Sarcoidosis care at Mayo Clinic

Your Mayo Clinic care team

Many Mayo Clinic doctors and other healthcare professionals are part of a highly specialized team of medical and surgical experts who work together to evaluate your condition and decide the best treatment in a caring environment.

Depending on your needs, your team may include doctors from several medical specialties to give you the best possible care for your sarcoidosis. Your team may include doctors who specialize in the lungs (pulmonologist), heart (cardiologist), eyes (ophthalmologist), nervous system (neurologist), and conditions of the bones and joints (rheumatologist).

Advanced diagnosis and treatment

Mayo Clinic doctors use the latest tests and technology to diagnose and treat sarcoidosis, giving state-of-the-art care in both the outpatient and hospital settings. Mayo Clinic specialists are experts at solving the most serious and complex medical challenges faced by people with sarcoidosis.

Mayo Clinic's Pulmonary Function Laboratory offers comprehensive lung function testing. Rehabilitation programs help you live the best life possible with sarcoidosis. Mayo Clinic offers successful lung transplant programs for people who need this option. Mayo Clinic gives access to clinical trials that evaluate promising therapies.

Testing and other appointments are scheduled in an efficient and coordinated way to quickly find answers and start treatment.

Cardiac Sarcoidosis Clinic

At Mayo Clinic, people with symptoms that suggest they might have cardiac sarcoidosis receive diagnosis and treatment from a team of experts in the Cardiac Sarcoidosis Clinic. This clinic is available at Mayo's campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

At the Cardiac Sarcoidosis Clinic, doctors who specialize in immunology (immunologists), the heart (cardiologists) and imaging (radiologists) work with you to provide excellent, comprehensive care. Your care might involve other specialists, too, because the immune system response that causes granulomas in your heart also can result in granulomas building up in other organs.


Mayo Clinic experts work as a team to offer the best possible outcomes, safety and service.

  • Nationally recognized expertise. Sarcoidosis is a rare condition. Mayo Clinic doctors have experience diagnosing and caring for people with all types of sarcoidosis. Each year, specialists at Mayo Clinic see more than 2,100 people with sarcoidosis.
  • Advanced, specialized treatment. People with symptoms of cardiac sarcoidosis receive diagnosis and treatment from a team of experts in the Cardiac Sarcoidosis Clinic. Mayo Clinic offers successful lung transplant programs for people who need this option.
  • Cutting-edge technology and research. Mayo Clinic uses the latest technology to give the best care while advancing the science of pulmonary medicine for the future, including robotic assisted lung biopsy. The Mayo Cardiac Sarcoid Registry was set up to help understand more about cardiac sarcoidosis, risk factors, effects of treatment and complications of cardiac sarcoidosis.



Mayo Clinic 在亚利桑那州的芬尼克斯和斯克茨戴尔、佛罗里达州的杰克逊威尔和明尼苏达州的罗切斯特都有主要校区。Mayo Clinic 健康系统在几个州拥有十几个工作地点。

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