البحث عن طبيب

Iasmina M. Craici, M.D.

  1. Nephrologist

Specialty Groups




Iasmina Craici, M.D., is a board-certified nephrologist who currently practices in Nephrology and Hypertension as well as Transplantation at Mayo Clinic. She is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science and is the Nephrology Fellowship Program Director.

She attended medical school at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Springfield, Illinois and completed her internal medicine residency and nephrology fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Current clinical practice is in Nephrology and Transplant. Interests include renal involvement in hypertensive pregnancy disorders, as well as future risk of cardiovascular and renal disease after hypertensive pregnancy. Additional interests include management of pregnancy in dialysis and solid organ transplant patients, and pregnancy outcomes after kidney donation. Recent accomplishments include re-establishment of a living kidney donation program at the University of Mississippi. Part of the clinical mission was the development of a specialized Nephrology Program for women with high risk pregnancies and underlying renal disease.

  1. End-stage renal disease
  2. Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy
  3. Renal parenchymal disease
  • Renal involvement in hypertensive pregnancy disorders
  • Future risk of cardiovascular and renal disease after hypertensive pregnancy
  • Management of pregnancy in dialysis and solid organ transplant patients
  • Pregnancy outcomes after kidney donation
  1. 2011
    Fellowship - NIH Research Training GrantMayo School of Graduate Medical Education
  2. 2009
    ResidentNephrology, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  3. 2009
    Fellowship - Nephrology FellowshipMayo School of Graduate Medical Education
  4. 2006
    ResidentInternal Medicine, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  5. 2006
    ResidencyInternal Medicine, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education
  6. 2003
    Doctorate of MedicineSouthern Illinois University School Of Medicine
  7. 1998
    BScMDUniversity of Illinois


  1. 2009
    NephrologyAmerican Board of Internal Medicine
  2. 2006
    Internal MedicineAmerican Board of Internal Medicine

Awards and honors

  1. 2019
    Department of Medicine Award for Leadership, Mentoring, and Scientific ExpertiseUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center School of Medicine
  2. 2009
    NIH Training Grant in NephrologyNIH
  3. 2005
    Mayo International Health Program AwardMayo Clinic Rochester

Professional memberships

  1. 2023 - present
    ChairNephrology Education Committee
  2. 2023 - present
    MemberAmerican Medical Association
  3. 2020 - present
    MemberICU Nephrology Practice Committee
  4. 2019 - present
    MemberNephrology Hypertension Research Committee
  5. 2018 - 2019
    ChairUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center
  6. 2017 - 2019
    Fellowship DirectorUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center
  7. 2016 - present
    MentorAmerican Society of Nephrology
  8. 2016 - 2019
    OfficerUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center
  9. 2016 - present
    ModeratorAmerican Society of Nephrology
  10. 2013 - 2019
    ChairUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center
  11. 2013 - 2018
    Course DirectorUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center
  12. 2012 - 2019
    MemberUniversity of Mississippi Medical Center
  13. 2006 - present
    MemberAmerican Society of Nephrology
  14. 2006 - present
    MemberAmerican Society of Hypertension
  15. 2006 - present
    MemberAmerican Society of Transplantation
  16. 2006 - present
    MemberMayo Clinic Alumni Association
