البحث عن طبيب

Isa J. Houwink, M.D., Ph.D.

  1. Family Physician




Besides working as a Family Medical doctor (0.5 FTE), Dr. Houwink holds a position as Associate Professor in Family Medicine (0.5 FTE). The research and educational involvement and interests of Elisa J.F. Houwink, M.D., Ph.D., include prevention, screening and early detection modalities in common and rare diseases and implementing (pharmaco) genetics in primary care practice.

Dr. Houwink focuses on prevention and early detection of common forms of hereditary diseases such as cancer (e.g. breast, ovarian due to mutations such as BRCA1/2 , common cancers such as colon cancer, endometrial cancer and other cancers e.g. Lynch syndrome), cardiovascular disease (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, long QT, Familial Hypercholesterolemia) and diabetes (e.g. MODY and LADA). But Dr. Houwink also works on studies on earlier detection and prevention of rare diseases in primary care such as hemoglobinopathy and Rett syndrome, which require increased population health management because rare diseases are now seen as public health problem that are in urgent need of improved medical care, awareness and training. Family health history taking and registration, eHealth, AI, Personal Genetic Locker, bioinformatics, education, communication, data-ethics are all part of her mission to bring genetics and pharmacogenetics into primary care practice. Her publication list shows her broad but focused interests, and this is well reflected in her list of educational and scientific presentations.

From 2008 until 2013 she participated in a PhD project at the section Community Genetics, Department of Clinical genetics (VU University Medical Center Amsterdam) under the supervision of prof. Martina Cornel and prof. Geert Jan Dinant (Department of Family Medicine in Maastricht). Her project, funded by CSG Centre for Society and the Life Sciences /Centre for Medical Systems Biology, aimed to reflect on current genomics developments with primary care workers, and to help them identify their learning priorities. On the 20th of December 2013 she defended her thesis "Training in genetics and genomics" Cum Laude (https://research.vumc.nl/en/publications/training-in-genetics-and-genomics-for-primary-health-care-workers).

  1. 2008
    ResidencyMaastricht University Medical Center
  2. 2003
    Masters - Medical Studies Maastricht University Medical Center
  3. 1998
    BAMS - Bachelor of Medical Studies Maastricht University Medical Center
  4. 1994
    Bachelor - Health Sciences Maastricht University Medical Center

Awards and honors

  1. 2021
    Best Block Bachelor Medicine LUMC G1CM Cel tot MolecuulLUMC Leids Universitair Medisch Cetrum
  2. 2021
    Blended learning for application of fact knowledge Clinical Technology Patient CareLUMC/TU Delft
  3. 2019
    Innovationfund LUMC/Boerhaave, Blended learning, oa Hemoglobinopathie, Cardiogenetica, Oncogenetica, Farmacogenetica in daily primary care practiceLUMC
  4. 2017
    European Health Award Primary Care Genetics
  5. 2013
    Nominated for Young investigators AwardEuropean Society of Human Genetics Conference
  6. 2013
    PhD Researcher “Developing training in genetics/genomics for primary care health workers”, promotors Prof Dr M Cornel and GJ Dinant, co promotors Prof Dr C van der Vleuten and Dr L Henneman.Amsterdam UMC Location VUmc/MUMC Maastricht University Medical Center
  7. 2010
    Putting plans into practice prize Center for Society and Genomics
  8. 1999
    Student Science Award "Aspects of preimplantation embryology and sex-related growth rate differences in mouse preimplantation embryos in the Ped fast and Ped slow strain in vivo"Maastricht University Medical School

Professional memberships

  1. 2023 - present
    MemberCIM Education IMPACT (Individualized Medicine Planning and Content Team)
  2. 2022 - present
    MemberMayo Clinic Pharmacogenomics Discovery & Translation
  3. 2022 - present
    MemberGenetics in Primary Care
  4. 2022 - present
    MemberCIPC Work Group
  5. 2022 - present
    MemberThe Dutch College of General Practitioners
  6. 2021 - 2022
    NVMO Workgroup MemberLeiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
  7. 2021 - 2022
    Network Innovative Medical Genomics Research Workgroup MemberLeiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
  8. 2021 - 2022
    AI Education CAIRELab Workgroup MemberLeiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
  9. 2021 - present
    MemberInternational Rare Diseases Research Consortium
  10. 2017 - 2018
    MemberWorkgroup NHG Standpunt Farmacogenetica
  11. 2016 - 2021
    Committee Guideline development Psychiatry and pharmacogenetics MemberLeiden University Medical Center (LUMC)
  12. 2016 - 2020
    MemberWorkgroup Richtlijnontwikkeling Psychiatrie en farmacogenetica
  13. 2016 - present
    Special Interest Group: Primary Care Genetics MemberWorld Organization of Family Physicians
  14. 2015 - 2022
    MemberOncogenetic Equip Advisory Group
  15. 2015 - 2022
    MemberWorkgroup Pharmacogenetica
  16. 2014 - 2019
    MemberPlatform Kwaliteitsverbetering Eerstelijnszorg Zeldzame Aandoeningen
  17. 2013 - 2018
    MemberCommittee Prenatal care
  18. 2013 - 2017
    MemberCommissielid Regionaal Centrum Prenatale Screening regio Zuid Oost Nederland
  19. 2011 - present
    PresidentAlliantie CSG-NHG-Erfocentrum
  20. 2005 - 2010
    MemberNetherland Associate Community Genetics Committee
  21. 2003 - 2004
    President - Researchers ClubVUMC Department of GYN and OB


Research activities

See a description of research activities.