


  • 合作式的方法。 妙佑医疗国际医护团队的成员对您的护理进行讨论。以协调统筹的方式安排约诊。检查结果可以迅速得到。您的医护团队共同合作,决定最适合您的治疗方案。这种协作方式意味着医务人员通常可以在两三天内完成评估并制定治疗计划。
  • 先进的诊断与治疗。 妙佑医疗国际的患者可以使用最新的成像和诊断工具。
  • 创新研究。 妙佑医疗国际的医务人员可以使用先进的研究和实验设施。为了外周动脉疾病(PAD)患者,他们不断探索医学新知和治疗方法。

What is peripheral artery disease?

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a common condition. It's often treated with medicines and a walking program. But severe PAD can lead to complications, including gangrene. In this video, Mayo Clinic vascular surgeons talk about the symptoms and when surgery may be needed.

A lot of people have it and might not even know that they have it. Peripheral arterial disease is a disease process that doesn't discriminate. It impacts all different classes, ages, races of people throughout the world, affecting upwards of 5 to 6 million people in the United States alone.

PAD or peripheral arterial disease represents a chronic medical condition by which patients have plaque buildup inside the blood vessels, which limits the blood flow to their legs. Classic symptoms are pain in the calves with walking that goes away after you sit down. It starts again when you walk.

We can treat that just with medical management and a walking program. When peripheral arterial disease gets more severe, patients can notice things like pain at rest.

And the more advanced stage, called critical limb threatening ischemia, is where you start having wounds and gangrene on the feet.

It's the most severe type of arterial disease in the legs, and if that goes untreated, then it can lead to amputation.

This is a marker of your overall cardiovascular health. I can't say enough about how important it is to care for peripheral arterial disease. Surgery alone does not provide lasting benefits to these patients. It is a chronic condition, and so commitment to medical and lifestyle therapies is lifelong.

Mayo Clinic is one of the best places to have treatment for arterial disease because we really treat the disease globally, and we do it very, very well.

We make it easy for you to meet all these different specialists to understand why it's important to have all these different issues addressed under one roof. This includes not just a vascular surgeon, but a dietician, a social worker, a nicotine cessation counselor, a diabetologist, a wound care expert, a cardiovascular medicine expert, usually a cardiologist. So the point to take home is that you're not just coming to Mayo Clinic to treat your PAD, you're coming to Mayo Clinic to treat all the underlying reasons you developed PAD.

One of the best things patients can do to treat their arterial disease is to to break those really tough habits like quitting smoking and starting to walk more and focusing on a healthier diet.

For critical limb threatening ischemia, the indication is more obvious. If we don't perform vascular surgery, you are at an extremely high risk of losing that limb.

As vascular surgeons, our goal is to keep people's limbs as long as possible, and we do whatever we can from surgery to wound care, to optimizing medical care and other treatment modalities. So for these individuals, we do a surgical intervention to restore inline blood flow down to the feet.

There exists a variety of both open and minimally invasive surgeries to treat the symptoms of peripheral arterial disease. We have access to state-of-the-art hybrid surgical suites. We have a very robust research arm to our PAD practice from early detection of PAD leading to better screening, developing medical treatments to cure peripheral arterial disease.

We have all the technology that's necessary to treat arterial disease on the shelf so we can really treat all patients who come in with the best possible treatments that exist. It's just that you need to be evaluated appropriately and have the right testing done so that the treatment can be optimized for you.

So when you come to Mayo Clinic, please know that you are everything that matters to us.


妙佑医疗国际的医疗服务提供者每年为 5500 多位外周动脉疾病患者提供全面护理。




  • 妙佑医疗国际明尼苏达州罗切斯特院区、亚利桑那州凤凰城/斯科茨代尔院区和佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔院区均被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为最佳心脏和心脏手术医院。
  • 在《美国新闻与世界报道》的 2023–2024 年“最佳儿童医院”排名中,设于罗切斯特的妙佑医疗国际儿童中心在明尼苏达州以及五州地区(爱荷华、明尼苏达、北达科他、南达科他和威斯康星州)名列榜首。



Mayo Clinic 在亚利桑那州的芬尼克斯和斯克茨戴尔、佛罗里达州的杰克逊威尔和明尼苏达州的罗切斯特都有主要校区。Mayo Clinic 健康系统在几个州拥有十几个工作地点。

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Aug. 09, 2024

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