新闻 March 06, 2025 Transformative advances in bladder cancer treatment Discover how innovative drugs and clinical trials are revolutionizing bladder cancer care, offering bladder-sparing options and improved outcomes. Oct. 04, 2024 New BPH treatment ablates the prostatic tissue without heat Mayo Clinic offers a new surgical BPH option that ablates the prostatic tissue without heat to mitigate the risks of urinary leakage and retrograde ejaculation. Oct. 04, 2024 Single-port partial nephrectomy offers innovative treatment for patients with kidney cancer Abhinav Khanna, M.D., M.P.H., a urologic oncologist and robotic surgeon, and his team were the first to perform Mayo Clinic's single-port robotic partial nephrectomy, a minimally invasive kidney surgery. Oct. 04, 2024 Innovative approach to surgical urethral stricture management Mayo Clinic's reconstructive urology team pioneers repair techniques that include transluminal urethral surgery (TRAMUS), urethral surgery, open surgery and robotic surgery. July 25, 2024 Outcomes for patients with renal tumors and venous tumor thrombus Vidit Sharma, M.D., a urologist at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota conducted four studies to help improve outcomes for patients with renal cell carcinomas with venous tumor thrombus. May 29, 2024 Q&A: Improved quality of life with bladder cancer advancements Timothy D. Lyon, M.D., urologic oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, answers questions about advancements in bladder cancer care and research. March 26, 2024 Treating male urinary incontinence using the artificial urinary sphincter Mayo Clinic has the world's largest databank of patients with artificial urinary sphincters — more than 3,000 — and its physicians have implanted more AUS devices than any other institution worldwide. March 26, 2024 Mayo Clinic Urology awarded grants to study practice and treatment patterns in the specialty Urologists Kevin Koo, M.D., M.P.H, and Kevin M. Wymer, M.D., have been awarded competitive grants by the American Urological Association (AUA) to study practice and treatment patterns in urology. Feb. 10, 2024 Advancements in prostatectomy: Single-port robotic technique optimizes patient benefits Mayo Clinic researchers' single-port robotic prostatectomy delivers precise surgery with fewer incisions than the traditional multiport method, providing the potential for less pain and shorter hospital stays. Jan. 20, 2024 Lutetium-177 shows significant rPFS benefit for metastatic prostate cancer Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer presents treatment challenges, including the side effects of chemotherapy. Mayo Clinic researchers find that lutetium-177 prolongs radiographic progression-free survival i[...] Jan. 11, 2024 Multidisciplinary, expert and innovative care for children with Wilms tumor While kidney cancer is rare in children, Wilms tumor is the most common type of kidney cancer in kids. With the right care team, meticulous surgeons and cutting-edge research, children get top-of-the-line treatment at M[...] Dec. 21, 2023 Endoscopic buccal mucosal grafting for radiation-induced membranous urethral strictures Nick Warner, M.D., a urologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, has developed a technique to treat radiation-induced membranous urethral strictures, which is a challenging complication of radiation therapy for pr[...] Dec. 21, 2023 Healthcare costs associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH is a costly condition to treat, with individuals paying $1,500 or more each year. However, studies show that there are significant variations in costs based on the surgical management. June 13, 2023 Mayo Clinic in Minnesota marks its 350th in-office vasectomy reversal The Mayo Clinic Men's Health team has performed over 350 in-office vasectomy reversals. A new operating microscope that is used for the procedure helps improve precision and patient outcomes. June 13, 2023 Novel treatment for strictures of the distal penile urethra and fossa navicularis New surgical procedure for treating strictures of the distal penile urethra and fossa navicularis improves patient outcomes both for functionality and cosmetic appearance. June 13, 2023 Sacral neuromodulation in the male patient Although sacral neuromodulation (SNM) historically is used to treat refractory overactive bladder and nonobstructive urinary retention in females, a urology consultant at Mayo Clinic is successfully implementing this th[...] March 03, 2023 Mayo Clinic researchers awarded federal grant to study inflammatory pathways in kidney stone disease Mayo Clinic urologist Kevin Koo, M.D., M.P.H., was awarded a three-year research grant from the NIDDK to study the role of inflammatory pathways in kidney stone formation. March 03, 2023 Implementation of transperineal biopsy clinic The transperineal approach involves passing needles through the perineum versus the rectum, which significantly lowers the risk of infection and improves precision. Dec. 13, 2022 Partial nephrectomy associated with lower rates of chronic kidney disease stage progression A recent Mayo Clinic study retrospectively evaluates patients undergoing either radical nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy for unilateral solid renal masses. Dec. 13, 2022 Transurethral dorsal buccal graft urethroplasty for proximal female urethral strictures Mayo Clinic urologists published results about a new technique using a buccal graft to manage mid and proximal female urethral strictures. Dec. 13, 2022 Lymph node dissection during radical cystectomy for patients with nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer A recent study found that patients with NMIBC who are undergoing radical cystectomy also should receive a lymph node dissection. Nov. 30, 2022 Kidney-sparing therapy for low-grade upper tract urothelial cancer In a multicenter phase 3 study, researchers identified a kidney-sparing therapy for patients with a rare urologic cancer. Mayo Clinic experts enhanced the mitomycin-containing reverse thermal gel for safety and fewer ad[...] Oct. 14, 2022 Treating pediatric patients with primary and recurrent rhabdomyosarcoma Through a clinical trial, Mayo Clinic treats pediatric patients with primary and recurrent rhabdomyosarcoma, offering a cutting-edge treatment option for relapsed disease. May 21, 2022 Transurethral incision with transverse mucosal realignment surgery, simple solution for a complex problem A team of Mayo Clinic urologists spearhead same-day treatment for bladder neck contractures that doesn't require incisions and reduces patient recovery time. May 21, 2022 New technique prevents reservoir migration during penile prosthesis surgery Mayo Clinic doctors invented a technique, called THALIA, to prevent fluid reservoir migration during penile implant surgery, which increases the safety of this procedure. May 21, 2022 Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction (microTESE) more accessible for couples who are infertile Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction (microTESE) performed on men with nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA) who are infertile puts IVF and ICSI within reach. MicroTESE can be done in an office setting, helping save sur[...] Feb. 22, 2022 Single-port robotics reduce incisions, may lead to less pain and quicker recovery from prostatectomy In this Q&A, the chair of the Mayo Clinic Robotics Subcommittee discusses the advantages of single-port technology for patients receiving prostatectomy. Feb. 22, 2022 Ureteroenteric stricture: Advanced reconstructive solutions following urinary diversion Mayo Clinic specialists have achieved safe and durable robot-assisted ureteroenteric anastomotic stricture (UES) reconstructive outcomes, including markedly reduced major complications, reduced length of hospitalization[...] Feb. 22, 2022 Spinal anesthesia for pediatric urologic surgeries: Less is more Compared with children having the same procedures performed under general anesthesia, pediatric patients who received spinal anesthesia had shorter anesthesia time, surgical time and recovery room length of stay. Nov. 19, 2021 Scoring system helps patients evaluate providers' qualifications for vasectomy reversal A novel scoring system helps patients evaluate options for vasectomy reversal based on providers' qualifications and basic information that can be found online, such as risk, cost and alternatives. Nov. 19, 2021 Creation of a biomarker-augmented metastases score Adding biomarkers Bcl-2 interacting mediator of cell death (BIM) and survivin to previously created clinical metastases scores may improve the prediction of cancer-specific survival. Nov. 19, 2021 Mayo Clinic urologists awarded governor's proclamation recognizing Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in Minnesota Prostate cancer is treatable and potentially curable when detected early. National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month encourages men to discuss screening with their doctors and make decisions together. Nov. 19, 2021 Bipolar enucleation of the prostate for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia In this Q&A, urologist J. (Nick) Nicholas Warner, M.D., discusses bipolar enucleation of the prostate (BipolEP). Ideal candidates for bipolar enucleation have a larger prostate or urinary retention. Aug. 21, 2021 High-intensity focused ultrasound for the treatment of prostate cancer High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) allows specialists to treat only the area of the most aggressive tumor while leaving the rest of the prostate and its surrounding structures alone. Aug. 21, 2021 Simplified patient dismissal instructions improve patient experience following robot-assisted radical prostatectomy Patients who received more-understandable dismissal instructions following robot-assisted radical prostatectomy were significantly less likely to call with clarifying questions or have an emergency department visit. Aug. 21, 2021 Patients with history of pelvic radiation can receive revision surgery for artificial urinary sphincter Researchers found no significant difference in outcomes between patients with and patients without a history of radiation who received revision of an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS). May 22, 2021 Study assesses cost-effectiveness of pembrolizumab for treatment of bacillus Calmette-Guerin-unresponsive bladder carcinoma in situ Research confirms that pembrolizumab at current pricing is not cost-effective for patients with bladder cancer that has proved unresponsive to bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) treatment. May 22, 2021 National patterns of filled prescriptions and third line treatment use for privately insured women with overactive bladder Referral to specialists may close a gap in care for women who do not have success with oral therapies for overactive bladder. May 22, 2021 Development of urosymphyseal fistula in posterior urethral stenosis Research supports that patients who develop posterior urethral stenosis and urosymphyseal fistula following salvage radiation after prostatectomy can achieve a durable restoration of quality of life. Feb. 05, 2021 Ureteral injury malpractice compensation highest in cases of patient-perceived delays, inadequate workup and failure of supervision Multiple studies suggest that iatrogenic ureteral injuries, while uncommon, make up a disproportionate number of litigation claims. Gynecology and urology are the specialties most commonly named. Feb. 05, 2021 Hydronephrosis and bladder cancer Retrospective research does not support an increased risk of upper tract urothelial carcinoma (UTUC) in patients receiving preoperative ureteral stenting for hydronephrosis requiring drainage prior to cystectomy. Feb. 05, 2021 High-risk nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer In a phase III clinical trial, 53% of patients with nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) in the carcinoma in situ cohort had a complete response within three months of treatment. Nov. 20, 2020 Therapeutic sequencing improves outcomes for patients with progressive mCRPC Researchers investigated the long-term oncologic outcomes of three chemotherapy regimens in patients who had previously experienced disease progression after treatment with a novel androgen receptor inhibitor. Nov. 20, 2020 Men's Health moves many operative procedures into the office Mayo Clinic's Men's Health specialists now perform testicular sperm extraction, circumcision, scrotoplasty, orchiopexy, hydrocelectomy, and spermatocelectomy or epididymal cyst excision and epididymectomy in-office, wit[...] Nov. 20, 2020 COVID-19 adjustments impact Urology Residency training Boyd R. Viers, M.D., associate program director of the Urology Residency program at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, discusses pandemic-related changes in the program. Sept. 15, 2020 New research indicates maintenance bacillus Calmette-Guerin is not cost-effective for all patients with intermediate- and high-risk nonmuscle invasive bladder cancer New research supports prioritizing bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) for induction therapy during shortages and reserving maintenance BCG for patients at the highest risk of progression. Sept. 15, 2020 Integrating telemedicine into the Mayo Clinic Urology practice to expand options for patients The COVID-19 pandemic provided opportunities to explore telemedicine consults with adult and pediatric urology patients. Sept. 15, 2020 Standardized postoperative opioid prescribing significantly reduces use following urologic surgery Prescribing patterns four months after guideline implementation were reduced to a median quantity of 100 OME (roughly 13 5 mg oxycodone tablets) compared with 150 OME before implementation. Feb. 22, 2020 Percutaneous biopsy of suspicious upper tract lesions a safe diagnostic strategy A retrospective review of patients who received percutaneous image-guided core-needle biopsy for diagnosis of upper tact urothelial carcinoma supports that the process is safe and well tolerated by those patients. Feb. 22, 2020 Optimal sequencing of commonly used medications for treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer Research supports the use of docetaxel before enzalutamide or abiraterone as the primary first line therapy for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Feb. 22, 2020 Mayo Clinic's approach to Peyronie's disease: Nonsurgical interventions Mayo specialists consider three key points when determining optimal treatments for patients with Peyronie's disease: baseline erectile function, duration of symptoms and level of invasiveness the patient will consider. Nov. 05, 2019 Ultrasound-guided transperineal prostate biopsy Mayo Clinic specialists perform transperineal biopsy, which helps to accurately diagnose prostate cancer in patients with lesions or past complications and limits the infectious complications associated with transrectal[...] Nov. 05, 2019 Pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma: Research and new treatment options A new trial of adjuvant surgical treatment with hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) specifically addresses pediatric patients with relapsed intra-abdominal and pelvic rhabdomyosarcoma. Nov. 05, 2019 Adjuvant radiation for patients with positive margins after prostatectomy decreases local recurrence; no difference in overall survival Research indicates adjuvant radiation for patients with positive surgical margins after prostatectomy decreases local recurrence with no difference in overall survival. Aug. 27, 2019 Artificial urinary sphincter placement: Innovations and practices Mayo Clinic's minimal-touch protocol for artificial urinary sphincter placement minimizes perineal and abdominal skin exposure to decrease the rate of device infection. Aug. 27, 2019 Idiopathic chronic scrotal content pain: Q and A with Matt Ziegelmann, M.D. There are no standardized guidelines for evaluation and management of chronic scrotal content pain, but a consistent algorithm for evaluation and management can improve patients' quality of life. Aug. 27, 2019 New analysis shows radical prostatectomy to be cost-effective management of prostate cancer A cost-effectiveness study indicates that the ProtecT trial actually supports the upfront treatment of more-aggressive prostate cancers and the surveillance of less aggressive prostate cancers. June 21, 2019 New data indicate percutaneous ablation may be an appropriate option for certain patients with renal masses A review of patients treated with partial nephrectomy, percutaneous radiofrequency ablation or percutaneous cryoablation for small renal masses found no clinical or statistical difference in five-year outcomes. June 21, 2019 Pushing the envelope of robotic urologic surgery in children A single-port robotic system offers a safe, efficacious approach for minimally invasive surgeries, including pyeloplasty and appendicovesicostomy, in pediatric patients. June 21, 2019 Redefining the male urethral stricture treatment paradigm With Mayo Clinic's outpatient same-day ambulatory surgery approach, 95% of men treated for urethral stricture disease report a high level of patient satisfaction, with no difference in reconstructive outcomes. May 09, 2019 A novel risk score may help urologists determine which patients with kidney stones require urgent intervention Researchers identified four significant predictors of infection to create a novel risk score that may help confirm which patients require urgent decompression via ureteral stent or nephrostomy tube placement. April 23, 2019 Mayo Clinic offers comprehensive care for women with pelvic floor disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence Mayo Clinic's unique, multidisciplinary approach to managing sensitive female pelvic floor disorders allows for individualized decision-making and broad access to a multitude of treatment options. April 23, 2019 Choice of intraoperative irrigation matters for penile implants: Povidone-iodine leads to a ninefold increase in the likelihood of developing an infection A switch from use of undiluted povidone-iodine to vancomycin-gentamicin for intraoperative irrigation reduced postoperative prosthesis infections by a factor of nine. Feb. 20, 2019 Mayo Clinic experience with da Vinci SP single-port robot-assisted radical prostatectomy Mayo specialists have performed more than 40 prostatectomies using the da Vinci SP single-port robot-assisted surgical system. They report unique benefits and favorable outcomes. Feb. 19, 2019 Boyd R. Viers, M.D., specializes in reconstructive genitourinary surgeries Dr. Viers specializes in advanced urinary reconstruction for radiation, trauma and iatrogenic urinary tract injury, and management of urinary obstructions including male urethral stricture disease, ureteral stricture an[...] Feb. 19, 2019 Top-of-the-line treatment for Wilms' tumor Mayo Clinic's Fertility Preservation Program, 3D modeling, minimally invasive surgery techniques and proton beam therapy improve survival rates for children with Wilms' tumor. Feb. 19, 2019 New studies of renal masses may assist in patient counseling Study findings expand providers' abilities to better educate patients with small renal masses and provide context for management strategies, enabling more-informed decisions about treatment options. Dec. 21, 2018 Minimally invasive focal therapies for prostate cancer Focal therapy treats only the area with the most aggressive tumor, while leaving the rest of the prostate and its surrounding structures alone. Available options include cryoablation, focal laser ablation and high-frequ[...] Dec. 21, 2018 Beating the beast: Mayo Clinic's pediatric urologists and their sarcoma team's mission to cure rhabdomyosarcoma Mayo pediatric radiologists construct 3D, color-coded models of the tumor and surrounding structures to assess the best potential therapies for each child and assist the surgical team with preoperative planning and refe[...] Dec. 20, 2018 Brian J. Linder, M.D., female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery specialist, joins Mayo Clinic Urology Brian J. Linder, M.D., a specialist in the management of overactive bladder, including advanced treatment options such as bladder Botox injection, sacral neuromodulation and noninvasive percutaneous tibial nerve stimula[...] Variation in postoperative opioid prescribing provides motivation for a more standardized approach 医疗专业人员 Urology news