr 18; 74(2):202-3.
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  13. Mullan M, Scibelli P, Duara R, Fallin D, Gold M, Schinka J, Hoyne J, Osborne A, Sevush S, Crawford F. Familial and population-based studies of apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer's disease. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1996 Dec 16; 802:16-26.
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  14. Crawford F, Hoyne J, Cai X, Osborne A, Poston D, Zaglul J, Dajani N, Walsh S, Bradley R, Solomon R, Mullan M. Dopamine DRD2/Cys311 is not associated with chronic schizophrenia. Am Journal of Med Genet. 1996; 67(5):483-4.
  15. Crawford F, Hoyne J, Diaz P, Osborne A, Dorotheo J, Sheehan D, Mullan M. Occurrence of the Cys311 DRD2 variant in a pedigree multiply affected with panic disorder. Am J Med Genet. 1995 Aug 14; 60(4):332-4.
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  16. Bennett C, Crawford F, Osborne A, Diaz P, Hoyne J, Lopez R, Roques P, Duara R, Rossor M, Mullan M. Evidence that the APOE locus influences rate of disease progression in late onset familial Alzheimer's Disease but is not causative. Am J Med Genet. 1995 Feb 27; 60(1):1-6.
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