测试与程序 Mayo Clinic doctors who specialize in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery have expertise in rare diagnoses and clinically specialized aspects of surgical care for the people they treat. Innovative services and special programs Minimally invasive surgery. Mayo Clinic surgeons have been at the forefront of using minimally invasive surgery. This includes unique skills that allow for robotic and minimally invasive pancreas and liver surgery. Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) and irreversible electroporation (IRE). Mayo Clinic surgeons are always searching for new and innovative ways to treat cancer, including these treatments for locally advanced pancreas tumors. Hepatic artery infusion pump (HAIP) therapy. Mayo Clinic is the only center in north Florida to offer HAIP therapy and a leading center in the southeast for this procedure. HAIP offers a treatment option for patients with colorectal liver cancer that has spread (metastatic colorectal liver metastases) or bile duct cancer that cannot be removed with surgery (unresectable cholangiocarcinoma). The goal of HAIP is not just to manage cancer but to potentially lead to a cure. 妙佑医疗国际佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔院区在佛罗里达州医院中排名第一,并被评为癌症护理领域的最佳医院之一。 在佛罗里达州,妙佑医疗国际在癌症项目领域排名最高。 编辑搜索过滤条件 Distal pancreatectomy Distal splenectomy Laparoscopic liver surgery Laparoscopic pancreas surgery Robotic liver surgery Robotic pancreas surgery 不可逆电穿孔 冷冻消融术治疗癌症 微创手术治疗 微创肝脏手术 微创肠道手术 微创胰腺手术 微波消融治疗癌症 惠普尔手术 术中放射治疗 (IORT) 癌症治疗 肝切除术 肝动脉输注泵化疗 肝囊肿切除术 肝囊肿开窗术 肝肿瘤消融术 肝胆疾病术后护理 肝胆管的疾病评估 肝脏活检 肿瘤细胞减灭术 胆囊切除术(胆囊切除) 胆汁引流 胆管切除 胆管结石清除术 胆道支架植入术 胰腺切除术 胰腺摘除 脾脏切除术 申请预约 概述主治 March 21, 2025 Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgery in Jacksonville部分测试与程序主治医生专长与排名研究费用与保险概述转诊 部分预约门诊测试与程序主治医生专长与排名研究费用与保险转诊 ORG-20580411 医学科室与中心 Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgery in Jacksonville