
但有些蜱虫会传播细菌而引发疾病,如莱姆病和落基山斑疹热。一般而言,蜱虫至少需附着在人体皮肤上 36 小时才能传播莱姆病。其他感染可能只需要数小时甚至数分钟。


如果出现以下症状,请拨打 911 或当地急救电话:

  • 剧烈头痛
  • 呼吸困难
  • 瘫痪
  • 心悸


To take care of a tick bite:

  • Remove the tick promptly and carefully. Use fine-tipped forceps or tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Gently pull out the tick using a slow and steady upward motion. Avoid twisting or squeezing the tick. Do not handle the tick with bare hands. Do not use petroleum jelly, fingernail polish or a hot match to remove a tick.
  • Secure the tick and take a picture. A picture of the tick can help you and your health care provider identify what type it is and whether you are at risk of a transmitted disease. You can trap the tick in a piece of tape for disposal in the garbage. Your provider may want to see the tick or a photo if you develop new symptoms.
  • Wash your hands and the bite site. Use warm water and soap, rubbing alcohol, or an iodine scrub.


  • 您无法完全清除蜱虫。蜱虫吸附进入皮肤的时间越长,您患病的风险就越大。您的皮肤也可能会受到刺激。
  • 皮疹变大。蜱虫叮咬的部位可能会出现小隆起。这是典型特征。如果它发展成更大的皮疹或者您在任何部位出现皮疹,且可能呈牛眼形状,则可能是莱姆病。皮疹通常在 3-14 天内出现。


  • 您出现流感样体征和症状。皮疹可能伴有发热、寒战、疲乏、肌肉和关节疼痛以及头痛。
  • 您认为被叮咬部位发生感染。体征和症状包括疼痛、肤色改变或被叮咬部位渗液。
  • 您认为自己是被鹿蜱叮咬。您可能需要使用抗生素。


March 15, 2024