科室移植中心肾病和高血压专业团队肾移植项目胰腺移植项目地点Jacksonville, Florida语言English现有患者通过患者门户发送安全消息 约诊 904-914-8286 在线申请约诊 Video Player Dialog Box Close Video 我是 Martin Mai,妙佑医疗国际肾脏胰腺移植科医疗主任。我帮助严重肾脏疾病患者、晚期糖尿病患者接受移植手术治疗,这可以帮助他们提高生活质量。 我热爱这份工作的原因是,能够看到患者在接受移植 12 年后回到这里,看到他们的肾脏仍然工作良好,他们过得很好,过上了依靠透析无法实现的生活,这都让我自豪。原本患有严重糖尿病的患者进行了胰腺移植,现在可以享用生日蛋糕,而且知道自己的血糖仍然会在正常水平,能够正常参与日常活动。 这就是我每天都能经历的快乐。 请参见副本 Watch my video Get to know me and my work at Mayo Clinic Open Video Modal Conditions treatedAcute kidney inuryChronic kidney diseaseDiabetic nephropathyEnd-stage renal diseaseKidney failurePolycystic kidney disease Procedures performedImmunosuppressive drug therapyKidney transplantPancreas transplantPost-transplant long-term carePre-transplant evaluation InterestsKidney and pancreas transplantsImmunosuppressive drug and drug protocol developmentHepatorenal syndromeRenal effects of immunosuppressive drug therapyManaging renal disorders in liver transplant patients Mayo Clinic locations Jacksonville, Florida Driving Directions More info Billing & insurance Accessibility services Education1988Fellow - NephrologyBaylor University Medical Center1986Resident - MedicineBaylor University Medical Center1984Internship - MedicineBaylor University Medical Center1983MD - MedicineUniversity of Texas Health Science Center1979BS - Chemical EngineeringUniversity of Notre DameShow more education Activities and honorsCertifications1988NephrologyAmerican Board of Internal Medicine1986Internal MedicineAmerican Board of Internal MedicineAwards and honors2024Distinguished Clinician AwardMayo Clinic in Florida2017Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors2015Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors2013Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors2011Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors2009Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors, Inc.2007Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors, Inc.2005Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors, Inc.2003Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors, Inc.2001Selected for inclusion in 'The Best Doctors in America'Best Doctors, Inc.1997FellowAmerican College of Physicians1983Alpha Omega AlphaUniversity of Texas, Southwestern Medical School1979Tau Beta Pi - Engineering Honor SocietyUniversity of Notre DameShow more awards and honorsProfessional memberships2012 - 2013Committee MemberProject Sign2011 - 2015Committee MemberPhysician Liason ICD-10 Project2010 - 2011Committee MemberLEAN Project, Timely Accurate Billing2009 - 2011ChampionCDIP Physician Champion2007 - 2013DirectorPre Transplant Medical Director2007 - 2008MemberFinance Committee, Mayo Clinic Florida Committees2007 - presentChairSelection Committee, Kidney-Pancreas Transplant Program, Mayo Clinic Florida Committees2006 - 2014ChairRevenue Systems Committee, Mayo Clinic Florida Committees2006 - 2008MemberPharmacy and Therapeutics Committee - Florida, Clinical Practice Committee - Florida, Mayo Clinic Florida Committees2006 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Nephrology2006 - presentMemberNational Kidney Foundation2002 - 2005MemberAmerican Society of Transplant: Patient Care and Education Committee2001 - presentMemberAmerican Society of Transplantation2000 - 2001MemberAngioplasty Committee, Baylor University Medical Center2000 - 2001MemberTexas Transplant Society: Planning Committee for Annual Meeting1995 - 2002MemberIntensive Care Unit Committee, Baylor University Medical CenterShow more professional membershipsPublicationsSee my publicationsResearch activitiesSee a description of research activities. Conditions treatedProcedures performedInterestsMayo Clinic locationsEducationActivities and honors Request an appointment PST-20219873 医生与医务人员 Mai, Martin L. M.D.