
Gregory A. Worrell, M.D., Ph.D.

  1. Neurologist




  1. Rochester, Minnesota




  • Evaluation and care of patients with seizures and epilepsy
  • Epileptogensis and ictogensis (computational models and simulation)
  • Localization of the epileptic focus from scalp EEG (EM inverse problem)
  • Multimodality imaging
  1. 2001
    ResidentClin Neurophysiology EEG/Epile, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  2. 2001
    Fellow - EpilepsyMayo Clinic in Rochester
  3. 2000
    ResidentNeurology, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  4. 2000
    Resident - NeurologyMayo Clinic in Rochester
  5. 1997
    ResidentPreliminary Internal Medicine, Programs in Rochester, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  6. 1997
    Internship - MedicineMayo Clinic in Rochester
  7. 1996
    MDUniversity of Texas, Galveston
  8. 1987
    PhD - Physics, Condensed Matter TheoryCase Western Reserve University
  9. 1982
    BS - PhysicsWright State University


  1. 2017
    EpilepsyAmerican Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
  2. 2001
    NeurologyAmerican Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

Awards and honors

  1. 2022
    2022 Clinical Science Research AwardAmerican Epilepsy Society
  2. 2013
    Merritt-Putnam Lecture "Seizure Detection & Prediction"American Epilepsy Society
  3. 2010
    Plenary Talk "Devices for Epilepsy"American Academy of Neurology
  4. 2008
    Inducted into the American Neurological AssociationAmerican Neurological Association
  5. 2004
    The Maggie Loeffel AwardCURE Foundation
  6. 2000
    Mayo Foundation ScholarUniversity of Pennsylvania
  7. 2000
    Excellence in Teaching Recognition AwardMayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  8. 1999
    Excellence in Teaching RecognitionMayo Medical School, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, Department of Education Administration
  9. 1996
    Graduation with Research Honors, Doctor of MedicineUniversity of Texas, Galveston
  10. 1996
    Medical Student Research AwardUniversity of Texas, Galveston
  11. 1993
    Basic Science Research AwardUniversity of Texas Medical Branch
  12. 1993
    Inventors AwardGeneral Dynamics
  13. 1993
    Award for Excellence in ResearchRoche Laboratories
  14. 1989
    Technical Achievement AwardGeneral Dynamics
  15. 1983
    Fellowship, Statistical Physics of Conducting PolymersNational Aeronautics & Space Administration

Professional memberships

  1. 2017 - present
    Fellow MemberAmerican Clinical Neurophysiology Society
  2. 2016 - present
    MemberResearch Compliance Subcommittee, Compliance and Enterprise Risk Management Committee, Mayo Clinic Committees
  3. 2015 - present
    MemberKL2 Mentored Career Development Program, Scientific Review Group, Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science
  4. 2015 - present
    MemberResearch Personnel Subcommittee, Mayo Clinic Research Committee, Mayo Clinic Committees
  5. 2015 - present
    ChairResearch Committee, Department of Neurology
  6. 2014 - present
    Scientific ReviewerEducation Resources Postdoctoral Programs, Mayo Clinic Center for Clinical and Translational Science
  7. 2014 - 2018
    Chair of the Merritt-Putnam Symposium CommitteeAmerican Epilepsy Society
  8. 2014 - 2018
    Member of the Annual Meeting CommitteeAmerican Epilepsy Society
  9. 2014 - 2017
    Clinical Research MemberAmerican Clinical Neurophysiology Society
  10. 2013
    MemberHigh-Impact Pilot and Feasibility Grant Review Panel Committee
  11. 2013 - 2015
    MemberResearch Recognition Awards Committee, American Epilepsy Society
  12. 2011
    Chair-ElectAmerican Epilepsy Society Research Initiative Award, American Epilepsy Society
  13. 2010
    Co-ChairSection of Epilepsy Treatments, American Academy of Neurology
  14. 2010
    Guest EditorNeuromodulation in Epilepsy
  15. 2010
    Guest EditorInternational Journal of Neural Systems
  16. 2010
    Vice ChairAmerican Epilepsy Society Research Initiative Award, American Epilepsy Society
  17. 2010
    Ex-OfficioResearch and Training Committee, American Epilepsy Society
  18. 2010 - present
    Contributing EditorEpilepsy Currents
  19. 2009
    Program Co-chairOrganizing Committee: 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS)
  20. 2009
    Program Co-chairEngineering Medicine and Biology Conference
  21. 2009
    Advisory Board Member4th NIH Seizure Prediction Workshop
  22. 2008 - 2010
    Committee MemberAmerican Epilepsy Society Research Initiative Award, American Epilepsy Society
  23. 2008
    Section Co-ChairThe Design of Medical Devices
  24. 2008 - present
    MemberNeurology Research Task Force, Department of Neurology
  25. 2008 - present
    MemberAmerican Neurological Association, American Medical Association
  26. 2008 - present
    MemberIEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  27. 2007
    Co-ChairSection of Epilepsy Treatments, American Academy of Neurology
  28. 2007
    Scientific Advisor3rd International NIH Workshop on Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy
  29. 2007 - present
    MemberNeurology Residency Recruitment Committee, Department of Neurology
  30. 2006
    Committee MemberPractice Committee, American Epilepsy Society
  31. 2006
    MemberScientific Research Committee, American Epilepsy Society
  32. 2006
    Advisory MemberInternational Symposium on Neural Networks
  33. 2006 - present
    Protocol ReviewerResearch Committee, Department of Neurology
  34. 2006 - present
    ConsultantDeep Brain Stimulation Committee, Department of Neurology
  35. 2005 - 2008
    Ad Hoc Expert ReviewerCitizen United for Research in Epilepsy
  36. 2005
    MemberOrganizing committee: Joint Meeting of 5th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism and International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging (BEM & NFSI)
  37. 2005
    OrganizerJoint Meeting of 5th International Conference on Bioelectromagnetism and Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging (BEM&NFSI)
  38. 2002
    Ad Hoc ReviewerInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  39. 2002 - present
    MemberSociety for Neuroscience
  40. 2002 - present
    Ad Hoc ReviewerInternational Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology
  41. 2001 - present
    MemberAmerican Epilepsy Society
  42. 2000 - present
    MemberAmerican Academy of Neurology
    ExaminerNeurology Resident Clinical Oral Exam, Department of Neurology


Research activities

See a description of research activities.